use strict;
my $rule = Articulate::Authorisation::OwnerOverride->new;
subtest "For some given user who is not owner..." => sub{
my $nobody_result = $rule->permitted(permission 'nobody', read => 'data' );
isa_ok ($nobody_result, 'Articulate::Permission');
ok (!$nobody_result, 'Result should be false');
ok (!$nobody_result->denied, 'Permission should not have been explicitly denied'); # necessary because false also includes "not yet permitted or denied"
subtest "For the owner..." => sub{
my $owner_result = $rule->permitted(permission 'owner', read => 'data' );
isa_ok ($owner_result, 'Articulate::Permission');
ok ($owner_result, 'Result should be true');
ok ($owner_result->granted, 'Result should be that permission was granted'); # this is probably overkill
done_testing ();