This tests Zapp::Controller::Plan (except for the JavaScript involved).
use Mojo::Base -strict, -signatures;
use Mojo::JSON qw( decode_json encode_json );
my $t = Test::Zapp->new;
my $dump_debug = sub( $t ) {
diag $t->tx->res->dom->find(
subtest 'create new plan' => sub {
subtest 'new plan form' => sub {
$t->get_ok( '/plan/create' )->status_is( 200 )
->or( $dump_debug )
->element_exists( 'main form#plan', 'form exists' )
->attr_is( 'main form#plan', enctype => 'multipart/form-data', 'form enctype correct' )
->attr_is( 'main form#plan', action => '/plan/create', 'form action correct' )
->attr_is( 'main form#plan', method => 'POST', 'form method correct' )
'label label exists',
'label input exists',
name => 'label',
'label input name is correct',
'description label exists',
'description textarea exists',
name => 'description',
'description textarea name is correct',
'add input dropdown exists',
'add task dropdown exists',
'select.add-task option:nth-child(1)',
'Add Task...',
'placeholder for add task dropdown is correct',
'select.add-task option[value=Zapp::Task::Request]',
'Request task appears in task list',
'select.add-task option[value=Zapp::Task::Request]',
'Request task option text is correct',
'select.add-task option[value=Zapp::Task::Script]',
'Script task appears in task list',
'select.add-task option[value=Zapp::Task::Script]',
'Script task option text is correct',
subtest 'save plan' => sub {
$t->post_ok( "/plan/create",
form => {
label => 'The Mighty One',
description => 'Save the mighty one, save the universe.',
'input[0].name' => 'prank_name',
'input[0].label' => 'Prank Name',
'input[0].type' => 'string',
'input[0].description' => 'A funny name to demoralize the Mighty One',
'input[0].config' => 'I.C. Weiner',
'task[0].class' => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
'task[0].name' => 'Order',
'task[0].label' => 'Order pizza',
'task[0].description' => 'I.C. Weiner',
'task[0].input.script' => 'echo make order',
'task[1].class' => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
'task[1].name' => 'Verify',
'task[1].description' => 'Verify freezer',
'task[1].input.script' => 'echo make test',
$t->status_is( 302 )->or( sub( $t ) { diag $t->tx->res->dom->find( '#error,#context,#trace,#log' )->each } );
$t->header_like( Location => qr{/plan/(\d+)/edit} );
my ( $plan_id ) = $t->tx->res->headers->location =~ m{/plan/(\d+)};
my $got_plan = $t->app->yancy->get( zapp_plans => $plan_id );
ok $got_plan, 'found plan';
is $got_plan->{label}, 'The Mighty One', 'plan label correct';
is $got_plan->{description}, 'Save the mighty one, save the universe.', 'plan description correct';
my @got_tasks = $t->app->yancy->list(
zapp_plan_tasks => {
plan_id => $plan_id,
order_by => 'task_id',
is scalar @got_tasks, 2, 'got 2 tasks for plan';
input => decode_json( $got_tasks[0]{input} ),
plan_id => $got_plan->{plan_id},
task_id => $got_tasks[0]{task_id},
class =>'Zapp::Task::Script',
name => 'Order',
label => 'Order pizza',
description => 'I.C. Weiner',
input => {
script => 'echo make order',
'task 1 is correct';
input => decode_json( $got_tasks[1]{input} ),
plan_id => $got_plan->{plan_id},
task_id => $got_tasks[1]{task_id},
class =>'Zapp::Task::Script',
name => 'Verify',
label => undef,
description => 'Verify freezer',
input => {
script => 'echo make test',
'task 2 is correct';
my @got_parents = $t->app->yancy->list( zapp_plan_task_parents => {
task_id => [ map { $_->{task_id} } @got_tasks ],
is scalar @got_parents, 1, 'got 1 relationship for plan';
is_deeply $got_parents[0], {
task_id => $got_tasks[1]{task_id},
parent_task_id => $got_tasks[0]{task_id},
my @got_inputs = $t->app->yancy->list( zapp_plan_inputs =>
plan_id => $got_plan->{plan_id},
order_by => 'name',
is scalar @got_inputs, 1, 'got 1 inputs for plan';
is_deeply $got_inputs[0], {
plan_id => $plan_id,
name => 'prank_name',
label => 'Prank Name',
rank => 0,
type => 'string',
description => 'A funny name to demoralize the Mighty One',
config => encode_json( 'I.C. Weiner' ),
value => encode_json( undef ),
subtest 'edit existing plan' => sub {
my $plan = $t->app->create_plan( {
label => 'Blow up Garbage Ball',
description => 'Save New New York from certain, smelly doom.',
tasks => [
label => 'Deploy the Bomb',
name => 'Deploy',
description => 'Deploy the bomb between the Bart Simpson dolls.',
class => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
input => encode_json({
script => "liftoff;\ndrop the_bomb\n",
label => 'Activate the Bomb',
name => 'Activate',
description => q{Let's blow it up already!},
class => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
input => encode_json({
script => "make explosion",
inputs => [
name => 'delay',
type => 'number',
description => 'Time to give crew to survive, in minutes',
config => encode_json( 25 ),
name => 'location',
type => 'string',
description => 'Where to place the bomb',
config => encode_json( 'In the center' ),
} );
my $plan_id = $plan->{plan_id};
my @task_ids = map { $_->{task_id} } @{ $plan->{tasks} };
subtest 'edit plan form' => sub {
$t->get_ok( "/plan/$plan_id/edit" )->status_is( 200 )
->or( $dump_debug )
->element_exists( 'main form#plan', 'form exists' )
->attr_is( 'main form#plan', action => "/plan/$plan_id/edit", 'form action correct' )
->attr_is( 'main form#plan', method => 'POST', 'form method correct' )
'label label exists',
'label input exists',
name => 'label',
'label input name is correct',
value => 'Blow up Garbage Ball',
'label input value is correct',
'description label exists',
'description textarea exists',
name => 'description',
'description textarea name is correct',
'Save New New York from certain, smelly doom.',
'description textarea value is correct',
'add input dropdown exists',
'add task dropdown exists',
'select.add-task option:nth-child(1)',
'Add Task...',
'placeholder for add task dropdown is correct',
'select.add-task option[value=Zapp::Task::Request]',
'Request task appears in task list',
'select.add-task option[value=Zapp::Task::Request]',
'Request task option text is correct',
'select.add-task option[value=Zapp::Task::Script]',
'Script task appears in task list',
'select.add-task option[value=Zapp::Task::Script]',
'Script task option text is correct',
subtest 'inputs form' => sub {
'main form [name="input[0].name"]',
'first input name input exists',
'main form [name="input[0].name"]',
value => 'delay',
'first input name input value is correct',
) or diag $t->tx->res->dom->at( 'main form [name="input[0].name"]' );
'main form [name="input[0].type"]',
'first input type input exists',
'main form [name="input[0].type"]',
value => 'number',
'first input type input value is correct',
'main form [name="input[0].description"]',
'first input description input exists',
'main form [name="input[0].description"]',
'Time to give crew to survive, in minutes',
'first input description input value is correct',
'main form [name="input[0].config"]',
'first input default input exists',
'main form [name="input[0].config"]',
value => '25',
'first input default value input value is correct',
'main form [name="input[1].name"]',
'second input name input exists',
'main form [name="input[1].name"]',
value => 'location',
'second input name input value is correct',
'main form [name="input[1].type"]',
'second input type input exists',
'main form [name="input[1].type"]',
value => 'string',
'second input type input value is correct',
'main form [name="input[1].description"]',
'second input description input exists',
'main form [name="input[1].description"]',
'Where to place the bomb',
'second input description input value is correct',
'main form [name="input[1].config"]',
'second input default input exists',
'main form [name="input[1].config"]',
value => 'In the center',
'second input default value input value is correct',
subtest 'task 0 form' => sub {
'first plan task class input exists',
value => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
'first plan task class input value correct',
'first plan task id input exists',
value => $task_ids[0],
'first plan task id input value correct',
'first plan task name input exists',
value => 'Deploy',
'first plan task name input value correct',
'first plan task label input exists',
value => 'Deploy the Bomb',
'first plan task label input value correct',
'first plan task description textarea exists',
'Deploy the bomb between the Bart Simpson dolls.',
'first plan task description textarea value correct',
'task script textarea exists',
"liftoff;\ndrop the_bomb\n",
'first plan task description textarea value correct',
subtest 'task 1 form' => sub {
'second plan task class input exists',
value => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
'second plan task class input value correct',
'second plan task id input exists',
value => $task_ids[1],
'second plan task id input value correct',
'second plan task name input exists',
value => 'Activate',
'second plan task name input value correct',
'second plan task label input exists',
value => 'Activate the Bomb',
'second plan task label input value correct',
'second plan task description textarea exists',
q{Let's blow it up already!},
'second plan task description textarea value correct',
'second plan task script arg exists',
'make explosion',
'second plan task script arg value correct',
subtest 'save plan' => sub {
$t->post_ok( "/plan/$plan_id/edit",
form => {
label => 'Save NNY',
description => 'Save New New York City',
'input[0].name' => 'delay',
'input[0].label' => 'Delay (hours)',
'input[0].type' => 'number',
'input[0].description' => 'Time to give crew to survive, in hours',
'input[0].config' => '0.4',
'input[1].name' => 'location',
'input[1].label' => 'Location',
'input[1].type' => 'string',
'input[1].description' => 'Where to put the bomb',
'input[1].config' => 'In the center',
'task[0].task_id' => $task_ids[0],
'task[0].class' => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
'task[0].name' => 'Build',
'task[0].label' => 'Build the Bomb',
'task[0].description' => 'Build a bomb',
'task[0].input.script' => 'make thebomb',
'task[1].task_id' => $task_ids[1],
'task[1].class' => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
'task[1].name' => 'Verify',
'task[1].label' => 'Verify Bomb',
'task[1].description' => 'Make sure this time',
'task[1].input.script' => 'make check',
$t->status_is( 302 );
$t->header_is( Location => "/plan/$plan_id/edit" );
my $got_plan = $t->app->yancy->get( zapp_plans => $plan_id );
ok $got_plan, 'found plan';
is $got_plan->{label}, 'Save NNY', 'plan label correct';
is $got_plan->{description}, 'Save New New York City', 'plan description correct';
my @got_tasks = $t->app->yancy->list(
zapp_plan_tasks => {
plan_id => $plan_id,
order_by => 'task_id',
is scalar @got_tasks, 2, 'got 2 tasks for plan';
input => decode_json( $got_tasks[0]{input} ),
plan_id => $plan_id,
class => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
task_id => $task_ids[0],
name => 'Build',
label => 'Build the Bomb',
description => 'Build a bomb',
input => {
script => 'make thebomb',
'task 1 is correct';
input => decode_json( $got_tasks[1]{input} ),
plan_id => $plan_id,
class => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
task_id => $task_ids[1],
name => 'Verify',
label => 'Verify Bomb',
description => 'Make sure this time',
input => {
script => 'make check',
'task 2 is correct';
my @got_parents = $t->app->yancy->list( zapp_plan_task_parents => {
task_id => [ map { $_->{task_id} } @got_tasks ],
is scalar @got_parents, 1, 'got 1 relationship for plan';
is_deeply $got_parents[0], {
task_id => $task_ids[1],
parent_task_id => $task_ids[0],
my @got_inputs = $t->app->yancy->list( zapp_plan_inputs =>
plan_id => $plan_id,
order_by => 'name',
is scalar @got_inputs, 2, 'got 2 inputs for plan';
is_deeply $got_inputs[0], {
plan_id => $plan_id,
name => 'delay',
label => 'Delay (hours)',
rank => 0,
type => 'number',
description => 'Time to give crew to survive, in hours',
config => encode_json( '0.4' ),
value => encode_json( undef ),
is_deeply $got_inputs[1], {
plan_id => $plan_id,
name => 'location',
label => 'Location',
rank => 1,
type => 'string',
description => 'Where to put the bomb',
config => encode_json( 'In the center' ),
value => encode_json( undef ),
subtest 'add task to plan' => sub {
$t->post_ok( "/plan/$plan_id/edit",
form => {
label => 'Save NNY',
description => 'Save New New York City',
'input[0].name' => 'delay',
'input[0].type' => 'number',
'input[0].description' => 'Time to give crew to survive, in hours',
'input[0].config' => '0.4',
'input[1].name' => 'location',
'input[1].type' => 'string',
'input[1].description' => 'Where to put the bomb',
'input[1].config' => 'In the center',
'task[0].task_id' => $task_ids[0],
'task[0].class' => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
'task[0].name' => 'Build',
'task[0].description' => 'Build a bomb',
'task[0].input.script' => 'make thebomb',
'task[1].class' => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
