#!/usr/bin/env perl
use lib 't/lib';
use Test::Most 'bail';
my $test = Test::Search::Typesense->new;
my $collection = $test->company_collection_name;
my $typesense = $test->typesense;
# collection management
lives_ok { $typesense->collections->delete_all }
'We should be able to purge all typesense collections';
my $collections = $typesense->collections->get;
eq_or_diff $collections, [],
'... and collections->get() should tell us we have no collections';
$typesense->collections->create( $test->company_collection_definition );
$collections = $typesense->collections->get;
is @$collections, 1, 'We should have a collection after creating it';
is $collections->[0]{name}, $collection,
'... and it should be the collection we have created';
# Documents
my $document = {
'id' => '124',
'company_name' => 'Stark Industries',
'num_employees' => 5215,
'country' => 'USA'
my $response = $typesense->documents->create( $collection, $document, );
eq_or_diff $response, $document,
'We should be able to call documents->create($collection, \%document)';
$document = {
'id' => '125',
'company_name' => 'All Around the World',
'num_employees' => 20,
'country' => 'France'
$response = $typesense->documents->upsert( $collection, $document, );
eq_or_diff $response, $document,
'We should be able to call documents->upsert($collection, \%document) with a non-existent document';
$document = {
'id' => '125',
'company_name' => 'All Around the World',
'num_employees' => 10,
'country' => 'France'
$response = $typesense->documents->upsert( $collection, $document );
eq_or_diff $response, $document,
'We should be able to call documents->upsert($collection, \%document) and update an existing document';
$response = $typesense->documents->update(
$collection, 125,
{ num_employees => 15 }
eq_or_diff $response, { id => 125, num_employees => 15 },
'We should be able to documents->upsert()';
$response = $typesense->documents->delete( $collection, 125 );
my $deleted = {
'company_name' => 'All Around the World',
'country' => 'France',
'id' => '125',
'num_employees' => 15
eq_or_diff $response, $deleted,
'We should be able to call documents->delete($collection, $id) and delete a document';
$response = $typesense->collections->search(
q => 'stark',
query_by => 'company_name',
filter_by => 'num_employees:>100',
sort_by => 'num_employees:desc',
is $response->{found}, 1,
'We should have one response found from our collections->search()';
is $response->{out_of}, 1, '... out of the total number of records';
eq_or_diff $response->{hits}[0]{document},
company_name => 'Stark Industries',
'country' => 'USA',
'id' => '124',
'num_employees' => 5215
'... and should match the document we were expecting';
my $documents = [
"id" => "124",
"company_name" => "Stark Industries",
"num_employees" => 5215,
"country" => "US"
"id" => "125",
"company_name" => "Future Technology",
"num_employees" => 1232,
"country" => "UK"
"id" => "126",
"company_name" => "Random Corp.",
"num_employees" => 531,
"country" => "AU"
lives_ok {
= $typesense->documents->import( $collection, 'upsert', $documents );
'We should be able to import documents';
$response = $typesense->documents->export($collection);
eq_or_diff $response, $documents,
'... and we should be able to documents->export($collection)';
$response = $typesense->documents->export('compani');
ok !defined $response,
'... but trying to export documents from a non-existing collection should fail';