/* $Id$ */
var Behaviour = new Class( {
Implements: [ Events, Options ],
config : {
anchors : {},
calendars : {},
inputs : {},
lists : {},
scrollPins : {},
server : {},
sidebars : {},
sliders : {},
spinners : {},
tables : {},
tabSwappers : {}
options : {
contentId : 'content',
cookieDomain : '',
cookiePath : '/',
cookiePrefix : 'behaviour',
defaultURL : null,
formName : null,
iconClasses : [ 'down_point_icon', 'up_point_icon' ],
minMarginBottom: 5,
minMarginLeft : 0,
minMarginRight : 10,
popup : false,
statusUpdPeriod: 4320,
target : null
initialize: function( options ) {
this.setOptions( options ); this.collection = [];
window.addEvent( 'load', function() {
this.load( options.firstField ) }.bind( this ) );
window.addEvent( 'resize', function() { this.resize() }.bind( this ) );
collect: function( object ) {
this.collection.include( object ); return object;
getContentMarginBottom: function() {
var content; if (! (content = $( this.options.contentId ))) return 0;
return content.getStyle( 'marginBottom' ).toInt();
load: function( first_field ) {
var opt = this.options;
this.cookies = new Cookies( {
domain : opt.cookieDomain,
path : opt.cookiePath,
prefix : opt.cookiePrefix } );
this.stylesheet = new PersistantStyleSheet( { cookies: this.cookies } );
this.window = new WindowUtils( {
context : this,
target : opt.target,
url : opt.defaultURL } );
this.submit = new SubmitUtils( {
context : this,
formName : opt.formName } );
this.calendars = new Calendars( { context: this } );
this.freeList = new FreeList( { context: this } );
this.groupMember = new GroupMember( { context: this } );
this.liveGrids = new LiveGrids( {
context : this,
iconClasses : opt.iconClasses,
url : opt.defaultURL } );
this.noticeBoard = new NoticeBoard( { context: this } );
this.replacements = new Replacements( { context: this } );
this.rotateList = new RotateList( { context: this } );
this.server = new ServerUtils( {
context : this,
url : opt.defaultURL } );
this.sidebar = new Sidebar( { context: this } );
this.sliders = new Sliders( { context: this } );
this.spinners = new Spinners( { context: this } );
var table_rebuild = function() { this.replacements.build() }.bind( this );
this.tables = new TableUtils( {
context : this,
formName : opt.formName,
onRowAdded : table_rebuild } );
this.tableSort = new TableSort( {
context : this,
onSortComplete: table_rebuild } );
this.tabSwappers = new TabSwappers( { context: this } );
this.togglers = new Togglers( { context: this } );
this.trees = new Trees( {
context : this,
cookieDomain : opt.cookieDomain,
cookiePath : opt.cookiePath,
cookiePrefix : opt.cookiePrefix } );
this.wysiwyg = new WYSIWYG( { context: this } );
this.linkFade = new LinkFader( { context: this } );
// TODO: This is clumsy and needs fixing
if (window.Chosens != undefined)
this.chosens = new Chosens( { context: this } );
if (window.Typeface != undefined)
this.typeface = this.collect( window._typeface_js );
this.columnizers = new Columnizers( { context: this } );
this.scrollPins = new ScrollPins( {
context : this,
onAttach : function( el ) {
this.addEvent( 'build', function() {
this.set( 'opacity', 0 ).set( 'tween', { duration: 1500 } );
}.bind( el.pin.markup ) );
this.addEvent( 'show', function() {
this.tween( 'opacity', 1 ) }.bind( el.pin.markup ) ); },
onInitialize : function() {
this.fireEvent.delay( 1000, this, [ 'show' ] ) },
trayPadding : 0 } );
this.tips = new Tips( {
context : this,
onHide : function() { this.fx.start( 0 ) },
onInitialize : function() {
this.fx = new Fx.Tween( this.tip, {
duration: 500, property: 'opacity' } ).set( 0 ); },
onShow : function() { this.fx.start( 1 ) },
showDelay : 666 } );
if (opt.statusUpdPeriod && !opt.popup)
this.statusUpdater.periodical( opt.statusUpdPeriod, this );
var el; if (first_field && (el = $( first_field ))) el.focus();
rebuild: function() {
this.collection.each( function( object ) { object.build() } );
resize: function() {
var opt = this.options, h = window.getHeight(), w = window.getWidth();
if (! opt.popup) {
this.cookies.set( 'height', h ); this.cookies.set( 'width', w );
var content; if (! (content = $( opt.contentId ))) return;
var foot_height = 0, margin_bottom = opt.minMarginBottom;
var footer; if (footer = $( 'footerDisp' )) {
foot_height = footer.isDisplayed()
? footer.getStyle( 'height' ).toInt() : 0;
margin_bottom += foot_height;
var append; if (append = $( 'appendDisp' )) {
margin_bottom += append.getStyle( 'height' ).toInt();
if (footer) append.setStyle( 'marginBottom', foot_height + 'px' );
content.setStyle( 'marginBottom', margin_bottom + 'px' );
var sb = this.sidebar, margin_left = opt.minMarginLeft;
if (sb) { sb.resize(); margin_left = sb.getWidth() }
content.setStyle( 'marginLeft', margin_left + 'px' );
var buttons = $( 'buttonDisp' ), margin_right = opt.minMarginRight;
if (buttons) margin_right = buttons.getStyle( 'width' ).toInt();
content.setStyle( 'marginRight', margin_right + 'px' );
content.fireEvent( 'resize' );
_restoreStateFromCookie: function() {
/* Use state cookie to restore the visual state of the page */
var cookie_str; if (! (cookie_str = this.cookies.get())) return;
var cookies = cookie_str.split( '+' ), el;
for (var i = 0, cl = cookies.length; i < cl; i++) {
if (! cookies[ i ]) continue;
var pair = cookies[ i ].split( '~' );
var p0 = unescape( pair[ 0 ] ), p1 = unescape( pair[ 1 ] );
/* Restore the state of any elements whose ids end in Disp */
if (el = $( p0 + 'Disp' )) { p1 != 'false' ? el.show() : el.hide(); }
/* Restore the className for elements whose ids end in Icon */
if (el = $( p0 + 'Icon' )) { if (p1) el.className = p1; }
/* Restore the source URL for elements whose ids end in Img */
if (el = $( p0 + 'Img' )) { if (p1) el.src = p1; }
statusUpdater: function() {
var h = window.getHeight(), w = window.getWidth();
var swatch_time = Date.swatchTime();
window.defaultStatus = 'w: ' + w + ' h: ' + h + ' @' + swatch_time;
} );
/* Local Variables:
* mode: javascript
* tab-width: 3
* End: */