use Moo;
use 5.020;
use experimental qw( signatures postderef );
use Ref::Util qw( is_plain_arrayref );
use Config;
use Path::Tiny ();
use Capture::Tiny qw( capture capture_merged );
use Template ();
use FFI::Platypus 1.00;
# ABSTRACT: Find and evaluate C/C++ constants for use in Perl
our $VERSION = '0.01'; # VERSION
has headers => (
is => 'ro',
isa => sub { die "headers should be a plain array ref" unless is_plain_arrayref($_[0]) },
default => sub { [] },
has lang => (
is => 'ro',
isa => sub {
die "lang should be one of c or c++" unless $_[0] =~ /^c(|\+\+)$/;
default => 'c',
has cc => (
is => 'ro',
default => sub { [Text::ParseWords::shellwords($Config{cc})] },
has ppflags => (
is => 'ro',
lazy => 1,
default => sub ($self) {
['-dM', '-E', '-x' => $self->lang];
has cflags => (
is => 'ro',
default => sub { [Text::ParseWords::shellwords($Config{ccflags})] },
has extra_cflags => (
is => 'ro',
default => sub { [] },
has source => (
is => 'ro',
lazy => 1,
default => sub ($self) {
my $p = Path::Tiny->tempfile(
TEMPLATE => 'const-introspect-c-XXXXXX',
SUFFIX => $self->lang eq 'c' ? '.c' : '.cxx',
my $fh = $p->openw_utf8;
say $fh "#include <$_>" for $self->headers->@*;
close $fh;
has filter => (
is => 'ro',
default => sub {
has diag => (
is => 'ro',
default => sub { [] },
sub get_macro_constants ($self)
my @cmd = (
map { $_->@* }
push @cmd, $self->source->stringify;
my($out, $err, $ret, $sig) = capture {
system @cmd;
($? >> 8,$? & 127);
if($ret != 0 || $sig != 0)
push $self->diag->@*, $err;
# TODO: class exception here
die "command: @cmd failed";
my $filter = $self->filter;
my @macros;
foreach my $line (split /\n/, $out)
if($line =~ /^#define\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)\s*$/)
my $name = $1;
my $value = $2;
next if $name =~ /[()]/;
next unless $name =~ $filter;
if($value =~ /^-?([1-9][0-9]*|0[0-7]*)$/)
push @macros, Const::Introspect::C::Constant->new(
c => $self,
name => $name,
raw_value => $value,
value => int $value,
type => 'int',
elsif($value =~ /^"([a-z_0-9]+)"$/i)
push @macros, Const::Introspect::C::Constant->new(
c => $self,
name => $name,
raw_value => $value,
value => $1,
type => 'string',
elsif($value =~ /^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)([Ff]{0,1})$/)
push @macros, Const::Introspect::C::Constant->new(
c => $self,
name => $name,
raw_value => $value,
value => $1,
type => $2 ? 'float' : 'double',
push @macros, Const::Introspect::C::Constant->new(
c => $self,
name => $name,
raw_value => $value,
warn "unable to parse line: $line";
sub get_single ($self, $name)
c => $self,
name => $name,
sub _tt ($self, $name, %args)
state $cache;
my $template = $cache->{$name} //= do {
state $dss;
$dss //= Data::Section::Simple->new(__PACKAGE__);
$dss->get_data_section($name) // die "no such template: $name";
state $tt;
$tt //= Template->new;
my $output = '';
$args{self} = $self;
$tt->process(\$template, \%args, \$output) || die $tt->error;
# give a unique name for each lib
sub _lib_name ($self, $name)
state $counter = 0;
join '', $name, $$, $counter;
sub _build_from_template ($self, $name1, $name2, %args)
my $source = Path::Tiny->tempfile(
TEMPLATE => "$name1-XXXXXX",
SUFFIX => $self->lang eq 'c' ? '.c' : '.cxx',
my $libname = $self->_lib_name($name2);
my $build = FFI::Build->new(
cflags => $self->extra_cflags,
export => [$name1 =~ s/-/_/gr],
source => ["$source"],
my($out, $lib, $error) = capture_merged {
local $@ = '';
my $lib = eval { $build->build };
($lib, $@)
push $self->diag->@*, $out
if $out eq '';
die $error if $error;
my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new(
api => 1,
lib => [$lib->path],
($ffi, $build)
sub compute_expression_type ($self, $expression)
my($ffi, $build) = $self->_build_from_template(
expression => $expression,
my $type = $ffi->function( 'compute_expression_type' => [] => 'string' )
sub compute_expression_value ($self, $type, $expression)
my $ctype = $type;
$ctype = 'const char *' if $type eq 'string';
$ctype = 'void *' if $type eq 'pointer';
my $ffitype = $type;
$ffitype = 'opaque' if $type eq 'pointer';
my($ffi, $build) = $self->_build_from_template(
ctype => $ctype,
expression => $expression,
my $value = $ffi->function( 'compute_expression_value' => [] => $ffitype )
no Moo;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Const::Introspect::C - Find and evaluate C/C++ constants for use in Perl
=head1 VERSION
version 0.01
use Const::Introspect::C;
my $c = Const::Introspect::C->new(
headers => ['foo.h'],
foreach my $const ($c->get_macro_constants)
# const isa Const::Introspect::C::Constant
say "name = ", $const->name;
# type is one of: int, long, pointer, string,
# float, double or "other"
say "type = ", $const->type;
say "value = ", $const->value;
B<Note>: This is an early release, expect some interface changes in the near future.
