# -*- mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level: 2; cperl-continued-statement-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Apache::Test qw{:withtestmore};
use Apache::TestUtil qw/t_catfile t_rmtree/;
use Apache::TestRequest qw{GET_BODY};
plan tests=>3;
#plan 'no_plan';
# this test exercises 3 things:
# 1) BDB provider used inside apache
# 2) using a different provider in a VHost
# 3) a bug that has subrequests prevented to work properly. The original
# problem was this. I had a SSL connection without SSLVerifyClient.
# Now I wanted for one url to require a client certificate and check
# that certificates DN. So I tried to issue a subrequest via lookup_uri
# to /require-client-cert. Then in MapToStorage of the subrequest
# I added an SSLVerifyClient directive to trigger an SSL renegotiation.
# After that I could check the DN:
# Cond: $r->connection->is_https and
# do {use Apache2::SubRequest;
# my $subr=$r->lookup_uri('/require-client-cert');
# $subr->status==Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK;
# } and
# $r->connection->ssl_var_lookup('SSL_CLIENT_S_DN') eq
# '...required_dn...'
# for the /require-client-cert URI this Config block was configured:
# Config: 'SSLVerifyClient optional',
# 'SSLVerifyDepth 3'
# and it didn't work because Translation.pm used 3 global variables: $cf,
# $r and $ctx, that were undef'ed each time the $scope object went out of
# scope. Since the subrequest went through all the request phases there were
# plenty of occasions to undef these 3 variables. Now they are stacked via
# "local".
my $config = Apache::Test::config();
my $hostport = Apache::TestRequest::hostport($config) || '';
t_debug("connecting to $hostport");
my $fprov=Apache2::Translation::File->new(configfile=>\*DATA);
my $bdbenv=t_catfile(Apache::Test::vars->{t_conf}, 'BDBENV');
t_debug "using BDBENV $bdbenv";
t_rmtree $bdbenv;
my $prov=Apache2::Translation::BDB->new(bdbenv=>$bdbenv);
sub n {my @c=caller; $c[1].'('.$c[2].'): '.$_[0];}
Apache::TestRequest::user_agent(reset => 1, requests_redirectable => 0);
## the real tests begin here ##
ok t_cmp GET_BODY( '/main/PI' ),
'[/subr/pi ] [/subr/pi /pi] [/main/PI ] [/main/PI /PI]',
n '/main';
ok t_cmp GET_BODY( '/main/PI?1' ),
'[/subr/subr ] [/subr/subr /subr] [/main/PI ] [/main/PI /PI]',
n '/main?1';
ok t_cmp GET_BODY( '/main/PI?2' ),
n '/main?2';
>>> 1 default /subr 0 0
PerlHandler: sub {
my $r=shift;
$r->content_type( 'text/plain' );
$r->print( "subr\n" );
return 0;
>>> 2 default :PRE: 0 0
$r->notes->add(fixupnote=>"[$URI $PATH_INFO]");
>>> 3 default /main 0 0
use Apache2::SubRequest;
my $method=$r->args?'lookup_file':'lookup_uri';
$r->filename('/'); # necessary for lookup_file.
# It dumps core if not set.
my $subr=$r->$method('/subr/pi');
$r->notes->add(subrtnote=>join( ':', $subr->notes->get('transnote') ));
$r->notes->add(subrfnote=>join( ':', $subr->notes->get('fixupnote') ));
>>> 4 default /main 0 1
PerlHandler: sub {
my $r=shift;
$r->content_type( 'text/plain' );
$r->print( join( ' ', map {
} qw/subrtnote subrfnote transnote fixupnote/ ) );
return 0;
>>> 5 default :PRE: 0 1
$r->notes->add(transnote=>"[$URI $PATH_INFO]");
>>> 6 default :LOOKUPFILE: 0 0
Cond: $r->main->args==1
>>> 7 default :LOOKUPFILE: 0 1
Restart: '/subr/subr'
>>> 9 default :LOOKUPFILE: 1 0
Do: $MATCHED_URI='/subr/subr'
>>> 10 default :LOOKUPFILE: 1 1
$r->notes->add(fixupnote=>"[LOOKUPFILE FIXUP]");
>>> 11 default :LOOKUPFILE: 1 2
$r->notes->add(transnote=>"[LOOKUPFILE M2S]");