# Test basic usage
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => <<< 20 + ( vary!!taint ? 1 : 0 ) >>>;
use Test::NoWarnings;
use Errno ':POSIX';
use Errno::AnyString qw/custom_errstr CUSTOM_ERRSTR_ERRNO/;
<<< IF vary!!local >>>local $!;<<< END >>>
$! = custom_errstr "an error string";
is "$!", "an error string", "set string worked";
is 0+$!, CUSTOM_ERRSTR_ERRNO, "\$! returned CUSTOM_ERRSTR_ERRNO in number context";
# basic saved errno
$! = custom_errstr "keep this error message";
my $saved_errno = $!;
is "$saved_errno", "keep this error message", "saved errno string looks right";
is 0+$saved_errno, CUSTOM_ERRSTR_ERRNO, "saved errno number looks right";
$! = custom_errstr "foo";
$! = custom_errstr "bar";
$! = ENOENT;
is "$saved_errno", "keep this error message", "saved errno string still looks right";
is 0+$saved_errno, CUSTOM_ERRSTR_ERRNO, "saved errno number still looks right";
$! = $saved_errno;
is 0+$!, CUSTOM_ERRSTR_ERRNO, "saved errno number restored";
is "$!", "keep this error message", "saved errno custom string restored";
# saved errno via local
$! = custom_errstr "keep this error message too";
local $!;
$! = custom_errstr "foo23";
is 0+$!, CUSTOM_ERRSTR_ERRNO, "local errno number installed";
is "$!", "foo23", "local errstr installed";
$! = custom_errstr "bar";
$! = ENOENT;
{ local $! = 123 }
is 0+$!, CUSTOM_ERRSTR_ERRNO, "saved errno number restored";
is "$!", "keep this error message too", "saved errno custom string restored";
# saved errno with the dualvar value copied around
$! = custom_errstr "qwerty";
my $a = { foo => $! };
my $b = [ 1, $a, 3 ];
$! = custom_errstr "foo";
$! = custom_errstr "bar";
$! = ENOENT;
$! = $b->[1]{foo};
is 0+$!, CUSTOM_ERRSTR_ERRNO, "copyaround errno number restored";
is "$!", "qwerty", "copyaround errno custom string restored";
# errno saved numerically only, can only work if no other custom errstr
# was set between the save and the restore.
$! = custom_errstr "qwerty123";
my $a = 0 + $!;
$! = ENOENT;
$! = $a;
is 0+$!, CUSTOM_ERRSTR_ERRNO, "numeric saved errno number restored";
is "$!", "qwerty123", "numeric saved errno custom string restored";
# assigning undef to $!
$! = undef;
is 0+$!, 0, "undef is errno 0";
$! = custom_errstr "foo";
is 0+$!, CUSTOM_ERRSTR_ERRNO, "ce after undef num";
is "$!", "foo", "ce after undef string";