use strict;
use utf8;
our $VERSION = '0.1'; # VERSION
# ABSTRACT: XGBoost class for data
use Moose;
use AI::XGBoost::CAPI qw(:all);
use Carp;
has handle => ( is => 'ro', );
sub From {
my ( $package, %args ) = @_;
return __PACKAGE__->FromFile( filename => $args{file}, silent => $args{silent} ) if ( defined $args{file} );
return __PACKAGE__->FromMat( map { $_ => $args{$_} if defined $_ } qw(matrix missing label) )
if ( defined $args{matrix} );
Carp::cluck( "I don't know how to build a " . __PACKAGE__ . " with this data: " . join( ", ", %args ) );
sub FromFile {
my ( $package, %args ) = @_;
my $handle = XGDMatrixCreateFromFile( @args{qw(filename silent)} );
return __PACKAGE__->new( handle => $handle );
sub FromMat {
my ( $package, %args ) = @_;
my $handle = XGDMatrixCreateFromMat( @args{qw(matrix missing)} );
my $matrix = __PACKAGE__->new( handle => $handle );
if ( defined $args{label} ) {
$matrix->set_label( $args{label} );
return $matrix;
sub set_float_info {
my $self = shift();
my ( $field, $info ) = @_;
XGDMatrixSetFloatInfo( $self->handle, $field, $info );
return $self;
sub set_float_info_pdl {
my $self = shift();
my ( $field, $info ) = @_;
XGDMatrixSetFloatInfo( $self->handle, $field, $info->flat()->unpdl() );
return $self;
sub get_float_info {
my $self = shift();
my $field = shift();
XGDMatrixGetFloatInfo( $self->handle, $field );
sub set_uint_info {
my $self = shift();
my ( $field, $info ) = @_;
XGDMatrixSetUintInfo( $self->handle, $field, $info );
return $self;
sub get_uint_info {
my $self = shift();
my $field = shift();
XGDMatrixGetUintInfo( $self->handle, $field );
sub save_binary {
my $self = shift();
my ( $filename, $silent ) = @_;
$silent //= 1;
XGDMatrixSaveBinary( $self->handle, $filename, $silent );
return $self;
sub set_label {
my $self = shift();
my $label = shift();
$self->set_float_info( 'label', $label );
sub set_label_pdl {
my $self = shift();
my $label = shift();
$self->set_float_info_pdl( 'label', $label->flat()->unpdl() );
sub get_label {
my $self = shift();
sub set_weight {
my $self = shift();
my $weight = shift();
$self->set_float_info( 'weight', $weight );
return $self;
sub set_weight_pdl {
my $self = shift();
my $weight = shift();
$self->set_float_info( 'weight', $weight->flat()->unpdl() );
return $self;
sub get_weight {
my $self = shift();
sub set_base_margin {
my $self = shift();
my $margin = shift();
$self->set_float_info( 'base_margin', $margin );
return $self;
sub get_base_margin {
my $self = shift();
sub set_group {
my $self = shift();
my $group = shift();
XGDMatrixSetGroup( $self->handle, $group );
return $self;
sub num_row {
my $self = shift();
XGDMatrixNumRow( $self->handle );
sub num_col {
my $self = shift();
XGDMatrixNumCol( $self->handle );
sub dims {
my $self = shift();
return ( $self->num_row(), $self->num_col() );
sub slice {
my $self = shift;
my ($list_of_indices) = @_;
my $handle = XGDMatrixSliceDMatrix( $self->handle(), $list_of_indices );
return __PACKAGE__->new( handle => $handle );
my $self = shift();
XGDMatrixFree( $self->handle );
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
AI::XGBoost::DMatrix - XGBoost class for data
=head1 VERSION
version 0.1
use aliased 'AI::XGBoost::DMatrix';
my $train_data = DMatrix->FromFile(filename => 'agaricus.txt.train');
XGBoost DMatrix perl model
Work In Progress, the API may change. Comments and suggestions are welcome!
=head1 METHODS
=head2 From
Construct a DMatrix from diferent sources. Based on parameters
dispatch to the correct From* method
Refer to From* to see what can be done.
=head2 FromFile
Construct a DMatrix from a file
=head3 Parameters
=over 4
=item filename
File to read
=item silent
Supress messages
=head2 FromMat
Construct a DMatrix from a bidimensional array
=head3 Parameters
=over 4
=item matrix
Bidimensional array
=item label
Array with the labels of the rows of matrix. Optional
=item missing
Value to identify missing values. Optional, default `NaN`
=head2 set_float_info
Set float type property
=head3 Parameters
=over 4
=item field
Field name of the information
=item info
array with the information
=head2 set_float_info_pdl
Set float type property
=head3 Parameters
=over 4
=item field
Field name of the information
=item info
Piddle with the information
=head2 get_float_info
Get float type property
=head3 Parameters
=over 4
=item field
Field name of the information
=head2 set_uint_info
Set uint type property
=head3 Parameters
=over 4
=item field
Field name of the information
=item info
array with the information
=head2 get_uint_info
Get uint type property
=head3 Parameters
=over 4
=item field
Field name of the information
=head2 save_binary
Save DMatrix object as a binary file.
This file should be used with L<FromFile>
=head3 Parameters
=over 4
=item filename
Filename and path
=item silent
Don't show information messages, optional, default 1
=head2 set_label
Set label of DMatrix. This label is the "classes" in classification problems
=head3 Parameters
=over 4
=item data
Array with the labels
=head2 set_label_pdl
Set label of DMatrix. This label is the "classes" in classification problems
=head3 Parameters
=over 4
=item data
Piddle with the labels
=head2 get_label
Get label of DMatrix. This label is the "classes" in classification problems
=head2 set_weight
Set weight of each instance
=head3 Parameters
=over 4
=item weight
Array with the weights
=head2 set_weight_pdl
Set weight of each instance
=head3 Parameters
=over 4
=item weight
pdl with the weights
=head2 get_weight
Get the weight of each instance
=head2 set_base_margin
Set base margin of booster to start from
=head3 Parameters
=over 4
=item margin
Array with the margins
=head2 get_base_margin
Get the base margin
=head2 set_group
Set group size
=head3 Parameters
=over 4
=item group
Array with the size of each group
=head2 num_row
Number of rows
=head2 num_col
Number of columns
=head2 dims
Dimensions of the matrix. That is: rows, columns
=head2 slice
Slice the DMatrix and return a new DMatrix tha only contains
the list of indices
=head3 Parameters
=over 4
=item list_of_indices
Reference to an array of indices
Free the DMatrix
This method gets called automatically
=head1 AUTHOR
Pablo Rodríguez González <>
Copyright (c) 2017 by Pablo Rodríguez González.