$OPM::Maker::Command::build::VERSION = '1.13';
use strict;
# ABSTRACT: Build OPM packages
use Carp qw(croak);
use MIME::Base64 ();
use Path::Class ();
use OPM::Maker -command;
use OPM::Maker::Utils qw(reformat_size check_args_sopm);
sub abstract {
return "build package files for Znuny, OTOBO or ((OTRS)) Community Edition";
sub usage_desc {
return "opmbuild build [--version <version>] [--output <output_path>] <path_to_sopm>";
sub opt_spec {
return (
[ "output=s", "Output path for OPM file" ],
[ "version=s", "Version to be used (override the one from the sopm file)" ],
sub validate_args {
my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;
my $sopm = check_args_sopm( $args );
$self->usage_error( 'need path to .sopm' ) if
sub execute {
my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;
my $file = check_args_sopm( $args );
my $hostname = hostname;
my @time = localtime;
my $timestamp = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
$time[5]+1900, $time[4]+1, $time[3],
$time[2], $time[1], $time[0];
my %opts;
if ( !$ENV{OPM_UNSECURE} ) {
%opts = (
no_network => 1,
expand_entities => 0,
my $size = -s $file;
# if file is big, but not "too big"
my $max_size = 31_457_280;
if ( $ENV{OPM_MAX_SIZE} ) {
$max_size = reformat_size( $ENV{OPM_MAX_SIZE} );
if ( $size > $max_size ) {
croak "$file too big (max size: $max_size bytes)";
if ( $size > 10_000_000 ) {
$opts{huge} = 1;
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new( %opts );
my $tree = $parser->parse_file( $file );
my $sopm_path = Path::Class::File->new( $file );
my $path = $sopm_path->dir;
my $root_elem = $tree->getDocumentElement;
# retrieve file information
my @files = $root_elem->findnodes( 'Filelist/File' );
for my $file ( @files ) {
my $name = $file->findvalue( '@Location' );
my $file_path = Path::Class::File->new( $path, $name );
my $file_content = $file_path->slurp;
my $base64 = MIME::Base64::encode( $file_content );
$file->setAttribute( 'Encode', 'Base64' );
$file->appendText( $base64 );
my $build_date = XML::LibXML::Element->new( 'BuildDate' );
$build_date->appendText( $timestamp );
my $build_host = XML::LibXML::Element->new( 'BuildHost' );
$build_host->appendText( $hostname );
$root_elem->addChild( $build_date );
$root_elem->addChild( $build_host );
my $version = $root_elem->find( 'Version' )->[0];
if ( $opt->{version} ) {
$version->appendText( $opt->{version} );
my $package_name = $root_elem->findvalue( 'Name' );
my $file_name = sprintf "%s-%s.opm", $package_name, $version->textContent;
my $output_path = $opt->{output};
$output_path = $path if !$output_path;
my $opm_path = Path::Class::File->new( $output_path, $file_name );
my $fh = $opm_path->openw;
$fh->print( $tree->toString );
return $opm_path->stringify;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
OPM::Maker::Command::build - Build OPM packages
=head1 VERSION
version 1.13
=head1 AUTHOR
Renee Baecker <reneeb@cpan.org>
This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Renee Baecker.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)