This module provides an interface for finding C/C++ constant style macros, and can
compute their types and values. It can also be used to compute the values of
enumerated type constants, although this module doesn't have a way of finding
the names (For that try something like L<Clang::CastXML>).
=head2 headers
List of C/C++ header files.
=head2 lang
The programming language. Should be one of C<c> or C<c++>. The default is C<c>.
=head2 cc
The C compiler. The default is the C compiler used by Perl itself,
automatically split on the appropriate whitespace.
This should be a array reference, so C<['clang']> and not C<'clang'>.
This allows for C<cc> with spaces in it.
=head2 ppflags
The C pre-processor flags. This may change in the future, or on some platforms, but as of
this writing this is C<-dM -E -x c> for C and C<-dM -E -x c++> for C++. This must be an
array reference.
=head2 cflags
C compiler flags. This is what Perl uses by default. This must be an array reference.
=head2 extra_cflags
Extra Compiler flags. This is an empty array by default. This allows the caller to provide additional
library specific flags, like C<-I>.
=head2 source
C source file. This is an instance of L<Path::Tiny> and it is created on-the-fly. You shouldn't
need to specify this explicitly.
=head2 filter
Filter regular expression that all macro names must match. This is C<^[^_]> by default, which means
all macros starting with an underscore are skipped.
=head2 diag
List of diagnostic failures.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 get_macro_constants
my @const = $c->get_macro_constants;
This generates the source file, runs the pre-processor, parses the macros as well as possible and
returns the result as a list of L<Const::Introspect::C::Constant> instances.
=head2 get_single
my $const = $c->get_single($name);
Get a single constant by the name of C<$name>. Returns an instance of
L<Const::Introspect::C>. This is most useful for getting the integer
values for named enumerated values.
=head2 compute_expression_type
my $type = $c->compute_expression_type($expression);
This attempts to compute the type of the C C<$expression>. It should
return one of C<int>, C<long>, C<string>, C<float>, C<double>, or C<other>.
If the type cannot be determined then C<other> will be returned, and
often indicates a code macro that doesn't have a corresponding
=head2 compute_expression_value
my $value = $c->compute_expression_value($type, $expression);
This method attempts to compute the value of the given C C<$expression> of
the given C<$type>. C<$type> should be one of C<int>, C<long>, C<string>,
C<float>, or C<double>.
If you do not know the expression type, you can try to compute the type
using C<compute_expression_type> above.
=head1 CAVEATS
This modules requires the C pre-processor for macro constants, and for many constants
requires a compiler to compute the type and value. The techniques used by this module
work with C<clang> and C<gcc>, but they probably don't work with other compilers.
Patches welcome to support other compilers.
This module can tell you the value of pointer constants, but there is not much utility
to the value of non C<NULL> values.
=head1 AUTHOR
Graham Ollis <>
This software is copyright (c) 2020 by Graham Ollis.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
[% FOREACH header IN self.headers %]
#include <[% header %]>
[% END %]
const char *
return _Generic(
[% expression %],
float : "float",
double : "double",
char * : "string",
void * : "pointer",
int : "int",
long : "long"
[% FOREACH header IN self.headers %]
#include <[% header %]>
[% END %]
[% ctype %]
return [% expression %];