# Declare our package
use strict;
use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA );
$VERSION = '0.29';
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
use vars qw( @EXPORT_OK );
@EXPORT_OK = qw( Server_SSLify_NonBlock SSLify_Options_NonBlock_ClientCert Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertVerifyAgainstCRL Server_SSLify_NonBlock_SSLDone
Server_SSLify_NonBlock_GetClientCertificateIDs Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertificateExists Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertIsValid );
use Symbol qw( gensym );
sub Server_SSLify_NonBlock_SSLDone {
my $socket = shift;
my $acceptstateclient = tied( *$socket )->_get_self()->{acceptstate}
if exists(tied( *$socket )->_get_self()->{acceptstate});
return 1 if ($acceptstateclient > 2);
return 0;
sub SSLify_Options_NonBlock_ClientCert {
my $ctx = shift;
my $cacrt = shift;
my $count = shift || 5;
# CA File einlesen, wenn wir eins haben
Net::SSLeay::CTX_load_verify_locations($ctx, $cacrt, '') || die $!;
# Setzen welche Clientzertifkate wir moegen...
Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_client_CA_list($ctx, Net::SSLeay::load_client_CA_file($cacrt));
# Wir ueberpruefen auch signierte Zertifikate....
Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_verify_depth($ctx, $count);
# Okay, the main routine here!
sub Server_SSLify_NonBlock {
# Get the socket!
my $ctx = shift;
my $socket = shift;
my $params = shift;
# Validation...
if ( ! defined $socket ) {
die "Did not get a defined socket";
# If we don't have a ctx ready, we can't do anything...
if ( ! defined $ctx ) {
die 'Please do SSLify_Options() first';
$socket->blocking( 0 );
# Now, we create the new socket and bind it to our subclass of Net::SSLeay::Handle
my $newsock = gensym();
tie( *$newsock, 'POE::Component::SSLify::NonBlock::ServerHandle', $socket, $ctx, $params ) or die "Unable to tie to our subclass: $!";
# All done!
return $newsock;
sub Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertificateExists {
my $socket = shift;
my $infos = tied( *$socket )->_get_self()->{infos};
return ((ref($infos) eq "ARRAY") && ($infos->[1]));
sub Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertIsValid {
my $socket = shift;
my $infos = tied( *$socket )->_get_self()->{infos};
return Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertificateExists($socket) ? (($infos->[0] eq "1") && (ref($infos->[2]) eq "ARRAY") && scalar(@{$infos->[2]})) ? 1 : 0 : 0;
sub Server_SSLify_NonBlock_GetClientCertificateIDs {
my $socket = shift;
my $infos = tied( *$socket )->_get_self()->{infos};
return Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertificateExists($socket) ? @{$infos->[2]} : undef;
sub Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertVerifyAgainstCRL {
my $socket = shift;
my $crlfilename = shift;
my $infos = tied( *$socket )->_get_self()->{infos};
my @certids = Server_SSLify_NonBlock_GetClientCertificateIDs($socket);
if (scalar(@certids)) {
my $found = 0;
my $badcrls = 0;
my $jump = 0;
print("----- SSL Infos BEGIN ---------------"."\n")
if (tied( *$socket )->_get_self()->{debug});
foreach (@{$infos->[2]}) {
my $crlstatus = Net::SSLeay::verify_serial_against_crl_file($crlfilename, $_->[2]);
$badcrls++ if $crlstatus;
$crlstatus = $crlstatus ? "INVALID (".($crlstatus !~ m,^CRL:, ? hexdump($crlstatus) : $crlstatus).")" : "VALID";
my $t = (" " x $jump++);
if (ref($_) eq "ARRAY") {
if (tied( *$socket )->_get_self()->{debug}){
print(" ".$t." |---[ Subcertificate ]---\n") if $t;
print(" ".$t." | Subject Name: ".$_->[0]."\n");
print(" ".$t." | Issuer Name : ".$_->[1]."\n");
print(" ".$t." | Serial : ".hexdump($_->[2])."\n");
print(" ".$t." | CRL Status : ".$crlstatus."\n");
} else {
print(" NOCERTINFOS!"."\n")
if (tied( *$socket )->_get_self()->{debug});
return 0;
print("----- SSL Infos END -----------------"."\n")
if (tied( *$socket )->_get_self()->{debug});
return 1 unless $badcrls;
return 0;
sub hexdump { join ':', map { sprintf "%02X", $_ } unpack "C*", $_[0]; }
=head1 NAME
POE::Component::SSLify::NonBlock - Nonblocking SSL for POE with client certificate verification.
=head2 Server-side usage
# Import the modules
use POE::Component::SSLify qw( SSLify_Options SSLify_GetCTX );
use POE::Component::SSLify::NonBlock qw( Server_SSLify_NonBlock );
# Set the key + certificate file, only one time needed.
eval { SSLify_Options( 'server.key', 'server.crt' ) };
if ( $@ ) {
# Unable to load key or certificate file...
# Create a normal SocketFactory wheel or something
my $factory = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new( ... );
# Converts the socket into a SSL socket POE can communicate with, every time on new socket needed.
eval { $socket = Server_SSLify_NonBlock( SSLify_GetCTX(), $socket, { } ) };
if ( $@ ) {
# Unable to SSLify it...
# Now, hand it off to ReadWrite
my $rw = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new(
Handle => $socket,
Nonblocking SSL for POE with client certificate verification.
