name = FFI-TinyCC
author = Graham Ollis <>
license = Perl_5
copyright_holder = Graham Ollis
copyright_year = 2015
version = 0.22
:version = 1.84
release_tests = 1
installer = ModuleBuild
diag = +FFI::Raw
remove = strict
remove = warnings
remove = constant
remove = overload
remove = lib
remove = if
remove = base
remove = File::Basename
remove = File::Spec
remove = FindBin
remove = File::Temp
remove = Exporter
remove = Carp
; comes with Path::Class
remove = Path::Class::Dir
remove = Path::Class::File
; needed only for older Perls
remove = Devel::GlobalDestruction
; comes with Platypus
remove = FFI::Platypus::Memory
remove = FFI::Platypus::Declare
; now optional
remove = FFI::Raw
FFI::Platypus::Type::StringArray = 0.01
FFI::Platypus = 0.15
[Prereqs / ConfigureRequires]
autodie = 0
Alien::TinyCC = 0
Archive::Ar = 2.02
File::chdir = 0
Path::Class = 0
IPC::System::Simple = 0
[Prereqs / BuildRequires]
autodie = 0
Alien::TinyCC = 0
Archive::Ar = 2.02
File::chdir = 0
Path::Class = 0
IPC::System::Simple = 0
cpan = 1
match = share/libtcc.*
remove_boiler = 1
current = Graham Ollis <>
contributor = aero
contributor = Dylan Cali (calid)
contributor = pipcet