#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# 47B2OQS - pokrlocl.pl created by Pip Stuart <Pip@CPAN.Org>
# to provide a local interactive (Perl/Tk) interface to pokr odds.
# 2do:
# scrutinize multi-oppo odds (get as close as possible)
# (tst hole:Q7 as 50% heads-up down to ~10% vs9)
# mk user profile, stats logging, summary
# add szmd togl to delete && recreate all
# add nvrt togl to delete && recreate all
# add menus
# This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License (version 2).
use strict;
use Tk;
#use Tk::Thumbnail;
#use Tk::widgets qw(PNG);
my $szmd = shift || 0;
my $ppth = '.'; my $wins = ''; my $ties = ''; my $loss = ''; my $limt = ''; my $runs = '';
my $ipth = '../crdz'; # image path
my $mwin = MainWindow->new();
my $fram = $mwin->Frame(-background => '#03071B')->grid();
my @sutz = qw( s h d c );
my @rnkz = qw( A K Q J T 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 );
my %ztus; for(my $indx = 1; $indx <= @sutz; $indx++) { $ztus{$sutz[$indx - 1]} = $indx; }
my %zknr; for(my $indx = 1; $indx <= @rnkz; $indx++) { $zknr{$rnkz[$indx - 1]} = $indx; }
my $shrt = ''; my $shfl = ''; my $shtr = ''; my $shrv = ''; my $colm = 0;
my @imgz = (); my @lblz = (); my @crdz = (); my $lppx = ''; my $roww = 0;
my $oppo = 1; my $pott = 0; my $lilb = 1; my $bigb = 2;
my $ltxt = ''; my $xpth;
my $fnt0 = 'times 20 bold'; # 20 16
my $fnt1 = 'courier 20 bold'; # 20 16
my $sufx = '.bmp'; my $sufp = '_i';
unless($szmd) {
$sufx = '-vga.bmp';
$sufp = '';
sub CkStats {
$shrt = ''; $shfl = ''; $shtr = ''; $shrv = '';
if(@crdz >= 2) {
if($zknr{substr($crdz[0], 0, 1)} <= $zknr{substr($crdz[1], 0, 1)}) {
$shrt = substr($crdz[0], 0, 1) . substr($crdz[1], 0, 1);
} else {
$shrt = substr($crdz[1], 0, 1) . substr($crdz[0], 0, 1);
$shrt .= 's' if(substr($crdz[0], 1, 1) eq substr($crdz[1], 1, 1));
if(@crdz >= 5) {
if($zknr{substr($crdz[2], 0, 1)} < $zknr{substr($crdz[3], 0, 1)}) {
if ($zknr{substr($crdz[3], 0, 1)} < $zknr{substr($crdz[4], 0, 1)}) {
$shfl = substr($crdz[2], 0, 1) . substr($crdz[3], 0, 1) . substr($crdz[4], 0, 1);
} elsif($zknr{substr($crdz[2], 0, 1)} < $zknr{substr($crdz[4], 0, 1)}) {
$shfl = substr($crdz[2], 0, 1) . substr($crdz[4], 0, 1) . substr($crdz[3], 0, 1);
} else {
$shfl = substr($crdz[4], 0, 1) . substr($crdz[2], 0, 1) . substr($crdz[3], 0, 1);
} else {
if ($zknr{substr($crdz[2], 0, 1)} < $zknr{substr($crdz[4], 0, 1)}) {
$shfl = substr($crdz[3], 0, 1) . substr($crdz[2], 0, 1) . substr($crdz[4], 0, 1);
} elsif($zknr{substr($crdz[3], 0, 1)} < $zknr{substr($crdz[4], 0, 1)}) {
$shfl = substr($crdz[3], 0, 1) . substr($crdz[4], 0, 1) . substr($crdz[2], 0, 1);
} else {
$shfl = substr($crdz[4], 0, 1) . substr($crdz[3], 0, 1) . substr($crdz[2], 0, 1);
$shfl .= 's' if(substr($crdz[2], 1, 1) eq substr($crdz[3], 1, 1) &&
substr($crdz[3], 1, 1) eq substr($crdz[4], 1, 1));
if(@crdz >= 6) {
$shtr = substr($crdz[5], 0, 1);
if(@crdz == 7) {
$shrv = substr($crdz[6], 0, 1);
$wins = ''; $ties = ''; $loss = ''; $limt = ''; $runs = ''; $ltxt = '';
if($shrt) {
if($shfl) {
if($shtr) {
if($shrv) {
if(-r "$ppth/h$shrt/f$shfl.ppx") {
unless($lppx eq "$ppth/h$shrt/f$shfl.ppx") {
$lppx = "$ppth/h$shrt/f$shfl.ppx";
$xpth = XML::XPath->new('filename' => $lppx);
if($xpth->exists("/f$shfl/t$shtr/r$shrv")) {
my $wval = $xpth->findvalue("/f$shfl/t$shtr/r$shrv/\@w"); # find wins attribute
my $tval = $xpth->findvalue("/f$shfl/t$shtr/r$shrv/\@t"); # find ties attribute
my $lval = $xpth->findvalue("/f$shfl/t$shtr/r$shrv/\@l"); # find loss attribute
my $summ = "$wval" + "$tval" + "$lval";
$wins = ("$wval" / $summ);
$ties = ("$tval" / $summ);
$loss = ("$lval" / $summ);
} else {
$wins = 'NA'; $ties = 'NA'; $loss = 'NA';
} else {
$wins = 'NA'; $ties = 'NA'; $loss = 'NA';
} elsif(-r "$ppth/h$shrt/f$shfl.ppx") {
unless($lppx eq "$ppth/h$shrt/f$shfl.ppx") {
$lppx = "$ppth/h$shrt/f$shfl.ppx";
$xpth = XML::XPath->new('filename' => $lppx);
if($xpth->exists("/f$shfl/t$shtr")) {
my $wval = $xpth->findvalue("/f$shfl/t$shtr/\@w"); # find wins attribute
my $tval = $xpth->findvalue("/f$shfl/t$shtr/\@t"); # find ties attribute
my $lval = $xpth->findvalue("/f$shfl/t$shtr/\@l"); # find loss attribute
my $summ = "$wval" + "$tval" + "$lval";
$wins = ("$wval" / $summ);
$ties = ("$tval" / $summ);
$loss = ("$lval" / $summ);
} else {
$wins = 'NA'; $ties = 'NA'; $loss = 'NA';
} else {
$wins = 'NA'; $ties = 'NA'; $loss = 'NA';
} elsif(-r "$ppth/h$shrt/f$shfl.ppx") {
