use strict;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
use locale;
sub app_initialize {
my $self = shift;
# indexed fields are specified as "[fields]upload field=indexed" in config
my $upld_ref = $self->{app}{upload_fields};
my @indexed = grep {$upld_ref->{$_} =~ /indexed/} values %$upld_ref;
@indexed < 2 or die "currently no support for multiple indexed fields";
$self->{app}{indexed_field} = $indexed[0];
sub words_queried {
my $self = shift;
my $all_search = "$self->{search_string_orig} $self->{search_fulltext}";
return ($all_search =~ m([\w/]+)g);
sub log_search {
my $self = shift;
return if not $self->{logger};
my $msg = sprintf "[%s][%s] $self->{user}",
sub before_search {
my ($self) = @_;
# searches into the fulltext index are passed through param 'SFT'
unless($self->{search_fulltext} = $self->param('SFT')) {
delete $self->{fulltext_result};
$self->{app}{indexer} ||= Search::Indexer->new(
dir => $self->{app}{dir},
preMatch => $self->{cfg}->get('preMatch'),
postMatch => $self->{cfg}->get('postMatch'),
my $result = $self->{app}{indexer}
->search($self->{search_fulltext}, "implicit_plus");
# MAYBE add some logging here (time for fulltext search, #docs found)
if ($result) { # nonempty results
$self->{results}{killedWords} = join ", ", @{$result->{killedWords}};
$self->{results}{regex} = $result->{regex};
# HACK : build a regex with all document ids, and add that into
# the search string. Not efficient if the result set is large;
# will require more clever handling in File::Tabular::compile_query
# using some kind of representation for sets of integers (bit vectors
# or Set::IntSpan::Fast)
# ASSUMES the document number is the record key, stored in first field
my $doc_ids = join ",", keys %{$result->{scores}}
or return; # no scores, no results
$self->{search_string} = "#$doc_ids";
$self->{search_string} .= " AND ($self->{search_string_orig})"
if $self->{search_string_orig};
$self->{fulltext_result} = $result;
return $self;
sub search { # call parent search(), add fulltext scores into results
my ($self, $search_string) = @_;
my $fulltext_result = $self->{fulltext_result} or return;
# merge scores into results
$self->{data}->ht->add('score'); # new field for storing 'score'
foreach my $record (@{$self->{results}{records}}) {
my $doc_id = $self->key($record);
$record->{score} = $fulltext_result->{scores}{$doc_id};
$self->{orderBy} ||= "score : -num"; # default sorting by decreasing scores
sub sort_and_slice {
my ($self) = @_;
sub add_excerpts { # add text excerpts from attached files
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{fulltext_result} or return;
# need new field in the Hash::Type to store the excerpts
# add excerpts into each displayed record
my $regex = $self->{results}->{regex};
foreach my $record (@{$self->{results}{records}}) {
my $buf = $self->indexed_doc_content($record);
my $excerpts = $self->{app}{indexer}->excerpts($buf, $regex);
$record->{excerpts} = join(' / ', @$excerpts);
sub params_for_next_slice {
my ($self, $start) = @_;
return ("SFT=$self->{search_fulltext}",
sub after_add_attachment {
my ($self, $record, $field, $path) = @_;
if ($field eq $self->{app}{indexed_field}) {
my $buf = $self->indexed_doc_content($record);
delete $self->{app}{indexer};
my $indexer = Search::Indexer->new(dir => $self->{app}{dir},
writeMode => 1);
$indexer->add($self->key($record), $buf);
sub before_delete_attachment {
my ($self, $record, $field, $path) = @_;
if ($field eq $self->{app}{indexed_field}) {
delete $self->{app}{indexer};
my $indexer = Search::Indexer->new(dir => $self->{app}{dir},
writeMode => 1);
sub indexed_doc_content {
my ($self, $record) = @_;
# this is the default implementation, MOST PROBABLY INADEQUATE
# should be overridden in subclasses to perform appropriate
# conversions from Html, Pdf, Word, etc.
my $path = $self->upload_fullpath($record, $self->{indexed_field});
open my $fh, $path or die "open $path: $!";
local $/;
my $content = <$fh>; # just return the file content
return $content;
=head1 NAME
File::Tabular::Web::Attachments::Indexed - Fulltext indexing in documents attached to File::Tabular::Web
This abstract class adds support for
fulltext indexing in documents attached to a
L<File::Tabular::Web|File::Tabular::Web> application.
Queries into the fulltext index should be passed under the
C<SFT> ("search full text") parameter, in addition to the
usual C<S> parameter (search in metadata record). So for
will search records containing the word "2007" and having an attached
document in which there is the word "perl". Queries can of course be
much more complex, with boolean operators, parentheses, excluded words, etc.
--- see L<Search::Indexer> and L<Query::Parser>.
Indexing requires some mechanism to convert attached documents
into plain text. This cannot be guessed by the present class,
so you should write a subclass that implements such
conversions; see the L</SUBCLASSING> section below.
Records retrieved from a fulltext search will have two
additional fields : C<score> (how well the document
matched the query) and C<excerpts> (strings
of text fragments close to the searched words).
Therefore those field names should not be present
as regular fields in the data file.
=head2 [fields]
upload fieldname1
upload fieldname2 = indexed
Currently only one single upload field can be indexed
within a given application.
=head2 subclassing
This class relies on the L</indexed_doc_content> method
for converting attached documents into plain text, which
is a prerequisite to perform the indexing. The default
implementation of L</indexed_doc_content> just returns
the raw file content, so it is most likely inappropriate
to suit your needs; therefore you should write a subclass
that overrides this method, and then associate this subclass
to your application within the configuration file :
class = My::Subclass::Of::File::Tabular::Web::Attachements::Indexed
=head2 Asynchronous indexing
If your uploaded documents are Microsoft Office or OpenOffice
documents, it may be too costly to convert them on the fly, while
answering the HTTP request. A way to deal with this is to
override the L</after_add_attachment> and
L</before_delete_attachment> methods : instead of
performing immediate adds or deletions into the index,
these method can write indexing requests into an event queue.
A separate process then reads the event queue and
performs the indexing operations.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 app_initialize
Calls the L<parent method|File::Tabular::Web::Attachments/app_initialize>;
records in C<< $self->{app}{indexed_field} >> which is the name
of the indexed field.
=head2 words_queried
Returns a list of words queried either in the C<S> or C<SFT> parameters.
=head2 log_search
Logs both the C<S> and C<SFT> parameters.
=head2 before_search
Performs the fulltext search, and combines the results
into the usual search string coming from the C<S> parameter.
=head2 search
Calls the L<parent method|File::Tabular::Web/search>
and adds a C<score> field into each record.
=head2 sort_and_slice
Calls the L<parent method|File::Tabular::Web/sort_and_slice>
and adds excerpts of the searched words from attached documents
into each record of the slice.
=head2 add_excerpts
Implementation to find excerpts of searched word within
attached documents and add them into the result set.
=head2 params_for_next_slice
Returns a string repeating the search parameters, for
generating URLs to the next or previous slice.
=head2 after_add_attachment
Performs the indexing of the attached document
=head2 before_delete_attachment
Removes the document from the index.
=head2 indexed_doc_content
my $plain_text = $self->indexed_doc_content($record);
Returns the plain text representation of the document attached
to C<$record>. To get to the actual file, your implementation
can access
my $path = $self->upload_fullpath($record, $self->{indexed_field});