our $VERSION = '0.008';
# ABSTRACT: Export a Mojolicious website to static files
#pod =head1 SYNOPSIS
#pod use Mojolicious::Lite;
#pod get '/' => 'index';
#pod get '/secret' => 'secret';
#pod plugin Export => {
#pod pages => [qw( / /secret )],
#pod };
#pod app->start;
#pod =head1 DESCRIPTION
#pod Deploy a Mojolicious webapp to static files.
#pod =head2 Configuration
#pod Default values for the command's options can be specified in the
#pod configuration using one of Mojolicious's configuration plugins.
#pod # myapp.conf
#pod {
#pod export => {
#pod # Configure the default pages to export
#pod pages => [ '/', '/hidden' ],
#pod # The directory to export to
#pod to => '/var/www/html',
#pod # Rewrite URLs to include base directory
#pod base => '/',
#pod }
#pod }
#pod =head1 HELPERS
#pod =head2 export
#pod The C<export> helper returns the L<Mojolicious::Plugin::Export> object.
#pod =head1 EVENTS
#pod =head2 before_write
#pod Emitted after all the content has been loaded and prepared for export.
#pod The event is given two arguments: The Mojolicious::Plugin::Export object
#pod and a hashref of paths mapped to content to be exported. The content can
#pod be either a Mojo::DOM object for HTML pages or the content to be
#pod exported. This event may modify the hashref or the DOM objects to change
#pod the content before it is written.
#pod app->export->on( before_write => sub {
#pod my ( $export, $pages ) = @_;
#pod for my $path ( keys %$pages ) {
#pod my $content = $pages->{ $path };
#pod # ...
#pod }
#pod } );
#pod =head1 SEE ALSO
#pod L<Mojolicious::Command::export>, L<Mojolicious::Plugin::Export::Git>, L<Mojolicious::Plugin>
#pod =cut
use Mojo::File qw( path );
use Mojo::Util qw( encode decode );
#pod =attr pages
#pod The pages to export by default. This can be overridden by the arguments to
#pod L</export>.
#pod # Add pages to export by default
#pod push @{ $app->export->pages }, '/blog';
#pod =cut
has pages => sub { [] };
#pod =attr to
#pod The path to export to by default.
#pod =cut
has to => '.';
#pod =attr base
#pod The base URL, if URLs need to be rewritten.
#pod =cut
has base => '';
#pod =attr quiet
#pod If true, will not report every action taken by the plugin. Defaults to true.
#pod =cut
has quiet => 1;
has _app =>;
sub register {
my ( $self, $app, $plugin_conf ) = @_;
$self->_app( $app );
$app->helper( export => sub { $self } );
# Config file overrides plugin config
my $config = $app->can( 'config' ) ? $app->config->{export} : {};
for my $key ( keys %$config ) {
if ( !$self->can( $key ) ) {
die "Unrecognized export configuration: $key\n";
$self->$key( $config->{ $key } // $plugin_conf->{ $key } );
return $self;
#pod =method export
#pod app->export->export( $override );
#pod Export the site. C<$override> is a hash reference to override the object
#pod attributes (keys are attribute names, values are the overridden value).
#pod =cut
sub export {
my ( $self, $opt ) = @_;
for my $key ( qw( pages to base quiet ) ) {
$opt->{ $key } //= $self->$key;
if ( $opt->{base} && $opt->{base} =~ m{^[^/]} ) {
$opt->{base} = '/' . $opt->{base};
my $root = path( $opt->{ to } );
my @pages
= @{ $opt->{pages} } ? map { m{^/} ? $_ : "/$_" } @{ $opt->{pages} }
: ( '/' );
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
$ua->server->app( $self->_app );
# A hash of path => knowledge about the path
# link_from => a hash of path -> array of DOM elements linking to original path
# res => The response from the request for this page
# redirect_to => The redirect location, if it was a redirect
my %history;
while ( my $page = shift @pages ) {
next if $history{ $page }{ res };
my $tx = $ua->get( $page );
my $res = $tx->res;
# Do not try to write error messages
if ( $res->is_error ) {
if ( !$opt->{quiet} ) {
say sprintf " [ERROR] %s - %s %s",
$page, $res->code, $res->message;
# Rewrite links to redirects
if ( $res->is_redirect ) {
my $loc = $history{ $page }{ redirect_to } = $res->headers->location;
for my $link_from ( keys %{ $history{ $page }{ link_from } } ) {
for my $el ( @{ $history{ $page }{ link_from }{ $link_from } } ) {
$el->attr( href => $loc );
my $type = $res->headers->content_type;
if ( $type and $type =~ m{^text/html} and my $dom = $res->dom ) {
my $dir = $page =~ m{/$} ? path( $page ) : path( $page )->dirname;
for my $attr ( qw( href src ) ) {
for my $el ( $dom->find( "[$attr]" )->each ) {
my $url = $el->attr( $attr );
# Don't analyze full URLs
next if $url =~ m{^(?:[a-zA-Z]+:|//)};
# Don't analyze in-page fragments
next if $url =~ m{^#};
# Fix relative paths
my $path = $url =~ m{^/} ? $url : $dir->child( $url )."";
# Remove fragment
$path =~ s/#.+//;
if ( my $loc = $history{ $path }{ redirect_to } ) {
$el->attr( $attr => $loc );
else {
push @{ $history{ $path }{ link_from }{ $page } }, $el;
if ( !$history{ $path }{ res } ) {
push @pages, $path;
$history{ $page }{ res } = $res;
