# mamgal - a program for creating static image galleries
# Copyright 2007, 2008 Marcin Owsiany <marcin@owsiany.pl>
# See the README file for license information
use strict;
use Carp 'verbose';
use Test::More tests => 21;
use lib 'testlib';
my $le = App::MaMGal::LocaleEnv->new(get_mock_logger);
my $f = App::MaMGal::Formatter->new($le);
# a dir with a single film
my $time = 1228933448;
utime($time, $time, 'td/one_film/m.mov') == 1 or die "Failed to touch file";
my $dir = App::MaMGal::EntryFactory->new($f, get_mock_mplayer_wrapper, App::MaMGal::ImageInfoFactory->new(get_mock_datetime_parser, get_mock_logger), get_mock_logger)->create_entry_for('td/one_film');
# this is m.mov
my $mov = ($dir->elements)[0];
my $t;
lives_ok(sub { $t = $f->format($dir) }, "formatter formats index page with one film");
tag_ok($t, "a", { href => '.mamgal-slides/m.mov.html' }, "there is a link to the slide");
tag_ok($t, "img", { src => '.mamgal-thumbnails/m.mov.png' }, "there is a pic on the page");
text_ok($t, 'm.mov', "contains the filename alone");
dies_ok(sub { $f->format_slide }, "dies with no arg");
dies_ok(sub { $f->format_slide(1) }, "dies non pic arg");
dies_ok(sub { $f->format_slide($mov, 2) }, "dies with > 1 arg");
my $st_mov;
lives_ok(sub { $st_mov = $f->format_slide($mov) }, "lives with a film arg");
text_ok($st_mov, 'm.mov', "slide contains filename");
for my $n ('td', 'one_film') {
text_ok($st_mov, $n, "slide contains parent filenames");
no_tag($st_mov, "img", "there is not a medium pic on the page");
tag_ok($st_mov, "embed", {src => '../m.mov'}, "there is an embed tag on the page");
tag_count($st_mov, "embed", {}, 1, "just one embed tag");
tag_ok($st_mov, "a", {href => '../index.html'}, "there is a link up on the page");
tag_ok($st_mov, "a", {href => '../m.mov', _content => "Download"}, "there is a link to film itself");
tag_count($st_mov, "a", {}, 2, "two links in total");
tag_ok($st_mov, "span", {class => 'date', _content => qr'12/(09|1[01])/08'},"there is a date");
tag_ok($st_mov, "span", {class => 'time', _content => qr'\d{2}:\d{2}:08'},"there is a time");
my $ct_mov;
lives_ok(sub { $ct_mov = $f->entry_cell($mov) }, "lives through cell entry generation");
text_ok($ct_mov, 'm.mov', "cell contains filename");