#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "perl.h"
#include "XSUB.h"
#include "ppport.h"
#define isPenalty(sv) (SvROK(sv) && sv_derived_from(sv, "Text::KnuthPlass::Penalty"))
#define ivHash(hv, key) (IV)SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)hv, key, strlen(key), TRUE))
#define nvHash(hv, key) (NV)SvNVx(*hv_fetch((HV*)hv, key, strlen(key), TRUE))
#define debug(x)
typedef SV * Text_KnuthPlass;
struct Breakpoint_s {
struct Breakpoint_s * prev;
struct Breakpoint_s * next;
struct Breakpoint_s * previous;
struct Breakpoint_s * active; /* Just for candidates */
NV demerits;
NV ratio;
IV line;
IV position;
IV fitness_class;
HV* totals;
typedef struct Breakpoint_s Breakpoint;
typedef struct LinkedList_s {
Breakpoint* head;
Breakpoint* tail;
IV list_size;
AV* to_free;
} LinkedList;
NV _compute_cost(Text_KnuthPlass self, IV start, IV end, Breakpoint* a,
IV current_line, AV* nodes) {
IV infinity = ivHash(self, "infinity");
HV* sum = (HV*)SvRV(*hv_fetch((HV*)self, "sum", 3, FALSE));
HV* totals = a->totals;
NV width = nvHash(sum, "width") - nvHash(totals,"width");
AV* linelengths = (AV*)SvRV(*hv_fetch((HV*)self, "linelengths", 11, FALSE));
I32 ll = av_len(linelengths);
NV stretch = 0;
NV shrink = 0;
NV linelength = SvNV(*av_fetch(linelengths, current_line <= ll ? current_line-1 : ll, 0));
debug(warn("Computing cost from %i to %i\n", start, end));
debug(warn("Sum width: %f\n", nvHash(sum, "width")));
debug(warn("Total width: %f\n", nvHash(totals, "width")));
if (isPenalty(*av_fetch(nodes, end, 0))) {
debug(warn("Adding penalty width\n"));
width += nvHash(SvRV(*av_fetch(nodes,end, 0)),"width");
debug(warn("Width %f, linelength %f\n", width, linelength));
if (width < linelength) {
stretch = nvHash(sum, "stretch") - nvHash(totals, "stretch");
debug(warn("Stretch %f\n", stretch));
if (stretch > 0) {
return (linelength - width) / stretch;
} else {
return infinity;
} else if (width > linelength) {
debug(warn("Shrink %f\n", shrink));
shrink = nvHash(sum, "shrink") - nvHash(totals, "shrink");
if (shrink > 0) {
return (linelength - width) / shrink;
} else {
return infinity;
} else { return 0; }
HV* _compute_sum(Text_KnuthPlass self, IV index, AV* nodes) {
HV* result = newHV();
HV* sum = (HV*)SvRV(*hv_fetch((HV*)self, "sum", 3, FALSE));
IV infinity = ivHash(self, "infinity");
NV width = nvHash(sum, "width");
NV stretch = nvHash(sum, "stretch");
NV shrink = nvHash(sum, "shrink");
I32 len = av_len(nodes);
I32 i = index;
while (i < len) {
SV* e = *av_fetch(nodes, i, 0);
if (sv_derived_from(e, "Text::KnuthPlass::Glue")) {
width += nvHash(SvRV(e), "width");
stretch += nvHash(SvRV(e), "stretch");
shrink += nvHash(SvRV(e), "shrink");
} else if (sv_derived_from(e, "Text::KnuthPlass::Box") ||
(isPenalty(e) && ivHash(SvRV(e), "penalty") == -infinity
&& i > index)) {
hv_stores(result, "width", newSVnv(width));
hv_stores(result, "stretch", newSVnv(stretch));
hv_stores(result, "shrink", newSVnv(shrink));
return result;
Breakpoint* _new_breakpoint (void) {
Breakpoint* dummy;
HV* totals = newHV();
Newxz(dummy, 1, Breakpoint);
dummy->prev = dummy->next = dummy->previous = dummy->active = NULL;
dummy->demerits = dummy->ratio = 0;
dummy->line = dummy->position = dummy->fitness_class = 0;
hv_stores(totals, "width", newSVnv(0));
hv_stores(totals, "stretch", newSVnv(0));
hv_stores(totals, "shrink", newSVnv(0));
dummy->totals = totals;
return dummy;
void free_breakpoint(Breakpoint* b) {
while (b) {
Breakpoint* p = b->previous;
if (SvROK(b->totals)) {
b = p;
if (b && b->totals) sv_free((SV*)b->totals);
if (b) Safefree(b);
void _unlinkKP(LinkedList* list, Breakpoint* a) {
if (!a->prev) { list->head = a->next; } else { a->prev->next = a->next; }
if (!a->next) { list->tail = a->prev; } else { a->next->prev = a->prev; }
av_push(list->to_free, newSViv((IV)a));
MODULE = Text::KnuthPlass PACKAGE = Text::KnuthPlass
Text_KnuthPlass self
LinkedList* activelist;
Newxz(activelist, 1, LinkedList);
activelist->head = activelist->tail = _new_breakpoint();
activelist->list_size = 1;
activelist->to_free = newAV();
hv_stores((HV*)self, "activeNodes", ((IV)activelist));
void _active_to_breaks(self)
Text_KnuthPlass self
LinkedList* activelist;
Breakpoint* b;
Breakpoint* best = NULL;
activelist = (LinkedList*)(*hv_fetch((HV*)self, "activeNodes", 11, FALSE));
