#!/usr/bin/env perl
use lib 't/lib';
name => 'multimethods',
requires => { 'Syntax::Keyword::MultiSub' => '0.02' },
version => v5.26.0;
package My::Point {
use MooseX::Extended types => [qw/Num/];
param [ 'x', 'y' ] => ( isa => Num );
package My::Point::3D {
use MooseX::Extended types => [qw/Num/];
extends 'My::Point';
param 'z' => ( isa => Num );
package My::Multi {
use MooseX::Extended includes => [qw/multi/];
multi sub point ( $self, $x, $y ) {
return My::Point->new( x => $x, y => $y );
multi sub point ( $self, $x, $y, $z ) {
return My::Point::3D->new( x => $x, y => $y, z => $z );
package My::Multi::Role {
use MooseX::Extended::Role includes => [qw/multi/];
multi sub point ( $self, $x, $y ) {
return My::Point->new( x => $x, y => $y );
multi sub point ( $self, $x, $y, $z ) {
return My::Point::3D->new( x => $x, y => $y, z => $z );
my %cases = (
classes => 'My::Multi',
roles => 'My::Class::Consuming::The::Role',
while ( my ( $name, $class ) = each %cases ) {
subtest "Multi in $name" => sub {
ok my $multi = $class->new, "We should be allowed to load $name with multimethods";
subtest '2d point' => sub {
ok my $point = $multi->point( 3, 4 ), 'We can fetch a 2d point';
ok $point->isa('My::Point'), '... and it should be the correct class';
ok !$point->isa('My::Point::3D'), '... and definitely not the wrong class';
is $point->x, 3, '... with the correct x';
is $point->y, 4, '... and the correct y';
ok !$point->can('z'), '... and it does not have a z attribute';
subtest '3d point' => sub {
ok my $point = $multi->point( 5, 6, 7 ), 'We can fetch a 3d point';
ok $point->isa('My::Point'), '... and it should be the correct class';
ok $point->isa('My::Point::3D'), '... and t should be the corect class';
is $point->x, 5, '... with the correct x';
is $point->y, 6, '... and the correct y';
is $point->z, 7, '... and the correct z';
explain 'We would need to defind `multi sub point( $self, $x );` for this to work';
throws_ok { $multi->point(1); }
qr/Unable to find a function body for a call to .*? having 2 arguments/,
'Multimethods whose arguments do not match will fail';