# Event for checking the status of everything we're about to export.
# We do this before rewriting the base URLs to make it easier to
# check for broken links.
my %to_export =
map { $_->[0] => $_->[1] =~ m{^text/html} ? $_->[2]->dom : $_->[2]->body }
map { [ $_, $history{ $_ }{ res }->headers->content_type, $history{ $_ }{ res } ] }
grep { $history{ $_ }{ res } }
keys %history;
$self->emit( before_write => \%to_export );
for my $page ( keys %to_export ) {
my $content = $to_export{ $page };
if ( ref $content eq 'Mojo::DOM' ) {
my $dir = path( $page )->dirname;
for my $attr ( qw( href src ) ) {
for my $el ( $content->find( "[$attr]" )->each ) {
my $url = $el->attr( $attr );
# Rewrite absolute paths
if ( $opt->{base} && $url =~ m{^/} ) {
my $base_url = $url eq '/' ? $opt->{base} : $opt->{base} . $url;
$el->attr( $attr => $base_url );
$self->_write( $root, $page, $content, $opt->{quiet} );
sub _write {
my ( $self, $root, $page, $content, $quiet ) = @_;
if ( ref $content eq 'Mojo::DOM' ) {
# Mojolicious automatically decodes using the response content
# type, so all we need to do is encode it into the file content
# type that we want
# TODO: Allow configuring the destination encoding
# TODO: Ensure all text/* MIME types use the destination
# encoding
$content = encode 'utf8', $content;
my $to = $root->child( $page );
if ( $to !~ m{[.][^/.]+$} ) {
$to = $to->child( 'index.html' );
my $dir = $to->dirname;
if ( !-d $dir ) {
say " [mkdir] $dir" unless $quiet;
else {
say " [exist] $dir" unless $quiet;
say " [write] $to" unless $quiet;
$to->spurt( $content );
=head1 NAME
Mojolicious::Plugin::Export - Export a Mojolicious website to static files
=head1 VERSION
version 0.008
use Mojolicious::Lite;
get '/' => 'index';
get '/secret' => 'secret';
plugin Export => {
pages => [qw( / /secret )],
Deploy a Mojolicious webapp to static files.
=head2 Configuration
Default values for the command's options can be specified in the
configuration using one of Mojolicious's configuration plugins.
# myapp.conf
export => {
# Configure the default pages to export
pages => [ '/', '/hidden' ],
# The directory to export to
to => '/var/www/html',
# Rewrite URLs to include base directory
base => '/',
=head2 pages
The pages to export by default. This can be overridden by the arguments to
# Add pages to export by default
push @{ $app->export->pages }, '/blog';
=head2 to
The path to export to by default.
=head2 base
The base URL, if URLs need to be rewritten.
=head2 quiet
If true, will not report every action taken by the plugin. Defaults to true.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 export
app->export->export( $override );
Export the site. C<$override> is a hash reference to override the object
attributes (keys are attribute names, values are the overridden value).
=head1 HELPERS
=head2 export
The C<export> helper returns the L<Mojolicious::Plugin::Export> object.
=head1 EVENTS
=head2 before_write
Emitted after all the content has been loaded and prepared for export.
The event is given two arguments: The Mojolicious::Plugin::Export object
and a hashref of paths mapped to content to be exported. The content can
be either a Mojo::DOM object for HTML pages or the content to be
exported. This event may modify the hashref or the DOM objects to change
the content before it is written.
app->export->on( before_write => sub {
my ( $export, $pages ) = @_;
for my $path ( keys %$pages ) {
my $content = $pages->{ $path };
# ...
} );
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious::Command::export>, L<Mojolicious::Plugin::Export::Git>, L<Mojolicious::Plugin>
=head1 AUTHOR
Doug Bell <preaction@cpan.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Doug Bell.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.