This tests all types can be used in creating plans, running plans, and
viewing runs. This tests all base types as created in Zapp by default.
use Mojo::Base -strict, -signatures;
use Mojo::File qw( tempdir tempfile );
use Mojo::JSON qw( encode_json decode_json );
use Zapp::Util qw( get_path_from_data get_path_from_schema );
my $t = Test::Zapp->new( 'Zapp' );
# Dir to store files for Zapp::Type::File
my $temp = tempdir();
my $uploads_dir = $temp->child( 'public' )->make_path;
$t->app->home( $temp );
my $file_value = $uploads_dir->child( 'file.txt' )->spurt( 'File content' )->to_rel( $uploads_dir );
# Create a plan with input of every type
my %plan_data = (
label => 'Test Plan',
inputs => [
name => 'boolean',
type => 'boolean',
config => encode_json( 1 ),
name => 'selectbox',
type => 'selectbox',
config => encode_json(
options => [
{ label => 'Scruffy', value => 'Scruffy' },
{ label => 'Katrina', value => 'Katrina' },
{ label => 'Xanthor', value => 'Xanthor' },
selected_index => 0,
name => 'file',
type => 'file',
config => undef,
name => 'integer',
type => 'integer',
config => encode_json( 56 ),
name => 'number',
type => 'number',
config => encode_json( 1.234 ),
name => 'string',
type => 'string',
config => encode_json( 'string' ),
subtest 'plan input' => sub {
subtest 'plan edit form' => sub {
my $plan = $t->app->create_plan({%plan_data});
$t->get_ok( '/plan/' . $plan->{plan_id} . '/edit' )->status_is( 200 );
subtest 'input 0 - boolean' => sub {
$t->element_exists( 'form [name="input[0].config"]' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[0].config"]', type => 'text' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[0].config"]', value => 1 )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[0].type"]', value => 'boolean' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[0].name"]', value => 'boolean' )
subtest 'input 1 - selectbox' => sub {
$t->element_exists( 'form [name="input[1].config.options[0].label"]' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[1].type"]', value => 'selectbox' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[1].name"]', value => 'selectbox' )
subtest 'input 2 - file' => sub {
$t->element_exists( 'form [name="input[2].type"]' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[2].type"]', value => 'file' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[2].name"]', value => 'file' )
subtest 'input 3 - number' => sub {
$t->element_exists( 'form [name="input[3].config"]' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[3].config"]', type => 'text' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[3].config"]', value => '56' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[3].type"]', value => 'integer' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[3].name"]', value => 'integer' )
subtest 'input 4 - number' => sub {
$t->element_exists( 'form [name="input[4].config"]' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[4].config"]', type => 'text' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[4].config"]', value => '1.234' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[4].type"]', value => 'number' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[4].name"]', value => 'number' )
subtest 'input 5 - string' => sub {
$t->element_exists( 'form [name="input[5].config"]' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[5].config"]', type => 'text' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[5].config"]', value => 'string' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[5].type"]', value => 'string' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[5].name"]', value => 'string' )
subtest 'save plan' => sub {
my $plan = $t->app->create_plan({%plan_data});
$t->post_ok( '/plan/' . $plan->{plan_id} . '/edit', form => {
%plan_data{qw( label )},
'input[0].name' => 'boolean',
'input[0].type' => 'boolean',
'input[0].config' => 0,
'input[1].name' => 'selectbox',
'input[1].type' => 'selectbox',
'input[1].config.options[0].label' => 'Scruffy',
'input[1].config.options[0].value' => 'Scruffy',
'input[1].config.options[1].label' => 'Katrina',
'input[1].config.options[1].value' => 'Katrina',
'input[1].config.options[2].label' => 'Xanthor',
'input[1].config.options[2].value' => 'Xanthor',
'input[1].config.selected_index' => 1,
'input[2].name' => 'file',
'input[2].type' => 'file',
'input[3].name' => 'integer',
