# Original ResourcePool::Factory::Net::LDAP:
#*** ResourcePool::Resource::Net::LDAP
#*** Copyright (c) 2002,2003 by Markus Winand <mws@fatalmind.com>
=head1 NAME
ResourcePool::Factory::Net::LDAPapi - A L<Net::LDAPapi|Net::LDAPapi> Factory for L<ResourcePool|ResourcePool>
use ResourcePool::Factory::Net::LDAPapi;
my $factory = ResourcePool::Factory::Net::LDAPapi->new([NewOptions]);
This class is a factory class for L<Net::LDAPapi|Net::LDAPapi> resources to be used with the L<ResourcePool|ResourcePool>.
Please have a look at the L<ResourcePool::Factory|ResourcePool::Factory> documentation to learn about the purpose of such a factory.
=head1 API
=over 4
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
push @ISA, "ResourcePool::Factory";
$VERSION = "1.00";
=item S<ResourcePool::Factory::Net::LDAPapi-E<gt>new($hostname)>
=item S<ResourcePool::Factory::Net::LDAPapi-E<gt>new($hostname, $port)>
=item S<ResourcePool::Factory::Net::LDAPapi-E<gt>new(-host =E<gt> $hostname, -port =E<gt> $port)>
=item S<ResourcePool::Factory::Net::LDAPapi-E<gt>new(-url =E<gt> $url)>
All parameters passed to C<new()> are passed to C<Net::LDAPapi-E<gt>new()>. See L<Net::LDAPapi|Net::LDAPapi> for full list.
# Some notes about the singleton behavior of this class.
# 1. the constructor does not return a singleton reference!
# 2. there is a seperate function called singelton() which will return a
# singleton reference
# this change was introduces with ResourcePool 0.9909 to allow more flexible
# factories (e.g. factories which do not require all parameters to their
# constructor) an example of such an factory is the Net::LDAP factory.
sub new($@) {
my ($proto) = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new();
if (! exists($self->{host})) {
if (defined $_[0] && ref($_[0]) ne "ARRAY") {
$self->{BindOptions} = [];
$self->{NewOptions} = [@_];
bless($self, $class);
return $self->bind($self->{BindOptions});
=item S<$factory-E<gt>bind("dn", "password")>
=item S<$factory-E<gt>bind(-dn =E<gt> "dn", -password =E<gt> "password")>
All parameters passed to C<bind()> are passed to C<Net::LDAPapi-E<gt>bind_s()>. See L<Net::LDAPapi|Net::LDAPapi> for full list.
Please note that this module will always do a bind to the LDAP server, if you do not specify any bind arguments the bind will be anonymously. The C<bind()> call is used to check the vitality of the LDAP connection, if it fails L<ResourcePool|ResourcePool> will throw it away..
sub bind($@) {
my $self = shift;
$self->{BindOptions} = [@_];
return $self;
sub mk_singleton_key($) {
my $d = Data::Dumper->new([$_[0]]);
return $d->Dump();
sub create_resource($) {
my ($self) = @_;
return ResourcePool::Resource::Net::LDAPapi->new($self
, $self->{BindOptions}
, $self->{NewOptions}
sub info($) {
my ($self) = @_;
my $dn;
if (scalar(@{$self->{BindOptions}}) % 2 == 0) {
# even numer -> old Net::LDAP->bind syntax
my %h = @{$self->{BindOptions}};
$dn = $h{dn};
} else {
# odd numer -> new Net::LDAP->bind syntax
$dn = $self->{BindOptions}->[0];
# if dn is still undef -> anonymous bind
eturn (defined $dn? $dn . "@" : "" ) . $self->{host};
use ResourcePool;
use ResourcePool::Factory::Net::LDAPapi;
my $factory = ResourcePool::Factory::Net::LDAPapi->new(-host => "ldaphost");
$factory->bind(-dn => 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com', -password => 'secret');
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
=head2 ResourcePool::Factory::Net::LDAPapi
Copyright (C) 2015 by Phillip O'Donnell <podonnell@cpan.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head2 Portions based on L<ResourcePool::Factory::Net::LDAP|ResourcePool::Factory::Net::LDAP>
Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by Markus Winand <mws@fatalmind.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.