unless($lppx eq "$ppth/h$shrt/f$shfl.ppx") {
$lppx = "$ppth/h$shrt/f$shfl.ppx";
$xpth = XML::XPath->new('filename' => $lppx);
if($xpth->exists("/f$shfl")) {
my $wval = $xpth->findvalue("/f$shfl/\@w"); # find wins attribute
my $tval = $xpth->findvalue("/f$shfl/\@t"); # find ties attribute
my $lval = $xpth->findvalue("/f$shfl/\@l"); # find loss attribute
my $summ = "$wval" + "$tval" + "$lval";
$wins = ("$wval" / $summ);
$ties = ("$tval" / $summ);
$loss = ("$lval" / $summ);
} else {
$wins = 'NA'; $ties = 'NA'; $loss = 'NA';
} else {
$wins = 'NA'; $ties = 'NA'; $loss = 'NA';
} elsif(-r "$ppth/h.ppx") {
unless($lppx eq "$ppth/h.ppx") {
$lppx = "$ppth/h.ppx";
$xpth = XML::XPath->new('filename' => $lppx);
if($xpth->exists("/h/h$shrt")) {
my $wval = $xpth->findvalue("/h/h$shrt/\@w"); # find wins attribute
my $tval = $xpth->findvalue("/h/h$shrt/\@t"); # find ties attribute
my $lval = $xpth->findvalue("/h/h$shrt/\@l"); # find loss attribute
my $summ = "$wval" + "$tval" + "$lval";
$wins = ("$wval" / $summ);
$ties = ("$tval" / $summ);
$loss = ("$lval" / $summ);
} else {
$wins = 'NA'; $ties = 'NA'; $loss = 'NA';
} else {
$wins = 'NA'; $ties = 'NA'; $loss = 'NA';
if($oppo > 1 && $wins !~ /^(NA)?$/ && $wins < 1) {
my $swin = $wins;
foreach(1..$oppo) {
my $dwin = $wins;
$wins *= $swin;
$wins += $dwin;
$wins /= 2;
# $wins = ($wins ** $oppo);
$ties += ($ties * (1 - $wins)) if($ties + ($ties * (1 - $wins)) < (1 - $wins));
$loss = (1 - $wins - $ties);
$limt = sprintf("\$%7.2f", ($wins * $pott)) unless($wins =~ /^(NA)?$/);
$ltxt = "pott: \$$pott limt: $limt" unless($wins =~ /^(NA)?$/);
$wins = sprintf("%8.4f%%", ($wins * 100)) unless($wins =~ /^(NA)?$/);
$ties = sprintf("%8.4f%%", ($ties * 100)) unless($ties =~ /^(NA)?$/);
$loss = sprintf("%8.4f%%", ($loss * 100)) unless($loss =~ /^(NA)?$/);
if(-r "$ppth/h.ppx") {
unless($lppx eq "$ppth/h.ppx") {
$lppx = "$ppth/h.ppx";
$xpth = XML::XPath->new('filename' => $lppx);
if($xpth->exists("/h")) {
my $wval = $xpth->findvalue("/h/\@w"); # find wins attribute
my $tval = $xpth->findvalue("/h/\@t"); # find ties attribute
my $lval = $xpth->findvalue("/h/\@l"); # find loss attribute
my $summ = "$wval" + "$tval" + "$lval";
if(defined($summ) && $summ) {
$summ = reverse($summ); $summ =~ s/(.{3})/$1,/g;
$summ = reverse($summ); $summ =~ s/^,//;
$runs = $summ;
} else {
$runs = '';
} else {
$runs = '';
sub HndlCrdz {
my $self = shift() || return();
my $newc = shift() || return();
my @posi = (2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11); # hole/bord card column positions
if ($newc =~ /^o(\d)$/) {
if($1) { $oppo = $1; }
else { $oppo++; $oppo = 1 if($oppo == 10); }
$imgz[0][5] = $mwin->Photo(-file => "$ipth/o$oppo$sufx");
$lblz[0][5] = $fram->Label(-image => $imgz[0][5], -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0')->grid(-row => 5, -column => 0, -sticky => 'n');
$lblz[0][5]->bind('<Button-1>' => [ \&HndlCrdz, 'o0' ]);
} elsif($newc !~ /^p\d$/ && @crdz < 7) {
push(@crdz, $newc);
($imgz[$posi[$#crdz]][5], $imgz[$zknr{substr($newc, 0, 1)} - 1][$ztus{substr($newc, 1, 1)}]) =
($imgz[$zknr{substr($newc, 0, 1)} - 1][$ztus{substr($newc, 1, 1)}], $imgz[$posi[$#crdz]][5]);
($lblz[$posi[$#crdz]][5], $lblz[$zknr{substr($newc, 0, 1)} - 1][$ztus{substr($newc, 1, 1)}]) =
($lblz[$zknr{substr($newc, 0, 1)} - 1][$ztus{substr($newc, 1, 1)}], $lblz[$posi[$#crdz]][5]);
$lblz[$posi[$#crdz]][5]->grid(-row => 5, -column => $posi[$#crdz], -sticky => 'n');
$lblz[$zknr{substr($newc, 0, 1)} - 1][$ztus{substr($newc, 1, 1)}]->grid(-row => $ztus{substr($newc, 1, 1)}, -column => ($zknr{substr($newc, 0, 1)} - 1), -sticky => 'n');
$lblz[$posi[$#crdz]][5]->bind('<Button-1>' => [ \&HndlCrdz, "p$#crdz" ]);
} else {
$pott = 0;
my $ppos = 0;
if($newc =~ /^p(\d)$/) { $ppos = $1; }
while(@crdz > $ppos) {
my $card = $crdz[-1];
($imgz[$posi[$#crdz]][5], $imgz[$zknr{substr($card, 0, 1)} - 1][$ztus{substr($card, 1, 1)}]) =
($imgz[$zknr{substr($card, 0, 1)} - 1][$ztus{substr($card, 1, 1)}], $imgz[$posi[$#crdz]][5]);
($lblz[$posi[$#crdz]][5], $lblz[$zknr{substr($card, 0, 1)} - 1][$ztus{substr($card, 1, 1)}]) =
($lblz[$zknr{substr($card, 0, 1)} - 1][$ztus{substr($card, 1, 1)}], $lblz[$posi[$#crdz]][5]);
$lblz[$posi[$#crdz]][5]->grid(-row => 5, -column => $posi[$#crdz], -sticky => 'n');
$lblz[$zknr{substr($card, 0, 1)} - 1][$ztus{substr($card, 1, 1)}]->grid(-row => $ztus{substr($card, 1, 1)}, -column => ($zknr{substr($card, 0, 1)} - 1), -sticky => 'n');