'input[3].type' => 'integer',
'input[3].config' => 67,
'input[4].name' => 'number',
'input[4].type' => 'number',
'input[4].config' => 2.345,
'input[5].name' => 'string',
'input[5].type' => 'string',
'input[5].config' => 'new string',
} )->status_is( 302 );
my @inputs = $t->app->yancy->list( zapp_plan_inputs => { plan_id => $plan->{plan_id} }, { order_by => 'rank' } );
subtest 'input 0 - boolean' => sub {
is decode_json( $inputs[0]{config} ), 0;
subtest 'input 1 - selectbox' => sub {
is_deeply decode_json( $inputs[1]{config} ),
options => [
{ label => 'Scruffy', value => 'Scruffy' },
{ label => 'Katrina', value => 'Katrina' },
{ label => 'Xanthor', value => 'Xanthor' },
selected_index => 1,
'config is correct';
subtest 'input 2 - file' => sub {
is_deeply decode_json( $inputs[2]{config} ), {}, 'no config';
subtest 'input 3 - integer' => sub {
is decode_json( $inputs[3]{config} ), 67;
subtest 'input 4 - number' => sub {
is decode_json( $inputs[4]{config} ), 2.345;
subtest 'input 5 - string' => sub {
is decode_json( $inputs[5]{config} ), 'new string';
subtest 'run form' => sub {
my $plan = $t->app->create_plan({%plan_data});
$t->get_ok( '/plan/' . $plan->{plan_id} . '/run' )->status_is( 200 );
subtest 'input 0 - boolean' => sub {
$t->element_exists( 'form [name="input[0].value"]' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[0].value"]', type => 'text' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[0].value"]', value => 1 )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[0].type"]', value => 'boolean' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[0].name"]', value => 'boolean' )
subtest 'input 1 - selectbox' => sub {
$t->element_exists( 'form [name="input[1].value"]' )
->element_exists( 'form select[name="input[1].value"]', 'tag is <select>' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[1].value"] [selected]', value => 'Scruffy' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[1].type"]', value => 'selectbox' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[1].name"]', value => 'selectbox' )
subtest 'input 2 - file' => sub {
$t->element_exists( 'form [name="input[2].value"]' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[2].value"]', type => 'file' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[2].type"]', value => 'file' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[2].name"]', value => 'file' )
subtest 'input 3 - number' => sub {
$t->element_exists( 'form [name="input[3].value"]' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[3].value"]', type => 'text' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[3].value"]', value => '56' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[3].type"]', value => 'integer' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[3].name"]', value => 'integer' )
subtest 'input 4 - number' => sub {
$t->element_exists( 'form [name="input[4].value"]' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[4].value"]', type => 'text' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[4].value"]', value => '1.234' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[4].type"]', value => 'number' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[4].name"]', value => 'number' )
subtest 'input 5 - string' => sub {
$t->element_exists( 'form [name="input[5].value"]' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[5].value"]', type => 'text' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[5].value"]', value => 'string' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[5].type"]', value => 'string' )
->attr_is( 'form [name="input[5].name"]', value => 'string' )
subtest 'save run' => sub {
my $plan = $t->app->create_plan({%plan_data});
$t->post_ok( '/run', form => {
plan_id => $plan->{plan_id},
'input[0].name' => 'boolean',
'input[0].type' => 'boolean',
'input[0].value' => 1,
'input[1].name' => 'selectbox',
'input[1].type' => 'selectbox',
'input[1].config' => encode_json({
options => [
label => 'Scruffy',
value => 'Scruffy',
label => 'Katrina',
value => 'Katrina',
label => 'Xanthor',
value => 'Xanthor',
selected_index => 0,
'input[1].value' => 'Xanthor',
'input[2].name' => 'file',
'input[2].type' => 'file',
'input[2].value' => {
content => 'Run File',
filename => 'file.txt',
'input[3].name' => 'integer',
'input[3].type' => 'integer',
'input[3].value' => 89,
'input[4].name' => 'number',
'input[4].type' => 'number',