This component represents the the common way of using ssl on a server, which
needs to ensure that not one client can block the whole server. Further it allows
to verificate client certificates.
=head2 Non-Blocking needed, espacially on client certification verification
SSL is a protocol which interacts with the client during the handshake multiple times. If
the socket is blocking, as on pure POE::Component::SSLify, one client can block the whole
Especially if you want to do client certificate verification, the user has the
abilty to choose a client certificate. In this situation the ssl handshake is waiting,
and in blocked mode the whole server also stops responding.
=head2 Client certificate verification
You have three opportunities to do client certificate verification:
Easiest way:
Verify the certificate and let OpenSSL reject the connection during ssl handshake if there is no certificate or if it is unstrusted.
Advanced way:
Verify the certificate and poe handler determines if there is no certificate or if it is unstrusted.
Complicated way:
Verify the certificate and poe handler determines if there is no certificate, if it is unstrusted or if it is blocked by a CRL.
=head3 Easiest way: Client certificat rejection in ssl handshake
Generaly you can use the "Server-side usage" example above, but you have to enable the client certification
feature with the "clientcertrequest" paramter. The Server_SSLify_NonBlock function allows a hash for parameters:
use POE::Component::SSLify qw( SSLify_Options SSLify_GetCTX );
use POE::Component::SSLify::NonBlock qw( Server_SSLify_NonBlock SSLify_Options_NonBlock_ClientCert );
eval { SSLify_Options( 'server.key', 'server.crt' ) };
if ( $@ ) {
# Unable to load key or certificate file...
eval { SSLify_Options_NonBlock_ClientCert(SSLify_GetCTX(), 'ca.crt')) };
if ( $@ ) {
# Unable to load certificate file...
eval { $heap->{socket} = Server_SSLify_NonBlock(SSLify_GetCTX(), $heap->{socket}, {
clientcertrequest => 1
} ) };
if ( $@ ) {
print "SSL Failed: ".$@."\n";
delete $heap->{wheel_client};
Now the server sends during SSL handshake the request for a client certificate. By default,
POE::Component::SSLify::NonBlock aborts the connection if "clientcertrequest" is set and there
is no client certificat or the certificate is not trusted.
=head3 Advanced way: Client certificat reject in POE Handler
use POE::Component::SSLify qw( SSLify_Options SSLify_GetCTX );
use POE::Component::SSLify::NonBlock qw( Server_SSLify_NonBlock SSLify_Options_NonBlock_ClientCert );
eval { SSLify_Options( 'server.key', 'server.crt' ) };
if ( $@ ) {
# Unable to load key or certificate file...
eval { SSLify_Options_NonBlock_ClientCert(SSLify_GetCTX(), 'ca.crt')) };
if ( $@ ) {
# Unable to load certificate file...
client_accept => sub {
eval { $heap->{socket} = Server_SSLify_NonBlock( SSLify_GetCTX(), $socket, {
clientcertrequest => 1,
noblockbadclientcert => 1
} ) };
if ( $@ ) {
print "SSL Failed: ".$@."\n";
delete $heap->{wheel_client};
$heap->{wheel_client} = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new(
Handle => $heap->{socket},
Driver => POE::Driver::SysRW->new,
Filter => POE::Filter::Stream->new,
InputEvent => 'client_input',
client_input => sub {
my ( $heap, $kernel, $input ) = @_[ HEAP, KERNEL, ARG0 ];
return unless Server_SSLify_NonBlock_SSLDone($heap->{socket});
if (!(Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertificateExists($heap->{socket}))) {
exists $heap->{wheel_client} &&
(ref($heap->{wheel_client}) eq "POE::Wheel::ReadWrite") &&
$heap->{wheel_client}->put("Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\nNoClientCertExists");
} elsif(!(Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertIsValid($heap->{socket}))) {
exists $heap->{wheel_client} &&
(ref($heap->{wheel_client}) eq "POE::Wheel::ReadWrite") &&
$heap->{wheel_client}->put("Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\nClientCertInvalid");
disconnect => sub { $_[KERNEL]->delay(close_delayed => 1) unless ($_[HEAP]->{disconnecting}++); },
close_delayed => sub {
my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP];
delete $heap->{wheel_client};
=head3 Complicated way: Client certificat reject in POE Handler with CRL support
WARNING: For this to work you have to patch into Net::SSLeay the lines in the file
net-ssleay-patch in the base path of the tar.gz of the packet, and then recompile and
reinstall the Net::SSLeay package.