'task[1].name' => 'Transit',
'task[1].description' => 'Fly to garbage ball',
'task[1].input.script' => 'make flight',
'task[2].task_id' => $task_ids[1],
'task[2].class' => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
'task[2].name' => 'Verify',
'task[2].description' => 'Make sure this time',
'task[2].input.script' => 'make check',
$t->status_is( 302 );
$t->header_is( Location => "/plan/$plan_id/edit" );
my @got_tasks = $t->app->yancy->list(
zapp_plan_tasks => {
plan_id => $plan_id,
order_by => 'task_id',
is scalar @got_tasks, 3, 'got 3 tasks for plan';
input => decode_json( $got_tasks[0]{input} ),
plan_id => $plan_id,
class => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
task_id => $task_ids[0],
name => 'Build',
label => 'Build the Bomb',
description => 'Build a bomb',
input => {
script => 'make thebomb',
'task 1 is correct';
input => decode_json( $got_tasks[2]{input} ),
plan_id => $plan_id,
class => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
task_id => $got_tasks[2]{task_id},
name => 'Transit',
label => undef,
description => 'Fly to garbage ball',
input => {
script => 'make flight',
'new task is correct';
input => decode_json( $got_tasks[1]{input} ),
plan_id => $plan_id,
class => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
task_id => $task_ids[1],
name => 'Verify',
label => 'Verify Bomb',
description => 'Make sure this time',
input => {
script => 'make check',
'task 2 is correct';
my @got_parents = $t->app->yancy->list( zapp_plan_task_parents =>
task_id => [ map { $_->{task_id} } @got_tasks ],
order_by => 'task_id',
is scalar @got_parents, 2, 'got 2 relationships for plan';
is_deeply $got_parents[0], {
task_id => $task_ids[1],
parent_task_id => $got_tasks[2]{task_id},
is_deeply $got_parents[1], {
task_id => $got_tasks[2]{task_id},
parent_task_id => $task_ids[0],
my @got_inputs = $t->app->yancy->list( zapp_plan_inputs =>
plan_id => $plan_id,
order_by => 'name',
is scalar @got_inputs, 2, 'got 2 inputs for plan';
is_deeply $got_inputs[0], {
plan_id => $plan_id,
name => 'delay',
label => 'Delay (hours)',
rank => 0,
type => 'number',
description => 'Time to give crew to survive, in hours',
config => encode_json( '0.4' ),
value => encode_json( undef ),
is_deeply $got_inputs[1], {
plan_id => $plan_id,
name => 'location',
label => 'Location',
rank => 1,
type => 'string',
description => 'Where to put the bomb',
config => encode_json( 'In the center' ),
value => encode_json( undef ),
subtest 'remove task from plan' => sub {
$t->post_ok( "/plan/$plan_id/edit",
form => {
label => 'Save NNY',
description => 'Save New New York City',
'input[0].name' => 'prank_name',
'input[0].type' => 'string',
'input[0].description' => 'A funny name to demoralize the Mighty One',
'input[0].config' => 'I.C. Weiner',
'input[1].name' => 'delay',
'input[1].type' => 'number',
'input[1].description' => 'Time to give crew to survive, in hours',
'input[1].config' => '0.4',
'task[0].task_id' => $task_ids[0],
'task[0].class' => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
'task[0].name' => 'Build',
'task[0].description' => 'Build a bomb',
'task[0].input.script' => 'make thebomb',
'task[1].task_id' => $task_ids[1],
'task[1].class' => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
'task[1].name' => 'Verify',
'task[1].description' => 'Make sure this time',
'task[1].input.script' => 'make check',
$t->status_is( 302 );
$t->header_is( Location => "/plan/$plan_id/edit" );
my @got_tasks = $t->app->yancy->list(
zapp_plan_tasks => {
plan_id => $plan_id,
order_by => 'task_id',
is scalar @got_tasks, 2, 'got 2 tasks for plan';
input => decode_json( $got_tasks[0]{input} ),
plan_id => $plan_id,
class => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
task_id => $task_ids[0],
name => 'Build',
label => 'Build the Bomb',
description => 'Build a bomb',
input => {
script => 'make thebomb',
'task 1 is correct';
input => decode_json( $got_tasks[1]{input} ),
plan_id => $plan_id,
class => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
task_id => $task_ids[1],
name => 'Verify',
label => 'Verify Bomb',
description => 'Make sure this time',
input => {
script => 'make check',
'task 2 is correct';
my @got_parents = $t->app->yancy->list( zapp_plan_task_parents => {
task_id => [ map { $_->{task_id} } @got_tasks ],
is scalar @got_parents, 1, 'got 1 relationship for plan';
