use strict;
=head1 NAME
Articulate::Construction::LocationBased - Create an item based on its location
=head3 types
This should be a hashref mapping types to class names to be used in constructors, where a type in this case is the penultimate endpoint of locations with an even number of parts
article: Articulate::Item::Article
...would result in C</article/foo> or C<zone/public/article/foo> becoming C<Articulate::Item::Article>s but not C<article>, C<zone/article>, or C<zone/public/article>.
=head1 METHODS
=head3 construct
$self->construct( {
location => 'zone/public/article/hello-world',
meta => { ... }
content => " ... "
} );
Attempts to construct the item. Determines the desired class based on the mapping in the C<types> attribute, then calls C<< $class->new($args) >> on the class. Returns C<undef> if no appropriate class found.
In the above example, C<< $self->types->{article} >> would be consulted.
If the location is root or not a multiple of 2 (e.g. C<zone/public> is even and a C<zone> but C<zone/public/article> is odd), returns C<undef>.
use Moo;
use Module::Load ();
has types => (
is => 'rw',
default => sub { {} },
sub construct {
my $self = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $location = loc( $args->{location} );
if ( scalar(@$location) and 0 == ( scalar(@$location) % 2 ) ) {
if ( exists $self->types->{ $location->[-2] } ) {
my $class = $self->types->{ $location->[-2] };
return $class->new($args);
return undef;