use strict;
use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure('pass_through');
=head1 NAME
Term::Shell::Pluggable - Pluggable command-line framework
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.03
our $VERSION = '0.03';
There is Term::Shell module in the first place. This is hybrid of that
one with Module::Pluggable. So you could add command line hooks to your
big and scary multi-module perl application.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
package Example;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromArray);
sub smry_bubble { 'bubblesort numbers' }
sub run_bubble {
my $class = shift;
'verbose' => \my $verbose,
) and @_ or die "wrong options or numbers are missing\n" . $class->help_bubble;
my @numbers = @_;
sub help_bubble { <<HELP
usage: bubble [-v] <number1> <number2> ...
package main;
use Term::Shell::Pluggable;
Term::Shell::Pluggable->run(packages => [
'Some::Other::Example' # another package i.e. defined in separate .pm file
=head1 SEE ALSO
Copyright 2013 Dmitri Popov.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
sub run {
my $class = shift;
my $args = {@_};
'namespace=s' => \my @namespaces,
'file=s' => \my @files,
'package=s' => \my @packages,
'help' => \my $help_wanted,
'compgen' => \my $compgen_wanted,
if ($help_wanted) {
print $class->help_message;
exit 73;
my $arg_namespaces = $args->{namespaces} || [];
basename($0) =~ /^(.*)\./;
my $name = $1 || basename($0);
my $prompt = $name . '@' . hostname() . '> ';
my $arg_prompt = $args->{prompt} || sub { $prompt };
my $ctx = Term::Shell::Pluggable::Context->new(
namespaces => [@namespaces, @$arg_namespaces],
prompt => $arg_prompt
my $a_packages = $args->{packages};
foreach my $name (@packages, @$a_packages) {
my $a_files = $args->{files};
foreach my $path (@files, @$a_files) {
if ($compgen_wanted) {
exit 0;
if (scalar @ARGV > 0) {
# preserving quotes for complex commands
my $cmd = '';
for my $arg (@ARGV) {
$cmd .= ' ' if $cmd;
if ($arg =~ /\s/) {
$cmd .= "'$arg'";
else {
$cmd .= $arg;
exit 13 if $ctx->{last_cmd_error};
else {
sub help_message { <<EOF;
usage: $0 [--file=/home/joe/] [--namespace=Some::Namespace] [--package=Some::Shell] [command] [options...]
try $0 help for list of commands
use Module::Pluggable search_path => [], require => 1, inner => 0;
sub compgen {
my $self = shift;
my ($word, $line, $point) = @_;
if ($line =~ /^(\w+\s+)/) { # remove program name
my $l = length $1;
$line = substr $line, $l;
$point -= $l;
my $start = $point;
if ($word) { # set to start of the current word
$start = $start - length $word;
else {
$word = '';
my $reply = join "\n", $self->rl_complete($word, $line, $start);
print $reply . "\n";
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $args = {@_};
if (my $namespaces = $args->{namespaces}) {
foreach my $search_path (@$namespaces) {
$class->search_path(add => $search_path);
my $self = $class->SUPER::new();
$self->{prompt} = $args->{prompt};
return $self;
sub prompt_str {
sub preloop {
my $self = shift;
my $modules = join ', ', @{$self->{modules}};
if ($modules) {
#print "CLT [$modules]\n";
else {
die "no modules\n";
my (undef, undef, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath($0);
$f =~ s/\.pl$//; # remove .pl
$f =~ s/\W/_/g; # cleanup
$self->{history_path} = File::Spec->catfile($ENV{HOME}, '.' . $f . '_history') if $f;
if ($self->{term}->Features->{setHistory} and $self->{history_path} and -r $self->{history_path}) {
open my $fh, '<', $self->{history_path} or die "can't read $self->{history_path}: $!";
my @history = <$fh>;
chomp @history;
close $fh;
sub postloop {
my $self = shift;
print "\n";
if ($self->{term}->Features->{getHistory} and $self->{history_path}) {
open my $fh, '>', $self->{history_path} or die "can't write $self->{history_path}: $!";
my $prev_line;
foreach my $line ($self->{term}->GetHistory()) {
next unless length $line; # skip empty lines
next if $prev_line and $line eq $prev_line; # skip repeated commands
print $fh "$line\n";
$prev_line = $line;
close $fh;
sub run { # overrides Term::Shell::run() to recover on commands errors
my $self = shift;
eval {
my $error = $@;
if ($error) {
print STDERR "command failed: $error";
$self->{last_cmd_error} = $error;
else {
$self->{last_cmd_error} = undef;
our @ISA;
sub init { # loading pluggable modules
my $self = shift;
$self->{modules} = [];
$self->{r} = {};
for my $module ($self->plugins) {
sub load_package {
my $self = shift;
my ($package_name) = @_;
no strict 'refs';
unless (grep {$_ !~ /::$/} %{$package_name . '::'}) { # skip requiring packages that may be loaded from start .pl script or loaded .pm files
no warnings;
eval "require $package_name" or die "can't load $package_name: $@";
sub load_file {
my $self = shift;
my ($path) = @_;
die "file not found: $path" unless -f $path;
open my $fh, $path or die "can't read $path: $!";
my $in_pod = 0;
my $result = do $path;
if (my $errror = $@) {
elsif (not defined $result) {
warn "can't do $path: $!";
elsif (not $result) {
warn "$path returns false";
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
$in_pod = 1 if $line =~ m/^=\w/;
$in_pod = 0 if $line =~ /^=cut/;
next if ($in_pod || $line =~ /^=cut/); # skip pod text
next if $line =~ /^\s*#/; # and comments
if ($line =~ m/^\s*package\s+(.*::)?(.*)\s*;/i) {
my @up = split /::/, $1 if defined $1;
$self->attach_package(join "::", @up, $2);
close $fh;
sub attach_package {
my $self = shift;
my ($package_name, $sub_package_name) = @_;
die 'missing package name' unless $package_name;
my @t = split '::', $package_name;
my $modules = $self->{modules};
push @$modules, pop @t unless $sub_package_name;
no strict 'refs';
foreach my $sub_name (keys %{$package_name . '::'}) {
next unless $sub_name =~ /^(run|help|smry|comp|catch|alias)_/o;
$self->{r}->{$sub_name} = $sub_package_name || $package_name;
no strict 'refs';
foreach my $super_package_name (@{$package_name . '::ISA'}) {
$self->attach_package($super_package_name, $sub_package_name || $package_name);
my $self = shift;
my @t = split /::/, $AUTOLOAD;
my $sub_name = pop @t;
my $class = join '::', @t;
return unless ref $self eq $class;
if (my $package_name = $self->{r}->{$sub_name}) {
else {
return undef;