$lblz[$zknr{substr($card, 0, 1)} - 1][$ztus{substr($card, 1, 1)}]->bind('<Button-1>' => [ \&HndlCrdz, $card ]);
sub UpdtPott {
my $lorb = shift() || return(); # lil or big
my $porm = shift() || return(); # plus or minus
my $ppot = $pott;
if($lorb eq 'lil') {
if($porm eq '+') { $pott += $lilb; }
else { $pott -= $lilb; }
} else {
if($porm eq '+') { $pott += $bigb; }
else { $pott -= $bigb; }
CkStats() if($ppot != $pott);
sub DrawCrdz {
for($colm = 0; $colm < @rnkz; $colm++) {
my $rank = $rnkz[$colm];
my $imag; my $labl;
if ($colm == 0) {
$imag = $mwin->Photo(-file => "$ipth/o1$sufx");
$labl = $fram->Label(-image => $imag, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0')->grid(-row => 0, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
$labl->bind('<Button-1>' => [ \&HndlCrdz, 'o1' ]);
} elsif($colm == 1) { # - buttons
my $bfrm = $fram->Frame(-background => '#03071B')->grid(-row => 0, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
$bfrm->Label(-text => 'Lil:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0')->grid(-row => 0, -column => 0, -sticky => 'n');
$bfrm->Button(-text => '-', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -command => [ \&UpdtPott, 'lil', '-' ])->grid(-row => 1, -column => 0, -sticky => 'n');
$bfrm->Label(-text => 'Big:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0')->grid(-row => 2, -column => 0, -sticky => 'n');
$bfrm->Button(-text => '-', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -command => [ \&UpdtPott, 'big', '-' ])->grid(-row => 3, -column => 0, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 2) { # lil && big blinds
my $bfrm = $fram->Frame(-background => '#03071B')->grid(-row => 0, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
$bfrm->Label(-text => 'Lil:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0')->grid(-row => 0, -column => 0, -sticky => 'n');
$bfrm->Entry(-width => 3, -textvariable => \$lilb )->grid(-row => 1, -column => 0, -sticky => 'n');
$bfrm->Label(-text => 'Big:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0')->grid(-row => 2, -column => 0, -sticky => 'n');
$bfrm->Entry(-width => 3, -textvariable => \$bigb )->grid(-row => 3, -column => 0, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 3) { # + buttons
my $bfrm = $fram->Frame(-background => '#03071B')->grid(-row => 0, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
$bfrm->Label(-text => 'Lil:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0')->grid(-row => 0, -column => 0, -sticky => 'n');
$bfrm->Button(-text => '+', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -command => [ \&UpdtPott, 'lil', '+' ])->grid(-row => 1, -column => 0, -sticky => 'n');
$bfrm->Label(-text => 'Big:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0')->grid(-row => 2, -column => 0, -sticky => 'n');
$bfrm->Button(-text => '+', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -command => [ \&UpdtPott, 'big', '+' ])->grid(-row => 3, -column => 0, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 4) { # pot
my $bfrm = $fram->Frame(-background => '#03071B')->grid(-row => 0, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
$labl = $bfrm->Label(-text => 'Pot:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0')->grid(-row => 0, -column => 0, -sticky => 'n');
$bfrm->Entry(-width => 3, -textvariable => \$pott )->grid(-row => 1, -column => 0, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm > 4) {
$imag = $mwin->Photo(-file => "$ipth/o" . (14 - $colm) . $sufx);
# $imag = $mwin->Thumbnail(-images => ["$ipth/o" . (14 - $colm) . ".bmp"]);
$labl = $fram->Label(-image => $imag, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0')->grid(-row => 0, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
$labl->bind('<Button-1>' => [ \&HndlCrdz, 'o' . (14 - $colm) ]);
} else {
$imag = $mwin->Photo(-file => "$ipth/blnk$sufx");
$labl = $fram->Label(-image => $imag, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0')->grid(-row => 0, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
$imgz[$colm][0] = $imag;
$lblz[$colm][0] = $labl;
for($roww = 1; $roww <= @sutz; $roww++) {
my $suit = $sutz[$roww - 1]; my $xist = 0;
for(my $indx = 0; $indx < @crdz; $indx++) {
if($crdz[$indx] eq "$rank$suit") { $xist = 1; last(); }
if($xist) {
$imag = $mwin->Photo(-file => "$ipth/blnk$sufx");
$labl = $fram->Label(-image => $imag, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0')->grid(-row => $roww, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
