# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# This file was automatically built from t/af.ttmpl
# Do not edit this file, instead edit the template and rebuild by running
# t/build-test-scripts
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# Inter-operation with Fatal, Fatal loaded after Errno::AnyString
use strict;
BEGIN { require Errno::AnyString; };
eval 'require Fatal';
plan skip_all => 'Fatal required' if $@;
plan tests => 3;
sub try_but_fail1 {
$! = custom_errstr("set with custom errstr");
sub try_but_fail2 {
$! = 999_999_999;
use Fatal qw/try_but_fail1 try_but_fail2/;
use Errno::AnyString qw/custom_errstr register_errstr/;
register_errstr "set with register errstr", 999_999_999;
throws_ok { try_but_fail1() } qr/set with custom errstr/, "custom errstr seen by Fatal";
throws_ok { try_but_fail2() } qr/set with register errstr/, "register errstr seen by Fatal";