use v5.10;
class Mildew::Frontend::STD::Cached {
use CHI;
use Digest::MD4 qw(md4);
has cache => (is=>'ro',default=> sub {CHI->new( driver => 'File', root_dir => 'parser_cache',serializer=>'YAML')});
has parser => (is=>'ro',default=> sub {require STD;require Mildew::Frontend::STD;Mildew::Frontend::STD->new()},lazy=>1);
method parse($source) {
my $checksum = md4($source);
if (my $parse = $self->cache->get($checksum)) {
local $INC{""} = "do-not-load";
do 'viv';
warn "using cached ast";
# generating the missing VAST classes
for (@{$parse->{gen_class}}) {
# the $::ORIG var contains the orginal string
$::ORIG = $parse->{ORIG};
return $parse->{VAST};
# we need to duplicate the calls to gen_class before we can use the Mildew::AST
require Actions;
my $gen_class = \&Actions::gen_class;
my @gen_class;
no warnings 'redefine';
*Actions::gen_class = sub {
say "generating class $_[0]";
my $vast = $self->parser->parse($source);