#!/usr/bin/env perl
use lib 't/lib';
name => 'method',
version => v5.24.0,
requires => { 'Function::Parameters' => '2.001003', 'Syntax::Keyword::Try' => '0.027' };
use MooseX::Extended types => 'is_PositiveOrZeroInt',
includes => {
method => [qw/method fun/],
try => undef,
method fac($n) { return _fac($n) }
fun _fac($n) {
is_PositiveOrZeroInt($n) or die "Don't do that!";
return 1 if $n < 2;
return $n * _fac $n - 1;
method reciprocal($n) {
try {
return 1 / $n;
catch ($error) {
croak "My error: $error";
subtest 'custom import lists' => sub {
my $thing = My::Import::List->new;
is $thing->fac(4), 24, 'Our "method" can call a "fun"ction';
throws_ok { $thing->fac(3.14) } qr/Don't do that!/,
'... and our type constraint works inside of the fun';
is $thing->reciprocal(.5), 2, 'We are in the try';
throws_ok { $thing->reciprocal(0) } qr/My error/,
'... and now we are in the catch';