# A tool for simulating the traffic of a Redis node.
# Copyright 2020 Ericsson Software Technology <viktor.soderqvist@est.tech>
# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
# are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
# notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is,
# without any warranty.
use strict;
use Socket;
use JSON;
my $port = 7000;
my $debug = 0;
my ($sig, $sig_pid);
my $use_ipv6 = 0;
# Parse command line args
while ($_ = shift) {
if (/^(?:-p|--port)$/) {
$port = shift;
die "Bad port: $port\n" unless $port > 0;
} elsif (/^--sig(cont|alrm|int|hup|term)$/) {
$sig = uc $1;
$sig_pid = shift;
die "Pid expected after $_\n" unless $sig_pid;
} elsif (/^--ipv6$/) {
$use_ipv6 = 1;
} elsif (/^(?:-d|--debug)$/) {
$debug = 1;
} elsif (/^(?:-h|--help)$/) {
map { print "$_\n" }
"Usage: $0 [ OPTIONS ]",
"Acts as a Redis node, communicating with clients according to",
"expected traffic provided as events on stdin. Multiple connections",
"are accepted, but data can only be sent to and received from the",
"last accepted client, referred to as \"the client\" below.",
" -p PORT, --port PORT TCP port to use.",
" --ipv6 Use IPv6, bind to address '::'.",
" --sigSIG PID Send SIG to PID when ready to accept a",
" client connection.",
" -d, --debug Enable debug printouts.",
" -h, --help Help.",
"Expected traffic is to be provided on stdin, one event per line,",
"where the following events are accepted:",
" EXPECT CONNECT Wait for a client to connect.",
" EXPECT CLOSE Wait for the client to close the connection.",
" EXPECT command Receive expected command from the client.",
" SEND response Send response to the client.",
" CLOSE Close the connection to the client.",
" SLEEP n Sleep n seconds.",
"The command and response in the events above is provided in a subset",
"of Perl syntax. Examples:",
" EXPECT [\"GET\", \"foo\"]",
" SEND \"bar\"",
"The response (after SEND) can also be represented in raw backslash-",
"escaped Redis protocol data, optionally without the final '\\r\\n'.",
" SEND +OK",
" SEND -ERR Some error",
" SEND \$3\\r\\nfoo\\r\\n";
} else {
die "Bad option: $_\n";
# Use IPv4 default
my $af = AF_INET;
my $sockaddr = \&sockaddr_in;
my $server_addr = INADDR_ANY;
if ($use_ipv6) {
$af = AF_INET6;
$sockaddr = \&sockaddr_in6;
$server_addr = Socket::IN6ADDR_ANY;
# Listener socket. Close it on SIGTERM, etc. and at normal exit.
my $listener;
close $listener if $listener;
socket($listener, $af, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname("tcp"))
or die "socket: $!\n";
setsockopt($listener, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack("l", 1))
or die "setsockopt: $!\n";
bind($listener, &$sockaddr($port, $server_addr))
or die "bind: $!\n";
listen($listener, 5)
or die "listen: $!\n";
print "(port $port) Listening.\n" if $debug;
kill $sig, $sig_pid if $sig_pid;
# Accept multiple connections, but only the last one is used.
my @connections = ();
