#!/usr/bin/env perl
use lib 't/lib';
package My::Names {
use MooseX::Extended types => ':all';
use List::Util 'sum';
param _name => ( isa => NonEmptyStr, init_arg => 'name' );
param title => ( isa => Str, required => 0, predicate => 1 );
param extra => ( is => 'rw', isa => Str, required => 0 );
field created => ( isa => PositiveInt, default => sub {time} );
field updated => ( is => 'rw', isa => PositiveInt, writer => 1, builder => sub {time} );
sub name ($self) {
my $title = $self->title;
my $name = $self->_name;
return $title ? "$title $name" : $name;
sub add ( $self, $args ) {
state $check = compile( ArrayRef [ Num, 1 ] );
($args) = $check->($args);
return sum( $args->@* );
sub warnit ($self) {
carp("this is a warning");
subtest 'miscellaneous features' => sub {
skip "Classes cannot be immutable while running under the debugger", 1 if $^P;
ok +My::Names->meta->is_immutable,
'We should be able to define an immutable class';
is mro::get_mro('My::Names'), 'c3', "Our class's mro should be c3";
subtest 'no title' => sub {
my $person = My::Names->new( name => 'Ovid', );
is $person->name, 'Ovid', 'name should be correct';
ok !defined $person->title, '... and no title';
cmp_ok $person->created, '>', 0, '... and a sane default for created';
ok !$person->can('sum'), 'subroutines have been removed from the namespace';
is $person->add( [qw/1 3 5 6/] ), 15, 'Our add() method should work';
ok !$person->has_title, 'Our predicate shortcut should work';
ok !defined $person->extra, 'optional params start our as default';
is $person->extra, 'foo', 'We can declare is => "rw" for params';
my $updated = $person->updated;
$person->set_updated( $updated + 1 );
is $person->updated, $updated + 1, 'We should be able to update is => "rw" fields';
ok $person->can('_build_updated'), 'Coderef builder was installed as method';
subtest 'has title' => sub {
my $person = My::Names->new( name => 'Ovid', );
my $doctor = My::Names->new( name => 'Smith', title => 'Dr.' );
is $doctor->name, 'Dr. Smith', 'Titles should show up correctly';
cmp_ok $doctor->created, '>=', $person->created,
'... and their created date should be correct';
ok $doctor->has_title, 'Our predicate shortcut should work';
subtest 'exceptions' => sub {
my $person = My::Names->new( name => 'Ovid', );
throws_ok { $person->title('Mr.') }
'param() is read-only by default';
throws_ok { $person->created(11111) }
'field() is read-only by default';
throws_ok { $person->add( [] ) }
'passing an empty array reference should be fatal';
throws_ok { My::Names->new( name => 'Ovid', created => 1 ) }
'Attributes not defined as `param` are illegal in the constructor';