# $Id: 20createdrop.t,v 1.1812 1997/09/27 14:34:44 joe Exp $
# This is a skeleton test. For writing new tests, take this file
# and modify/extend it.
use strict;
use vars qw($test_dsn $test_user $test_password $mdriver $dbdriver);
$DBI::errstr = ''; # Make -w happy
require DBI;
# Include lib.pl
$mdriver = "";
my $file;
foreach $file ("lib.pl", "t/lib.pl") {
do $file; if ($@) { print STDERR "Error while executing lib.pl: $@\n";
exit 10;
if ($mdriver ne '') {
sub ServerError() {
print STDERR ("Cannot connect: ", $DBI::errstr, "\n",
"\tEither your server is not up and running or you have no\n",
"\tpermissions for acessing the DSN $test_dsn.\n",
"\tThis test requires a running server and write permissions.\n",
"\tPlease make sure your server is running and you have\n",
"\tpermissions, then retry.\n");
exit 10;
# Main loop; leave this untouched, put tests into the loop
use vars qw($state);
while (Testing()) {
# Connect to the database
my $dbh;
Test($state or $dbh = DBI->connect($test_dsn, $test_user, $test_password))
or ServerError();
# Find a possible new table name
my $table;
Test($state or $table = FindNewTable($dbh))
or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);
# Create a new table
my $def;
Test($state or ($def = TableDefinition($table,
["id", "INTEGER", 4, 0],
["name", "CHAR", 64, 0]),
or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);
# ... and drop it.
Test($state or $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table"))
or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);
# Finally disconnect.
Test($state or $dbh->disconnect())
or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);