Revision history for Perl extension AnyEvent::JSONRPC
0.15 2010-10-28
Fix error in AnyEvent::JSONRPC::HTTP::Server making this module unusable
Silence warning about AnyEvent::JSONRPC::Client being a non-Mouse class
0.14 2010-07-20
Added base classes AnyEvent::JSONRPC::Server and
Made the json object in the Server classes configurable and allow and
convert blessed by default.
Added some utility functions for registering methods
Improved dependencies
0.13_3 2010-07-08
Added simple HTTP server based on AnyEvent::HTTPD
Moved TCP code to AnyEvent::JSONRPC::TCP::*
0.13_2 2010-07-07
Added simple HTTP client based on AnyEvent::HTTP
0.13_1 2010-07-02
Forked AnyEvent::JSONRPC::Lite for a more full-spec implementation
All previous versions is from AnyEvent::JSONRPC::Lite
Thanks to Daisuke Murase for authoring the ::Lite module
BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE: The API is mostly the same, but with some
subtle differences.
Based on JSON::RPC::Common to do most handling of JSON-RPC messages
0.12 2010-05-28T11:35:58+09:00
fix a documentation bug (tokuhirom++)
0.11001 2009-09-03T17:57:54+09:00
fix pod spell and its test (tokuhirom++)
depends latest AnyEvent
add recommends line for JSON::XS
0.11 2009-09-03T15:23:56+09:00
fix broken pod syntax
some refactoring around result condvar (tokuhirom++)
0.10 2009-08-28T20:25:51+09:00
BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE: client's $cv->recv now just get ->{result} directly.
and just croak when server returns an error by using $cv->croak
added on_error, on_eof callback options to constructor
upgrade documents
0.03002 2009-08-27T16:28:48+09:00
remove Guard object isa check, it's not used when Guard module isn't available.
0.03001 2009-08-27T11:41:18+09:00
fix disconnect test, checking disconnection in on_error
0.03 2009-08-26T02:04:07+09:00
fixed some bugs that destroying objects (== disconnection, close server) does not work
0.02 2009-08-04T21:28:38+09:00
added default on_eof handler to Server for ignoring clean disconnection from client
0.01002 2009-08-02T13:57:19+09:00
some document fixes
added missing prereq: JSON
0.01001 2009-07-31T17:03:44+09:00
added missing prereq: Any::Moose
0.01 2009-07-31T16:43:46+09:00
original version