use strict;
use Moo;
use Articulate::Syntax qw(instantiate_array);
default_exports qw(sortation);
=head1 NAME
Articulate::Sortation - Sort content items
use Articulate::Sortation;
$request = sortation->sort( [ $item1, $item2 ], {} );
This accepts an array of items. pass the item and the request to a series of Sortation objects.
Sortations should not mutate the items, however there is no technical barrier to them doing so.
This can be set up to perform default sorts, however it's fully anticipated that you will need to configure sorts on a per-item basis (e.g. the user may request items with a different sort order).
=head3 sortation
This is a functional constructor: it returns an Articulate::Sortation object.
sub sortation {
return __PACKAGE__->new(@_) if @_;
=head3 sortations
An array of the Sortation classes which will be used.
has sortations => (
is => 'rw',
default => sub { [] },
coerce => sub { instantiate_array(@_) }
=head1 METHODS
=head3 sort
Passes the item and request objects to a series of Sortation objects, and returns the item after each has done their bit.
sub sort {
my $self = shift;
my $items = shift;
foreach my $sortation ( @{ $self->sortations } ) {
$items = $sortation->sort($items);
return $items;