is_deeply $got_parents[0], {
task_id => $task_ids[1],
parent_task_id => $task_ids[0],
subtest 'remove input from plan' => sub {
$t->post_ok( "/plan/$plan_id/edit",
form => {
label => 'Save NNY',
description => 'Save New New York City',
'input[0].name' => 'delay',
'input[0].type' => 'number',
'input[0].description' => 'Time to give crew to survive, in minutes',
'input[0].config' => '60',
'task[0].task_id' => $task_ids[0],
'task[0].class' => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
'task[0].name' => 'Build',
'task[0].description' => 'Build a bomb',
'task[0].input.script' => 'make thebomb',
'task[1].task_id' => $task_ids[1],
'task[1].class' => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
'task[1].name' => 'Verify',
'task[1].description' => 'Make sure this time',
'task[1].input.script' => 'make check',
$t->status_is( 302 );
$t->header_is( Location => "/plan/$plan_id/edit" );
my @got_inputs = $t->app->yancy->list( zapp_plan_inputs =>
plan_id => $plan_id,
order_by => 'name',
is scalar @got_inputs, 1, 'got 1 inputs for plan';
is_deeply $got_inputs[0], {
plan_id => $plan_id,
name => 'delay',
label => 'Delay (hours)',
rank => 0,
type => 'number',
description => 'Time to give crew to survive, in minutes',
config => encode_json( '60' ),
value => encode_json( undef ),
subtest 'add input to plan' => sub {
$t->post_ok( "/plan/$plan_id/edit",
form => {
label => 'Save NNY',
description => 'Save New New York City',
'input[0].name' => 'delay',
'input[0].type' => 'number',
'input[0].description' => 'Time to give crew to survive, in minutes',
'input[0].config' => '60',
'input[1].name' => 'location',
'input[1].type' => 'string',
'input[1].description' => 'Where to place the bomb',
'input[1].config' => 'In the center',
'task[0].task_id' => $task_ids[0],
'task[0].class' => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
'task[0].name' => 'Build',
'task[0].description' => 'Build a bomb',
'task[0].input.script' => 'make thebomb',
'task[1].task_id' => $task_ids[1],
'task[1].class' => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
'task[1].name' => 'Verify',
'task[1].description' => 'Make sure this time',
'task[1].input.script' => 'make check',
$t->status_is( 302 );
$t->header_is( Location => "/plan/$plan_id/edit" );
my @got_inputs = $t->app->yancy->list( zapp_plan_inputs =>
plan_id => $plan_id,
order_by => 'name',
is scalar @got_inputs, 2, 'got 1 inputs for plan';
is_deeply $got_inputs[0], {
plan_id => $plan_id,
name => 'delay',
label => 'Delay (hours)',
rank => 0,
type => 'number',
description => 'Time to give crew to survive, in minutes',
config => encode_json( '60' ),
value => encode_json( undef ),
is_deeply $got_inputs[1], {
plan_id => $plan_id,
name => 'location',
label => undef,
rank => 1,
type => 'string',
description => 'Where to place the bomb',
config => encode_json( 'In the center' ),
value => encode_json( undef ),
subtest 'list plans' => sub {
my @plans = (
label => 'Deliver a package',
description => 'To a dangerous place',
label => 'Clean the ship',
description => 'Of any remains of the crew',
label => 'Find a replacement crew',
description => 'After their inevitable deaths',
$t->get_ok( '/' )->status_is( 200 )
->element_exists( 'a[href=/plan/create]', 'link to create plans exists' )
->text_like( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) h2 a', qr{Deliver a package} )
->attr_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) h2 a', href => "/plan/$plans[0]{plan_id}" )
->text_like( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) .description', qr{To a dangerous place} )
->element_exists( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) a.run', 'run button exists' )
->attr_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) a.run', href => '/plan/' . $plans[0]{plan_id} . '/run' )
->element_exists( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) a.edit', 'edit button exists' )
->attr_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) a.edit', href => '/plan/' . $plans[0]{plan_id} . '/edit' )
->element_exists( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) a.delete', 'delete button exists' )
->attr_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) a.delete', href => '/plan/' . $plans[0]{plan_id} . '/delete' )