} else {
$imag = $mwin->Photo(-file => "$ipth/$rank$suit$sufp$sufx");
$labl = $fram->Label(-image => $imag, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0')->grid(-row => $roww, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
$labl->bind('<Button-1>' => [ \&HndlCrdz, "$rank$suit" ]);
$imgz[$colm][$roww] = $imag;
$lblz[$colm][$roww] = $labl;
if ($colm == 0) {
$imag = $mwin->Photo(-file => "$ipth/o$oppo$sufx");
$labl = $fram->Label(-image => $imag, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0')->grid(-row => 5, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
$labl->bind('<Button-1>' => [ \&HndlCrdz, 'o0' ]);
} else {
$imag = $mwin->Photo(-file => "$ipth/blnk$sufx");
$labl = $fram->Label(-image => $imag, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0')->grid(-row => 5, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
$imgz[$colm][5] = $imag;
$lblz[$colm][5] = $labl;
if($szmd) {
if ($colm == 0) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-text => 'oppo:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 6, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 1) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-textvariable => \$oppo, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 6, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 2) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-text => 'hole:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 6, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 3) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-textvariable => \$shrt, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 6, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 5) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-text => 'flop:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 6, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 6) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-textvariable => \$shfl, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 6, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 8) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-text => 'turn:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 6, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 9) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-textvariable => \$shtr, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 6, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 10) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-text => 'rivr:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 6, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 11) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-textvariable => \$shrv, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 6, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
$lblz[$colm][6] = $labl;
if ($colm == 0) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-text => 'wins:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 7, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 1) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-textvariable => \$wins, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#D8F8F0', -font => "$fnt1")->grid(-row => 7, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 2, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 3) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-text => 'ties:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 7, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 4) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-textvariable => \$ties, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#38B8F8', -font => "$fnt1")->grid(-row => 7, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 2, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 6) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-text => 'loss:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 7, -column => $colm, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 7) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-textvariable => \$loss, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#F83880', -font => "$fnt1")->grid(-row => 7, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 2, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 9) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-textvariable => \$ltxt, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88F8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 7, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 4, -sticky => 'n');
