use strict;
=head1 NAME
Articulate::Role::Flow - methods
This is a helper class for flow roles. All consumers of this role must have a C<process_method> method which can be called as follows:
$self->process_method( $methodname, $item, $request );
This role provides a method C<_delegate> which can be used to delegate to other providers. It is called as:
$self->_delegate( $method, $providers, $args )
where C<$providers> and C<$args> are arrayrefs.
=head1 METHODS
=head3 enrich
$self->process_method( enrich => $item );
sub enrich {
my $self = shift;
$self->process_method( enrich => @_ );
=head3 augment
$self->process_method( augment => $item );
sub augment {
my $self = shift;
$self->process_method( augment => @_);
sub _delegate {
my ( $self, $method, $providers, $args ) = @_;
foreach my $provider ( @$providers ) {
my $result = $provider->$method(@$args);
return $result unless defined $result;
return $args->[0];