->element_exists_not( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) [data-run-finished]', 'run finished not shown' )
->element_exists_not( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) [data-run-started]', 'run started not shown' )
->element_exists_not( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) [data-run-state]', 'run state not shown' )
->text_like( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) h2 a', qr{Clean the ship} )
->attr_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) h2 a', href => "/plan/$plans[1]{plan_id}" )
->text_like( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) .description', qr{Of any remains of the crew} )
->element_exists( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) a.run', 'run button exists' )
->attr_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) a.run', href => '/plan/' . $plans[1]{plan_id} . '/run' )
->element_exists( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) a.edit', 'edit button exists' )
->attr_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) a.edit', href => '/plan/' . $plans[1]{plan_id} . '/edit' )
->element_exists( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) a.delete', 'delete button exists' )
->attr_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) a.delete', href => '/plan/' . $plans[1]{plan_id} . '/delete' )
->element_exists_not( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) [data-run-finished]', 'run finished not shown' )
->element_exists_not( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) [data-run-started]', 'run started not shown' )
->element_exists_not( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) [data-run-state]', 'run state not shown' )
->text_like( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) h2 a', qr{Find a replacement crew} )
->attr_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) h2 a', href => "/plan/$plans[2]{plan_id}" )
->text_like( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) .description', qr{After their inevitable deaths} )
->element_exists( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) a.run', 'run button exists' )
->attr_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) a.run', href => '/plan/' . $plans[2]{plan_id} . '/run' )
->element_exists( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) a.edit', 'edit button exists' )
->attr_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) a.edit', href => '/plan/' . $plans[2]{plan_id} . '/edit' )
->element_exists( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) a.delete', 'delete button exists' )
->attr_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) a.delete', href => '/plan/' . $plans[2]{plan_id} . '/delete' )
->element_exists_not( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) [data-run-finished]', 'run finished not shown' )
->element_exists_not( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) [data-run-started]', 'run started not shown' )
->element_exists_not( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) [data-run-state]', 'run state not shown' )
my @runs;
subtest 'default plan order by run finished, started, created' => sub {
# Insert some runs to order plans
push @runs, (
# Should be second, since started after above
$t->app->yancy->create( zapp_runs => {
$plans[1]->%{qw( label description )},
plan_id => $plans[1]{plan_id},
created => '2021-02-01 00:00:00',
started => '2021-02-01 00:00:00',
finished => '2021-02-02 00:00:00',
state => 'failed',
# Should be first, since finished last
$t->app->yancy->create( zapp_runs => {
$plans[2]->%{qw( label description )},
plan_id => $plans[2]{plan_id},
created => '2021-02-03 00:00:00',
started => '2021-02-04 00:00:00',
finished => '2021-02-05 00:00:00',
state => 'killed',
$t->get_ok( '/' )->status_is( 200 )
->text_like( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) h2 a', qr{Deliver a package} )
->element_exists_not( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) [data-run-finished]', 'last run finished not showing' )
->element_exists_not( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) [data-run-started]', 'last run started not showing' )
->element_exists_not( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) [data-run-state]', 'last run state not showing' )
->text_like( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) h2 a', qr{Clean the ship} )