my $connection; # Active connection = the last element of @connections
# Loop over events on stdin.
while (<>) {
s/#.*//; # trim trailing comments
s/^\s+//; # trim leading whitespace
s/\s+$//; # trim trailing whitespace
next if /^$/; # skip empty lines
print "(port $port) $_\n" if $debug;
if (/^SEND (.*)/) {
my $data = $1;
if ($data =~ /^[-+\$\*:]/) {
# Redis protocol with character escapes
# e.g. '-ERR Unknown command: FOO\r\n'
$data = unescape($data);
$data .= "\r\n" unless $data =~ /\r\n$/;
} else {
# e.g. '["foo", "bar", 42]'
$data = redis_encode(JSON->new->allow_nonref->decode($1));
print $connection $data;
flush $connection;
} elsif (/^CLOSE$/) {
close $connection;
pop @connections;
$connection = $connections[-1];
} elsif (/^EXPECT CLOSE$/) {
my $buffer;
my $bytes_read = read $connection, $buffer, 1;
die "(port $port) Data received from peer when close is expected.\n"
if $bytes_read;
print "(port $port) Client disconnected.\n" if $debug;
close $connection;
pop @connections;
$connection = $connections[-1];
} elsif (/^EXPECT CONNECT$/) {
undef $connection;
my $peer_addr = accept($connection, $listener);
push @connections, $connection;
my($client_port, $client_addr) = &$sockaddr($peer_addr);
my $name = gethostbyaddr($client_addr, $af);
print "(port $port) Connection from $name [", Socket::inet_ntop($af, $client_addr),
"] on client port $client_port.\n" if $debug;
} elsif (/^EXPECT ([\[\"].*)/) {
my $expected = eval $1;
my $received = recv_command($connection);
my $expected_str = pretty_format_command($expected);
my $received_str = pretty_format_command($received);
if ($expected_str ne $received_str) {
unexpected($port, "$received_str received.\nExpected $expected_str");
} elsif (/^SLEEP (\d+)$/) {
sleep $1;
} else {
unexpected($port, "event: $_");
close $listener;
print "(port $port) Done.\n" if $debug;
sub unexpected {
my ($port, $unexpected) = @_;
print "(port $port) Unexpected $unexpected\n";
die "Unexpected communication\n";
sub redis_encode {
my $x = shift;
return ("*" . @$x . "\r\n" . join '', map { redis_encode($_) } @$x)
if ref $x eq "ARRAY";
return ":$x\r\n"
unless ($x ^ $x) ne "0"; # hack to check if int or string
utf8::encode $x;
return "\$" . length($x) . "\r\n$x\r\n";
sub recv_command {
my $connection = shift;
my $old_rec_sep = $/;
$/ = "\r\n";
$_ = <$connection>;
die "(port $port) The peer has closed the connection\n" if !defined $_;
my $result;
if (/^\*(\d+)\r\n$/) {
my $n = $1;
$result = [];
for (my $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
push @$result, recv_command($connection);
} elsif (/^\$0\r\n$/) {
$result = "";
$_ = <$connection>;
die "(port $port) Expected \\r\\n after empty string\n"
unless /^\r\n$/;
} elsif (/^\$(\d+)\r\n$/) {
my $remaining = $1;
$result = "";
my $buffer;
do {
my $read = read $connection, $buffer, $remaining;
unexpected($port, "EOF while receiving command")
unless $read;
$result .= $buffer;
$remaining -= $read;
} while ($remaining > 0);
$_ = <$connection>;
unexpected($port, "Expected \\r\\n after string") unless /^\r\n$/
} else {
die "Unexpected command: $_\n";
$/ = $old_rec_sep;
return $result;
# ["GET", "foo\tbar"] => '["GET", "foo\tbar"]'
sub pretty_format_command {
my $x = shift;
return "[" . join(", ", map { pretty_format_command($_) } @$x) . "]"
if ref $x eq "ARRAY";
return '"' . escape($x) . '"'
if ref $x eq "";
die "Can't serialize " . ref $x . " $x\n";
# Escape special chars to binary data readable
# "hello\r\n" => "hello\\r\\n"
sub escape {
$_ = shift;
s/([^A-Za-z0-9\/\-_.,:;!?~\*'(){}\^\$])/ escape_char($1) /eg;
return $_;
sub escape_char {
$_ = shift;
return "\\r" if /\r/; # nicer than \x0d, etc.
return "\\n" if /\n/;
return "\\t" if /\t/;
return '\\"' if /\"/;
return "\\\\" if /\\/;
return sprintf "\\x%02x", ord $_;
# "hello\\r\\n" => "hello\r\n"
sub unescape {
$_ = shift;
s/\\([tnrfbae\\]|x\{[0-9a-fA-F]+\}|x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}|0[0-7]{0,2})/eval "\"\\$1\""/eg;
return $_;