$lblz[$colm][7] = $labl;
} else {
if ($colm == 0) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-text => 'oppo:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 6, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 2, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 2) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-textvariable => \$oppo, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 6, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 1, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 3) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-text => 'hole:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 6, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 2, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 5) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-textvariable => \$shrt, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 6, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 3, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 8) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-text => 'flop:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 6, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 2, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 10) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-textvariable => \$shfl, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 6, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 3, -sticky => 'n');
$lblz[$colm][6] = $labl;
if ($colm == 3) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-text => 'turn:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 7, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 2, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 5) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-textvariable => \$shtr, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 7, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 3, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 8) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-text => 'rivr:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 7, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 2, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 10) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-textvariable => \$shrv, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 7, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 3, -sticky => 'n');
$lblz[$colm][7] = $labl;
if ($colm == 0) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-text => 'wins:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 8, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 2, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 2) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-textvariable => \$wins, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#D8F8F0', -font => "$fnt1")->grid(-row => 8, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 4, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 6) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-text => 'ties:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 8, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 2, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 8) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-textvariable => \$ties, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#38B8F8', -font => "$fnt1")->grid(-row => 8, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 4, -sticky => 'n');
$lblz[$colm][8] = $labl;
if ($colm == 0) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-text => 'loss:', -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88B8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 9, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 2, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 2) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-textvariable => \$loss, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#F83880', -font => "$fnt1")->grid(-row => 9, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 4, -sticky => 'n');
} elsif($colm == 7) {
$labl = $fram->Label(-textvariable => \$ltxt, -background => '#03071B', -foreground => '#88F8D0', -font => "$fnt0")->grid(-row => 9, -column => $colm, -columnspan => 6, -sticky => 'n');
$lblz[$colm][9] = $labl;