->element_exists( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) [data-run-finished]', 'last run finished showing' )
'.plans-list > :nth-child(2) [data-run-finished]',
href => '/run/' . $runs[0],
'last run finished link is correct',
->attr_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) time', datetime => '2021-02-02 00:00:00' )
->text_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) [data-run-state]', 'failed', 'run state shown' )
->text_like( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) h2 a', qr{Find a replacement crew} )
->element_exists( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) [data-run-finished]', 'last run finished showing' )
'.plans-list > :nth-child(1) [data-run-finished]',
href => '/run/' . $runs[1],
'last run finished link is correct',
->attr_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) time', datetime => '2021-02-05 00:00:00' )
->text_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) [data-run-state]', 'killed', 'run state shown' )
subtest 'running tasks always shown on top' => sub {
# Insert some runs to order plans
push @runs, (
# Should be first now, since it is active
$t->app->yancy->create( zapp_runs => {
$plans[0]->%{qw( label description )},
plan_id => $plans[0]{plan_id},
created => '2021-02-03 00:00:00',
started => '2021-02-04 00:00:00',
state => 'active',
# Should be second now, since it is inactive
$t->app->yancy->create( zapp_runs => {
$plans[1]->%{qw( label description )},
plan_id => $plans[1]{plan_id},
created => '2021-02-03 00:00:00',
state => 'inactive',
$t->get_ok( '/' )->status_is( 200 )
->text_like( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) h2 a', qr{Deliver a package} )
->element_exists( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) [data-run-started]', 'last run started showing' )
'.plans-list > :nth-child(1) [data-run-started]',
href => '/run/' . $runs[2],
'last run started link is correct',
->attr_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) time', datetime => '2021-02-04 00:00:00' )
->text_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(1) [data-run-state]', 'active', 'run state shown' )
->text_like( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) h2 a', qr{Clean the ship} )
->element_exists( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) [data-run-created]', 'last run created showing' )
'.plans-list > :nth-child(2) [data-run-created]',
href => '/run/' . $runs[3],
'last run inactive link is correct',
->attr_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) time', datetime => '2021-02-03 00:00:00' )
->text_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(2) [data-run-state]', 'inactive', 'run state shown' )
->text_like( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) h2 a', qr{Find a replacement crew} )
->element_exists( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) [data-run-finished]', 'last run finished showing' )
'.plans-list > :nth-child(3) [data-run-finished]',
href => '/run/' . $runs[1],
'last run finished link is correct',
->attr_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) time', datetime => '2021-02-05 00:00:00' )
->text_is( '.plans-list > :nth-child(3) [data-run-state]', 'killed', 'run state shown' )
# XXX: Filter plans by label/description
subtest 'view plan' => sub {
my $plan = $t->app->create_plan({
label => 'Deliver Pillows',
tasks => [
label => 'Get A Pillow',
name => 'GetPillow',
class => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
input => encode_json({
script => 'echo We could be faster with more pillows!',
inputs => [
name => 'color',
type => 'string',
description => 'What color of pillow?',
value => encode_json( 'White' ),
my $plan_id = $plan->{plan_id};
# Add a trigger to show
my $trigger_id = $t->app->yancy->create( zapp_triggers => {
plan_id => $plan->{plan_id},
label => 'PlanEx Button',
description => 'One-click ordering!',
type => 'Webhook',
config => encode_json({ method => 'POST', slug => 'pillow' }),
input => encode_json({ color => '=params.color' }),
} );
$t->get_ok( "/plan/$plan_id" )->status_is( 200 )
->text_is( h1 => $plan->{label} )
->element_exists( qq{a[href="/plan/$plan_id/edit"]}, 'edit link exists' )
->element_exists( qq{a[href="/plan/$plan_id/delete"]}, 'delete link exists' )