for (b = activelist->head; b; b = b->next) {
if (!best || b->demerits < best->demerits) best = b;
while (best) {
HV* posnode = newHV();
hv_stores(posnode, "position", newSViv(best->position));
hv_stores(posnode, "ratio", newSVnv(best->ratio));
best = best->previous;
void _cleanup(self)
Text_KnuthPlass self
Breakpoint* b;
LinkedList* activelist;
activelist = (LinkedList*)(*hv_fetch((HV*)self, "activeNodes", 11, FALSE));
/* Free nodes on the activelist */
b = activelist->head;
while (b) {
Breakpoint* n = b->next;
b = n;
/* Shut down the activelist itself */
while (av_len(activelist->to_free)) {
SV* pointer = av_shift(activelist->to_free);
if ((Breakpoint*)SvIV(pointer))
_mainloop(self, node, index, nodes)
Text_KnuthPlass self
SV* node
IV index
AV* nodes
LinkedList* activelist = (LinkedList*)(*hv_fetch((HV*)self, "activeNodes", 11, FALSE));
IV tolerance = ivHash(self, "tolerance");
IV infinity = ivHash(self, "infinity");
SV* demerits_r = *hv_fetch((HV*)self, "demerits", 8, FALSE);
NV ratio = 0;
IV nodepenalty = 0;
NV demerits = 0;
IV linedemerits = 0, flaggeddemerits = 0, fitnessdemerits = 0;
Breakpoint* candidates[4];
NV badness;
IV current_line = 0;
HV* tmpsum;
IV current_class = 0;
Breakpoint* active = activelist->head;
Breakpoint* next;
if (demerits_r && SvRV(demerits_r)) {
linedemerits = ivHash(SvRV(demerits_r), "line");
flaggeddemerits = ivHash(SvRV(demerits_r), "flagged");
fitnessdemerits = ivHash(SvRV(demerits_r), "fitness");
} else {
croak("Demerits hash not properly set!");
if (isPenalty(node)) {
nodepenalty = SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(node), "penalty", 7, TRUE));
while (active) {
int t;
candidates[0] = NULL; candidates[1] = NULL;
candidates[2] = NULL; candidates[3] = NULL;
while (active) {
next = active->next;
IV position = active->position;
debug(warn("Inner loop\n"));
current_line = 1+ active->line;
ratio = _compute_cost(self, position, index, active, current_line, nodes);
debug(warn("Got a ratio of %f\n", ratio));
if (ratio < 1 || (isPenalty(node) && nodepenalty == -infinity))
_unlinkKP(activelist, active);
if (-1 <= ratio && ratio <= tolerance) {
SV* nodeAtPos = *av_fetch(nodes, position, FALSE);
badness = 100 * ratio * ratio * ratio;
debug(warn("Badness is %f\n", badness));
if (isPenalty(node) && nodepenalty > 0) {
demerits = linedemerits + badness + nodepenalty;
} else if (isPenalty(node) && nodepenalty != -infinity) {
demerits = linedemerits + badness - nodepenalty;
} else {
demerits = linedemerits + badness;
demerits = demerits * demerits;
if (isPenalty(node) && isPenalty(SvRV(nodeAtPos))) {
demerits = demerits + (flaggeddemerits *
ivHash(node, "flagged") *
ivHash(SvRV(nodeAtPos), "flagged"));
if (ratio < -0.5) current_class = 0;
else if (ratio <= 0.5) current_class = 1;
else if (ratio <= 1) current_class = 2;
else current_class = 3;
if (abs(current_class - active->fitness_class) > 1)
demerits += fitnessdemerits;
demerits += active->demerits;
if (!candidates[current_class] ||
demerits < candidates[current_class]->demerits) {
debug(warn("Setting c %i\n", current_class));
if (!candidates[current_class])
candidates[current_class] = _new_breakpoint();
candidates[current_class]->active = active;
candidates[current_class]->demerits = demerits;
candidates[current_class]->ratio = ratio;
active = next;
if (!active || active->line >= current_line)
debug(warn("Post inner loop\n"));
for (t = 0; t <= 3; t++) {
if (candidates[t]) {
Breakpoint* newnode = _new_breakpoint();
HV* tmpsum = _compute_sum(self, index, nodes);
newnode->position = index;
newnode->fitness_class = t;
newnode->totals = tmpsum;
debug(warn("Setting previous to %p\n", candidates[t]->active));
newnode->previous = candidates[t]->active;
newnode->demerits = candidates[t]->demerits;
newnode->ratio = candidates[t]->ratio;
newnode->line = candidates[t]->line + 1;
if (active) {
newnode->prev = active->prev;
newnode->next = active;
if (!active->prev) { activelist->head = newnode; }
else { active->prev->next = newnode; }
active->prev = newnode;
} else {
if (!activelist->head) {
activelist->head = activelist->tail = newnode;
newnode->prev = newnode->next = NULL;
} else {
newnode->prev = activelist->tail;
newnode->next = NULL;
activelist->tail->next = newnode;
activelist->tail = newnode;