'input[4].value' => 3.456,
'input[5].name' => 'string',
'input[5].type' => 'string',
'input[5].value' => 'run string',
} )->status_is( 302 );
my ( $run_id ) = $t->tx->res->headers->location =~ m{/run/(\d+)};
my $run = $t->app->yancy->get( zapp_runs => $run_id );
my $input = decode_json( $run->{input} );
subtest 'input 0 - boolean' => sub {
is $input->[0]{value}, 1;
subtest 'input 1 - selectbox' => sub {
is $input->[1]{value}, 'Xanthor';
subtest 'input 2 - file' => sub {
like $input->[2]{value}, qr{Pw/Qd/XOBNWd9H5Zc5lIXvadI_0pk/file\.txt};
my $file = $t->app->home->child( 'public', $input->[2]{value} );
ok -e $file, 'file exists';
is $file->slurp, 'Run File', 'file content correct';
subtest 'input 3 - integer' => sub {
is $input->[3]{value}, 89;
subtest 'input 4 - number' => sub {
is $input->[4]{value}, 3.456;
subtest 'input 5 - string' => sub {
is $input->[5]{value}, 'run string';
subtest 'task input' => sub {
my $file = $uploads_dir->child( 'zapp' )->spurt( 'File content' );
# XXX: Test tasks that output certain types
my $plan = $t->app->create_plan({
label => 'Task Input Plan',
tasks => [
label => 'string: input',
name => 'string_input',
class => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
input => encode_json({
vars => [
{ name => 'string', value => '=string' },
script => 'echo -n $string',
label => 'integer: input',
name => 'integer_input',
class => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
input => encode_json({
vars => [
{ name => 'int', value => '=integer' },
script => 'echo -n $int',
label => 'number: input',
name => 'number_input',
class => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
input => encode_json({
vars => [
{ name => 'num', value => '=number' },
script => 'echo -n $num',
label => 'boolean: input',
name => 'boolean_input',
class => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
input => encode_json({
vars => [
{ name => 'bool', value => '=boolean' },
script => 'echo -n $bool',
label => 'file: input',
name => 'file_input',
class => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
input => encode_json({
vars => [
{ name => 'file', value => '=file' },
script => 'cat $file',
label => 'selectbox: input',
name => 'selectbox_input',
class => 'Zapp::Task::Script',
input => encode_json({
vars => [
{ name => 'val', value => '=selectbox' },
script => 'echo -n $val',
inputs => [
name => 'string',
type => 'string',
value => 'String input',
name => 'integer',
type => 'integer',
value => 1234,
name => 'number',
type => 'number',
value => 5.678,
name => 'boolean',
type => 'boolean',
value => 1,
name => 'file',
type => 'file',
value => $file->to_rel( $uploads_dir )."",
name => 'selectbox',
type => 'selectbox',
value => 'Scruffy',
config => encode_json({
options => [
{ label => 'Scruffy', value => 'Scruffy' },
{ label => 'Katrina', value => 'Katrina' },
{ label => 'Xanthor', value => 'Xanthor' },
selected_index => 0,
# Run each task in the plan and validate result input/output
my $input = {
string => 'String input',
integer => 1234,
number => 5.678,
boolean => 1,
file => $file->to_rel( $uploads_dir ),
selectbox => 'Scruffy',
my $run = $t->app->enqueue_plan( $plan->{plan_id}, $input );
subtest 'string: input' => sub {
my $job = $t->app->minion->job( $run->{tasks}[0]{job_id} );
my $result = $job->info->{result};
is $result->{output}, $input->{string}, 'string input correct';
subtest 'integer: input' => sub {
my $job = $t->app->minion->job( $run->{tasks}[1]{job_id} );
my $result = $job->info->{result};
is $result->{output}, $input->{integer}, 'integer input correct';
subtest 'number: input' => sub {
my $job = $t->app->minion->job( $run->{tasks}[2]{job_id} );
my $result = $job->info->{result};
is $result->{output}, $input->{number}, 'number input correct';
subtest 'boolean: input' => sub {
my $job = $t->app->minion->job( $run->{tasks}[3]{job_id} );
my $result = $job->info->{result};
is $result->{output}, $input->{boolean}, 'boolean input correct';
subtest 'file: input' => sub {
my $job = $t->app->minion->job( $run->{tasks}[4]{job_id} );
my $result = $job->info->{result};
my $path = $t->app->home->child( 'public', $input->{file} );
is $result->{output}, $path->slurp, 'file input correct';
subtest 'selectbox: input' => sub {
my $job = $t->app->minion->job( $run->{tasks}[5]{job_id} );
my $result = $job->info->{result};
is $result->{output}, $input->{selectbox}, 'selectbox input correct';