->element_exists( 'main form' => 'run form exists' )
->attr_is( 'main form' => action => '/run' )
->element_exists( '[name="input[0].value"]', 'Color input exists' )
->attr_is( '[name="input[0].value"]', value => 'White', 'Color input has default value' )
->or(sub { diag shift->tx->res->dom->at( 'main form' ) } )
->element_exists( 'main form button', 'submit button exists' )
->element_exists( qq{a[href="/plan/$plan_id/trigger/?type=Webhook"]}, 'add trigger link exists' )
->or(sub { diag shift->tx->res->dom->at( '.add-trigger-types' ) })
->element_exists( qq{a[href="/plan/$plan_id/trigger/$trigger_id"]}, 'edit trigger link exists' )
qr{PlanEx Button},
'edit trigger link has correct text',
subtest 'delete plan' => sub {
my $plan = $t->app->create_plan({
label => 'Cut Ribbon at DOOP Headquarters',
tasks => [
label => 'Get Ceremonial Oversized Scissors',
name => 'GetScissors',
class => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
input => encode_json({
script => 'echo What makes a man turn neutral?',
inputs => [
name => 'color',
type => 'string',
description => 'What color of scissors',
value => encode_json( 'White' ),
my $plan_id = $plan->{plan_id};
$t->get_ok( "/plan/$plan_id/delete" )->status_is( 200 )
->content_like( qr{Cut Ribbon at DOOP Headquarters}, 'content contains plan label' )
->element_exists( 'main .alert form', 'form exists in alert' )
->attr_is( 'main .alert form', action => "/plan/$plan_id/delete", 'form url is correct' )
->attr_is( 'main .alert form', method => 'POST', 'form method is correct' )
->element_exists( 'a[href].cancel', 'cancel link exists' )
->attr_is( 'a[href].cancel', href => '/', 'cancel link href correct (back to plan list)' )
ok $t->app->yancy->get( zapp_plans => $plan_id ), 'plan still exists';
ok $t->app->yancy->list( zapp_plan_tasks => { plan_id => $plan_id } ), 'plan tasks still exist';
ok $t->app->yancy->list( zapp_plan_inputs => { plan_id => $plan_id } ), 'plan inputs still exist';
$t->post_ok( "/plan/$plan_id/delete" )->status_is( 302, 'delete success redirects' )
->header_is( Location => '/', 'redirects to plan list' )
ok !$t->app->yancy->get( zapp_plans => $plan_id ), 'plan does not exist';
ok !$t->app->yancy->list( zapp_plan_tasks => { plan_id => $plan_id } ), 'plan tasks deleted'
or diag explain $t->app->yancy->list( zapp_plan_tasks => { plan_id => $plan_id } );
ok !$t->app->yancy->list( zapp_plan_inputs => { plan_id => $plan_id } ), 'plan inputs deleted'
or diag explain $t->app->yancy->list( zapp_plan_inputs => { plan_id => $plan_id } );
subtest 'error - input name invalid' => sub {
$t->post_ok( "/plan/create",
form => {
label => 'Get Rich Quick x7q',
'input[0].name' => '}h3l:(){',
'input[0].type' => 'string',
->status_is( 400 )
->text_like( '.alert.alert-danger li:nth-child(1)' => qr/Input name "\}h3l:\(\)\{" has invalid characters:/ )
->text_is( '.alert.alert-danger li:nth-child(1) kbd:nth-of-type(1)' => '(' )
->text_is( '.alert.alert-danger li:nth-child(1) kbd:nth-of-type(2)' => ')' )
->text_is( '.alert.alert-danger li:nth-child(1) kbd:nth-of-type(3)' => ':' )
->text_is( '.alert.alert-danger li:nth-child(1) kbd:nth-of-type(4)' => '{' )
->text_is( '.alert.alert-danger li:nth-child(1) kbd:nth-of-type(5)' => '}' )
subtest 'error - task name invalid' => sub {
$t->post_ok( "/plan/create",
form => {
label => 'Get Rich Quick x7q',
'task[0].name' => '}h3l:(){',
'task[0].class' => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
->status_is( 400 )
->text_like( '.alert.alert-danger li:nth-child(1)' => qr/Task name "\}h3l:\(\)\{" has invalid characters:/ )
->text_is( '.alert.alert-danger li:nth-child(1) kbd:nth-of-type(1)' => '(' )
->text_is( '.alert.alert-danger li:nth-child(1) kbd:nth-of-type(2)' => ')' )
->text_is( '.alert.alert-danger li:nth-child(1) kbd:nth-of-type(3)' => ':' )
->text_is( '.alert.alert-danger li:nth-child(1) kbd:nth-of-type(4)' => '{' )
->text_is( '.alert.alert-danger li:nth-child(1) kbd:nth-of-type(5)' => '}' )
subtest 'error - formula could not be parsed' => sub {
$t->post_ok( "/plan/create",
form => {
label => 'Syntax error',
'task[0].name' => 'Error',
'task[0].class' => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
'task[0].input.script' => '="Foo',
->status_is( 400 )
->text_like( '.alert.alert-danger li:nth-child(1)' => qr/Failed to parse formula:/ )