# ABSTRACT: Sync a cpanfile with the prereqs listed in dist.ini
#use v5.10;
use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.04'; # VERSION
use version;
use Moose;
with qw(
has cpan_audit => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Bool',
default => 0,
has filename => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
default => 'cpanfile',
has comment => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]',
default => sub {
( sprintf 'This file is generated by %s v%s', __PACKAGE__, __PACKAGE__->VERSION // '<internal>' ),
'Do not edit this file directly. To change prereqs, edit the `dist.ini` file.',
sub mvp_multivalue_args { qw( comment ) }
sub after_build {
my ($self) = @_;
my $content = $self->_get_cpanfile();
# need to write it to disk if we're in a
# phase that is not filemunge
path( $self->filename )->spew_raw( $content );
sub _get_cpanfile {
my ($self) = @_;
my $audit = CPAN::Audit->new;
my $zilla = $self->zilla;
my $prereqs = $zilla->prereqs;
my @types = qw(requires recommends suggests conflicts);
my @phases = qw(runtime build test configure develop);
my $str = join "\n", ( map { "# $_" } @{ $self->comment } ), '', '';
for my $phase (@phases) {
my $prefix = $phase eq 'runtime' ? '' : (sprintf "\non '%s' => sub {\n", $phase );
my $postfix = $phase eq 'runtime' ? '' : "};\n";
my $indent = $phase eq 'runtime' ? '' : ' ';
for my $type (@types) {
my $req = $prereqs->requirements_for($phase, $type);
next unless $req->required_modules;
$str .= $prefix;
for my $module ( sort $req->required_modules ) {
my $version = $req->requirements_for_module( $module ) || 0;
my ($min_version, $advisories);
if ( $self->cpan_audit ) {
($min_version, $advisories) = _audit( $audit, $module, $version );
if ( $advisories && $version =~ m{(>|<|>=|<=|!=|==)} ) {
# this seems to be a version range, so check if the latest fixed version would be accepted
if ( defined $min_version && !$req->accepts_module( $module, $min_version ) ) {
$self->log( "Range '$version' for $module does not include latest fixed version ($min_version)!" );
elsif ( defined $min_version ) {
$self->log( "Current version range includes vulnerable versions. Consider updating the minimum to $min_version" ) #if $affected_version_allowed;
elsif ( $advisories ) {
# this branch is used when no version range is given but a version number
my $vuln_version_requested = $min_version && (
version->new( $version ) < version->new( $min_version )
if ( $version == 0 && $vuln_version_requested ) {
$version = $min_version;
elsif ( $vuln_version_requested ) {
$self->log( "Prereq $module $version is vulnerable" );
$str .= sprintf qq~%s%s "%s" => "%s";\n~,
$str .= $postfix;
return $str;
sub _audit {
my ($audit, $module, $version) = @_;
my $result = $audit->command( 'module', $module, $version );
my ($module_data) = values %{ $result->{dists} || {} };
my @advisories = @{ $module_data->{advisories} || [] };
my @versions;
for my $advisory ( @advisories ) {
my ($fixed_version) = ( $advisory->{fixed_versions} // '' ) =~ m{(v?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){0,2})};
next if !$fixed_version;
my $version_object = version->new( $fixed_version );
push @versions, $version_object;
my ($min_version) = sort { $b <=> $a } @versions;
return ( $min_version, scalar @advisories );
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::SyncCPANfile - Sync a cpanfile with the prereqs listed in dist.ini
=head1 VERSION
version 0.04
# in dist.ini
# configure it yourself
filename = my-cpanfile
comment = This is my cpanfile
Unlike L<Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CPANFile> this plugin does not
add a I<cpanfile> to the distribution but to the "disk".
=head1 CONFIG
=head2 filename
With this config you can change the filename for the file. It defaults
to I<cpanfile>.
filename = my-cpanfile
=head2 comment
The default comment says, that the I<cpanfile> was generated by this plugin.
You can define your own comment.
comment = This is my cpanfile
comment = line 2
=head2 cpan_audit
When I<cpan_audit> is enabled, the required module version is not defined (or 0),
and the module has vulnerabilities, the "fixed version" storied in L<CPAN::Audit>
is used as a minimum version.
cpan_audit = 1
ExtUtils::MakeMaker = 0
L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker> has a vulnerability in versions E<lt>= 7.21. As the minimum
version in the I<dist.ini> is 0 and I<cpan_audit> is enabled, the I<cpanfile>
will use 7.22 as the minimum version (as of June 2023).
As this depends on the I<CPAN::Audit> database, you should update I<CPAN::Audit>
For dependencies where a minimum version is defined and the defined version is
vulnerable a warning is shown.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CPANFile>, L<Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GitHubREADME::Badge>
=for Pod::Coverage after_build mvp_multivalue_args
=head1 AUTHOR
Renee Baecker <reneeb@cpan.org>
This software is Copyright (c) 2021 by Renee Baecker.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)