use strict;
use Config;
use FindBin ();
plan skip_all => "Test only for MSWin32" unless $^O eq 'MSWin32';
plan skip_all => "Test only for strawberry MSWin32" unless $Config{myuname} =~ /strawberry-perl/;
plan tests => 3;
# this assumes that zlib comes with Strawberry,
# which seems a fairly safe assumption.
my $pkg = PkgConfig->find('zlib');
is $pkg->errmsg, undef, 'found zlib';
diag $pkg->errmsg if $pkg->errmsg;
my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($FindBin::Bin, qw( data strawberry c lib pkgconfig ));
$dir =~ s{\\}{/}g;
my @pcfiles = do {
@PkgConfig::DEFAULT_SEARCH_PATH = ($dir);
my $lib = "$dir/../../lib";
my $inc = "$dir/../../include";
@PkgConfig::DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_LFLAGS = ("-L$lib");
@PkgConfig::DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_CFLAGS = ("-I$inc");
note "dir = $dir";
note "lib = $lib";
note "inc = $inc";
my $dh;
opendir $dh, $dir;
my @list = map { s/\.pc$//; $_ } grep !/^\./, grep /\.pc$/, readdir $dh;
closedir $dh;
my @good_includes;
my @good_libs;
subtest 'pcfiles excluded' => sub {
plan tests => int @pcfiles;
foreach my $pcfile (@pcfiles)
subtest $pcfile => sub {
plan tests => 4;
my $pkg = PkgConfig->find($pcfile);
isa_ok $pkg, 'PkgConfig';
is $pkg->errmsg, undef, 'no error';
my $ok1 = 1;
foreach my $cflag ($pkg->get_cflags)
if($cflag =~ /^-I(.*)$/)
my $dir = $1;
if(-r File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'bad.h'))
$ok1 = 0;
diag "header directory $dir should not been included";
push @good_includes, [ $pcfile, $dir ];
ok $ok1, "headers excluded correctly";
my $ok2 = 1;
foreach my $ldflag ($pkg->get_ldflags)
if($ldflag =~ /^-L(.*)$/)
my $dir = $1;
if(-r File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'libbad.a'))
$ok2 = 0;
diag "lib directory $dir should not have been included";
push @good_libs, [ $pcfile, $dir ];
ok $ok2, "lib excluded correctly";
note "inc";
note sprintf(" %20s %s", $_->[0], $_->[1]) for @good_includes;
note "lib";
note sprintf(" %20s %s", $_->[0], $_->[1]) for @good_libs;
subtest 'pcfiles included' => sub {
my @pcfiles = qw(
freetype2 libexslt libpng libpng16 libxml-2.0 libxslt plplotd-c++ plplotd
plan tests => int @pcfiles;
foreach my $pcfile (@pcfiles)
subtest $pcfile => sub {
my $pkg = PkgConfig->find($pcfile);
my $ok1 = 0;
foreach my $flag ($pkg->get_cflags)
if($flag =~ m{^-I(.*)$})
my $dir = $1;
$ok1 = -d $dir;
note $dir;
ok $ok1, "good directory included";