# mamgal - a program for creating static image galleries
# Copyright 2007, 2008 Marcin Owsiany <marcin@owsiany.pl>
# See the README file for license information
use strict;
use Carp 'verbose';
use Test::More tests => 87;
use lib 'testlib';
my $ef;
dies_ok(sub { App::MaMGal::EntryFactory->new }, "EF cannot be instantiated without arguments");
my ($mf, $mw, $mif, $ml) = (get_mock_formatter, get_mock_mplayer_wrapper, get_mock_iif, get_mock_logger);
sub tools_ok {
my $e = shift;
my $level = $Test::Builder::Level;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $level + 1;
is($e->tools->{entry_factory}, $ef, "entry factory in tools is correct");
is($e->tools->{formatter}, $mf, 'formatter in tools is correct');
is($e->tools->{mplayer_wrapper}, $mw, 'mplayer wrapper in tools is correct');
is($e->tools->{image_info_factory}, $mif, 'image info factory in tools is correct');
is($e->tools->{logger}, $ml, 'logger in tools is correct');
dies_ok(sub { App::MaMGal::EntryFactory->new($mf, $mw) }, "EF cannot be instantiated with just formatter, wrapper");
dies_ok(sub { App::MaMGal::EntryFactory->new($mf, $mw, $mif) }, "EF cannot be instantiated with just formatter, wrapper and image info factory");
lives_ok(sub { $ef = App::MaMGal::EntryFactory->new($mf, $mw, $mif, $ml) }, "EF can be instantiated with formatter, wrapper, parser, image info factory and logger");
my $e;
lives_ok(sub { $e = $ef->create_entry_for('td/empty_file') }, "EF creates entry from empty file");
isa_ok($e, 'App::MaMGal::Entry::NonPicture', "expected entry is a NonPicture");
is($e->name, 'empty_file', "file name matches");
lives_ok(sub { $e = $ef->create_entry_for('td/symlink_to_empty_file') }, "EF creates entry from symlink to empty file");
isa_ok($e, 'App::MaMGal::Entry::NonPicture', "expected entry is a NonPicture");
is($e->name, 'symlink_to_empty_file', "file name matches");
lives_ok(sub { $e = $ef->create_entry_for('td/empty') }, "EF creates entry from empty dir");
isa_ok($e, 'App::MaMGal::Entry::Dir', "expected entry is a Dir");
is($e->name, 'empty', "file name matches");
lives_ok(sub { $e = $ef->create_entry_for('td/symlink_to_empty') }, "EF creates entry from symlink to empty dir");
isa_ok($e, 'App::MaMGal::Entry::Dir', "expected entry is a Dir");
is($e->name, 'symlink_to_empty', "file name matches");
lives_ok(sub { $e = $ef->create_entry_for('td/symlink_broken') }, "EF creates entry from broken symlink");
isa_ok($e, 'App::MaMGal::Entry::BrokenSymlink', "expected entry is a BrokenSymlink");
is($e->name, 'symlink_broken', "file name matches");
lives_ok(sub { $e = $ef->create_entry_for('td/one_pic/a1.png') }, "EF creates entry from a picture");
isa_ok($e, 'App::MaMGal::Entry::Picture::Static', "expected entry is a Picture::Static");
is($e->name, 'a1.png', "file name matches");
lives_ok(sub { $e = $ef->create_entry_for('td/symlink_pic.png') }, "EF creates entry from a symlink to picture");
isa_ok($e, 'App::MaMGal::Entry::Picture::Static', "expected entry is a Picture::Static");
is($e->name, 'symlink_pic.png', "file name matches");
lives_ok(sub { $e = $ef->create_entry_for('td/symlink_pic_noext') }, "EF creates entry from a secret symlink to picture");
isa_ok($e, 'App::MaMGal::Entry::NonPicture', "expected entry is a NonPicture");
is($e->name, 'symlink_pic_noext', "file name matches");
dies_ok(sub { $ef->create_entry_for('td/non-existant') }, "EF dies on nonexistant arg");
# some corner cases:
my $rootdir;
lives_ok(sub { $rootdir = $ef->create_entry_for('/') }, "EF creates entry for '/'");
isa_ok($rootdir, 'App::MaMGal::Entry::Dir', "entry created by EF for '/' is a dir");
ok($rootdir->is_root, "dir root created by EF knows that it's root");
is($rootdir->name, '/', "dir root created by EF knows its name");
my $cwd;
lives_ok(sub { $cwd = $ef->create_entry_for('.') }, "EF creates entry for '.'");
isa_ok($cwd, 'App::MaMGal::Entry::Dir', "entry created by EF for CWD is a dir");
isnt($cwd->name, '.', "entry created by EF for CWD knows its canonical name (and not '.')");