use Test2::V0 -no_srand => 1;
use String::Template qw( :all );
subtest 'basic' => sub {
my %fields = ( num => 2, str => 'this', date => 'Feb 27, 2008' );
my $template = "...<num%04d>...<str>...<date:%Y/%m/%d>...\n";
my $correct = "...0002...this...2008/02/27...\n";
my $exp = expand_string($template, \%fields);
is($exp, $correct, "test expand");
subtest 'missing values' => sub {
my $template = "<hello>, <world>";
my ($hello) = missing_values( $template, { world => 'foo' } );
is $hello, 'hello', "missing word";
is missing_values( $template, { hello => "foo", world => "bar" } ), F(), "not missing values";
is missing_values( $template, { hello => undef, world => "bar" } ), F(), "not missing values";
is missing_values( $template, { hello => undef, world => "bar" }, 1 ), T(), "missing some values";
my @lots = missing_values( "<hello%2d> <world!a> <out#x> <there:y>", {} );
is [ sort @lots ],
[ qw/hello out there world/ ],
"missing values with modifiers";
subtest 'expand_hash' => sub {
my @TestCases =
Hash =>
X => '<Y>',
Y => 1
Correct =>
X => 1,
Y => 1
Status => 1
Hash =>
X => '<Y>',
Y => '<Z>',
Z => 1
Correct =>
X => 1,
Y => 1,
Z => 1
Status => 1
Hash =>
X => '<Y>',
Y => '<Z>',
Z => 1
Correct =>
X => '<Z>',
Y => 1,
Z => 1
Status => undef,
MaxDepth => 1
Hash =>
X => '<Y>',
Correct =>
X => '<Y>'
Status => undef
foreach my $t (@TestCases)
my $status = expand_hash($t->{Hash}, $t->{MaxDepth});
is($t->{Hash}, $t->{Correct});
is($status, $t->{Status});
subtest 'extended field' => sub {
my $template = 'I <str{"%s" }>mean literally';
is expand_string( $template, { str => 'literally' } ),
'I "literally" mean literally', "Parsed extended field";
is expand_string( $template, { str => undef } ),
'I mean literally', "Extended field is treated as a whole";
is expand_string( '<str{"%s"\}}>', { str => 'foo' } ),
'"foo"}', "Escaped curly brace";
is expand_string( '<str{%s}>', { str => 'foo' } ),
'foo', "Can have tight extended fields";
is expand_string( $template, { str => undef }, 1 ),
$template, "Template is unchanged if undefined";
is expand_string( '<str{--#2}>', { str => 'foobar' }, 1 ),
'--obar', "Extended substr with undef flag";
is expand_string( '<str{--#2}>', { str => undef } ),
q{}, "Extended subtr without undef flag";
is expand_string( '<str{--#1,3}-->', { str => 'foobar' }, 1 ),
'--oob--', "Extended field with suffix";
subtest 'undef' => sub {
is(expand_string('...<missing field>...', {}),
is(expand_string('...<missing field>...', {}, 1),
'...<missing field>...');
is(expand_string('...<missing%02d>...', {}),
is(expand_string('...<missing%02d>...', {}, 1),