use POE::Component::SSLify qw( SSLify_Options SSLify_GetCTX );
use POE::Component::SSLify::NonBlock qw( Server_SSLify_NonBlock SSLify_Options_NonBlock_ClientCert Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertVerifyAgainstCRL );
eval { SSLify_Options( 'server.key', 'server.crt' ) };
if ( $@ ) {
# Unable to load key or certificate file...
eval { SSLify_Options_NonBlock_ClientCert(SSLify_GetCTX(), 'ca.crt')) };
if ( $@ ) {
# Unable to load certificate file...
client_accept => sub {
eval { $heap->{socket} = Server_SSLify_NonBlock( SSLify_GetCTX(), $socket, {
clientcertrequest => 1,
noblockbadclientcert => 1,
getserial => 1
} ) };
if ( $@ ) {
print "SSL Failed: ".$@."\n";
delete $heap->{wheel_client};
$heap->{wheel_client} = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new(
Handle => $heap->{socket},
Driver => POE::Driver::SysRW->new,
Filter => POE::Filter::Stream->new,
InputEvent => 'client_input',
client_input => sub {
my ( $heap, $kernel, $input ) = @_[ HEAP, KERNEL, ARG0 ];
return unless Server_SSLify_NonBlock_SSLDone($heap->{socket});
if (!(Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertificateExists($heap->{socket}))) {
exists $heap->{wheel_client} &&
(ref($heap->{wheel_client}) eq "POE::Wheel::ReadWrite") &&
$heap->{wheel_client}->put("Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\nNoClientCertExists");
} elsif(!(Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertIsValid($heap->{socket}))) {
exists $heap->{wheel_client} &&
(ref($heap->{wheel_client}) eq "POE::Wheel::ReadWrite") &&
$heap->{wheel_client}->put("Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\nClientCertInvalid");
} elsif(!(Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertVerifyAgainstCRL($heap->{socket}, 'ca.crl'))) {
exists $heap->{wheel_client} &&
(ref($heap->{wheel_client}) eq "POE::Wheel::ReadWrite") &&
$heap->{wheel_client}->put("Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\nCRL");
disconnect => sub { $_[KERNEL]->delay(close_delayed => 1) unless ($_[HEAP]->{disconnecting}++); },
close_delayed => sub {
my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP];
delete $heap->{wheel_client};
=head1 NOTES
=head2 Based on POE::Component::SSLify
This module is based on POE::Component::SSLify, so we have here the same issues as on POE::Component::SSLify.
=head2 Server_SSLify_NonBlock($ctx, $socket, %$options)
Same as for Server_SSLify from POE::Component::SSLify, but with the CTX of POE::Component::SSLify and a hash for special options:
my $socket = shift; # get the socket from somewhere
$socket = Server_SSLify_NonBlock(SSLify_GetCTX(), $socket, { option1 => 1, option1 => 2,... });
Options are:
The client is requested for a client certificat ssl handshake
If the client don't provide a client certificate, or the
client certificate is untrusted, the connection will not
be aborted. You can check for the errors via the functions
Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertificateExists and
Get debug messages during ssl handshake. Espacally usefull
for Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertVerifyAgainstCRL.
Request the serial of the client certificate during
ssl handshake.
WARNING: You have to patch Net::SSLeay to provide the
Net::SSLeay::X509_get_serialNumber function
before you can set the getserial option! See the
file net-ssleay-patch in the base path of the
tar.gz of the packet.
SSLify_Options from POE::Component::SSLify must be set first!
=head2 SSLify_Options_NonBlock_ClientCert($ctx, $cacrt)
Configures ssl ctx(context) to request from a certificate from
client which is verificated against the configured CA in file
SSLify_Options_NonBlock_ClientCert(SSLify_GetCTX(), 'ca.crt');
SSLify_Options from POE::Component::SSLify must be set first!
=head2 Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertificateExists($socket)
Verify if the client commited a valid client certificate.
=head2 Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertIsValid($socket)
Verify if the client certifcate is trusted by a loaded CA (see SSLify_Options_NonBlock_ClientCert).
=head2 Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertVerifyAgainstCRL($socket, $crlfile)
Opens a CRL file, and verify if the serial of the client certificate
is contained in the CRL file. No file caching is done, each run opens
the file is new.
Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertVerifyAgainstCRL($socket, 'ca.crl');
WARNING: You have to patch Net::SSLeay to provide the
Net::SSLeay::verify_serial_against_crl_file function
before you can set the getserial option! See the
file net-ssleay-patch in the base path of the tar.gz
of the packet.
=head2 Futher functions...
You can use all functions from POE::Component::SSLify !
=head1 EXPORT
Stuffs all of the above functions in @EXPORT_OK so you have to request them directly
=head1 BUGS
=head2 Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertVerifyAgainstCRL: certificate serials
Server_SSLify_NonBlock_ClientCertVerifyAgainstCRL also verifies against the serial
of the CA ! Make sure that you never use the serial of the CA for client certificates!
=head2 Win32
I didn't test this on the Win32 platforms at all!
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
pRiVi E<lt>pRiVi@cpan.orgE<gt>
=head1 PROPS
This code is based on Apocalypse module POE::Component::SSLify, improved by client certification code and non-blocking sockets.
Copyright 2010 by Markus Mueller/Apocalypse/Rocco Caputo/Dariusz Jackowski.
Copyright 2010 by Markus Mueller
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.