#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# 44KDCFi - benchmrk.pl created by Pip Stuart <Pip@CPAN.Org> to compare
# Games::Cards::Poker BestHoldEmIndices() + ScoreHand() speed versus
# Best() + Scor().
# Notz:
# On my P3-800MHz 768MB:
# took 82seconds to just loop through all 2,598,560 possible hands
# with no additional computation
# took 20minutes to test all result validity
# took 60seconds to run through first 4096 possible hole+boards w/ UseSlow
# took 34seconds to run through first 4096 possible hole+boards
# On my P4-2.7GHz 1GB:
# took 41seconds to just loop through all 2,598,560 possible hands
# took 10minutes to test all result validity
# Stats:
# 133,784,560 7-card combos you can have between hole && board
# choo(52, 7)
# 2,598,960 5-card combos you can have in a final hand
# choo(52, 5)
# 7,462 unique scores out of all possible final hands
# 2,118,760 5-card boards you can have after you have two hole cards
# choo(50, 5)
# 19,600 2-card holes you can be dealt
# choo(52, 2)
# Useful stuff to calc:
# # of ways to get each possible hole
# For each possible hole:
# Hands You Win && %
# Hands You Lose && %
# Hands You Tie && %
# Hands You Don't Lose && % (Win + Tie)
use strict;
my $limt = 4096; # limit of how many total hole+boards to test for each
my @deck = Deck();
my $choo = Algorithm::ChooseSubsets->new(\@deck, 7);
my $ptb4; my $ptaf; my $sdif; my $fdif; my $hbrd; my $coun; my @hand;
$ptb4 = Time::PT->new();
printf("SlowPTb4:$ptb4 expand:%s\n", $ptb4->expand());
$coun = 0;
while($coun++ < $limt) { # limit not reached
if($hbrd = $choo->next()) { # test hole + board SLOW
@hand = BestHoldEmHand(@{$hbrd});
$ptaf = Time::PT->new();
printf("SlowPTaf:$ptaf expand:%s\n", $ptaf->expand());
$sdif = ($ptaf - $ptb4); # Time::Frame
printf(" SlowDif:%s seconds:%s\n", $sdif->total_frames(), ($sdif->total_frames() / 60));
$ptb4 = Time::PT->new();
printf("FastPTb4:$ptb4 expand:%s\n", $ptb4->expand());
$coun = 0;
while($coun++ < $limt) { # limit not reached
if($hbrd = $choo->next()) { # test hole + board FAST
@hand = BestHoldEmHand(@{$hbrd});
$ptaf = Time::PT->new();
printf("FastPTaf:$ptaf expand:%s\n", $ptaf->expand());
$fdif = ($ptaf - $ptb4); # Time::Frame
printf(" FastDif:%s seconds:%s\n", $fdif->total_frames(), ($fdif->total_frames() / 60));
printf(" Fast took only %3.2f%% as long as Slow to run!\n", ($fdif->total_frames() / $sdif->total_frames()) * 100);