@ISA = qw(File::FDkeeper) ;
use strict ;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex) ;
use Carp ;
sub new {
my $class = shift ;
my $path = shift ;
my %args = @_ ;
my $this = {} ;
$this->{path} = $path ;
$this->{timeout} = delete $args{AccessTimeout} || undef ;
$this->{timeout_check} = delete $args{AccessTimeoutCheck} || undef ;
bless($this, $class) ;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %args){
croak("Invalid attribute '$k'") ;
if (-e $path){
croak("Can't unlink '$path': $!") unless unlink($path) ;
my $server = endp_create($path) ;
croak("Error creating server endpoint '$path': $!") unless $server ;
$this->{server} = $server ;
$this->{next_fhid} = 1 ;
$this->{locker} = {} ;
return $this ;
my $this = shift ;
close($this->{server}) unless ! defined($this->{server}) ;
sub run {
my $this = shift ;
my $llfh = shift ;
my $select = new IO::Select($this->{server}) ;
# Add the lifeline filehandle
$select->add($llfh) if $llfh ;
while (1){
my @ready = $select->can_read($this->{timeout_check}) ;
foreach my $fh (@ready){
if (($llfh)&&($fh eq $llfh)){
# The lifeline is broken, so we die also.
CORE::exit(0) ;
elsif ($fh eq $this->{server}){
my $client = serv_accept_fh($fh) ;
next if ! defined($client) ;
$client->autoflush(1) ;
$select->add($client) ;
else {
my @resp = () ;
eval {
my $cmd = $this->_read_command($fh) ;
if (! defined($cmd)){
$select->remove($fh) ;
no warnings ;
next ;
if ($cmd eq 'put'){
my $recvd_fh = recv_fh($fh) or die("Error receiving filehandle: $!") ;
my $fhid = $this->put($recvd_fh) ;
@resp = (1, $fhid, undef) ;
elsif ($cmd eq 'get'){
my $fhid = <$fh> ;
chomp($fhid) ;
my $sent_fh = $this->get($fhid) ;
@resp = ($sent_fh ?
(1, '', $sent_fh) :
(0, "Unknown filehandle '$fhid'", undef)) ;
elsif($cmd eq 'del'){
my $fhid = <$fh> ;
chomp($fhid) ;
@resp = ($this->del($fhid) ?
(1, '', undef) :
(0, "Unknown filehandle '$fhid'", undef)) ;
elsif($cmd eq 'cnt'){
@resp = (1, $this->cnt(), undef) ;
else {
@resp = (0, "Invalid command '$cmd'", undef) ;
my ($resp_code, $resp_data, $resp_fh) = @resp ;
if (! $resp_code){
$resp_code = 'err' ;
$resp_data =~ s/\r?\n/'\n'/g ;
$resp_data .= "\n" ;
else {
if ($resp_fh){
$resp_code = 'okh' ;
$resp_data = '' ;
elsif (defined($resp_data)){
$resp_code = 'okl' ;
$resp_data .= "\n" ;
else {
$resp_code = 'okn' ;
print $fh "$resp_code$resp_data" or die("Error writing response: $!") ;
if ($resp_fh){
send_file($fh, $resp_fh) or die("Error sending filehandle: $!") ;
} ;
if ($@){
carp($@) ;
$select->remove($fh) ;
close($fh) ;
# Delete expired filehandles
if ((defined($this->{timeout}))&&($this->{timeout} > 0)){
my $now = time() ;
foreach my $id (keys %{$this->{locker}}){
my $atime = $this->{locker}->{$id}->{atime} ;
if (($now - $atime) > $this->{timeout}){
$this->del($id) ;
sub get_fh_id {
my $this = shift ;
my $fh = shift ;
my $fhid = undef ;
do { $fhid = md5_hex(time() . "$fh" . $this->{next_fhid}) }
while (exists $this->{locker}->{$fhid}) ;
return $fhid ;
sub put {
my $this = shift ;
my $fh = shift ;
my $fhid = $this->get_fh_id($fh) ;
$this->{locker}->{$fhid} = {
fh => $fh,
atime => time(),
} ;
return $fhid ;
sub get {
my $this = shift ;
my $fhid = shift ;
my $entry = $this->{locker}->{$fhid} ;
return undef unless $entry ;
$entry->{atime} = time() ;
return $entry->{fh} ;
sub del {
my $this = shift ;
my $fhid = shift ;
my $entry = delete $this->{locker}->{$fhid} ;
return 0 unless $entry ;
# shutdown also closes the same handle in other processes.
shutdown($entry->{fh}, 2) ;
return 1 ;
sub cnt {
my $this = shift ;
return scalar(keys %{$this->{locker}}) ;
1 ;