# Inter-operation with BDB, BDB loaded <<< vary!!loadwhen!!before,after >>> Errno::AnyString
# Actually tests inter-operation with t/MockBDB.pm, which uses Inline::C to load up a
# copy of BDB's xs code to patch $!.
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib 't';
use NormalErrnoOperation;
our @norm;
BEGIN { @norm = NormalErrnoOperation->new }
<<< IF loadwhen == 'after' ->>>
use Errno::AnyString qw/custom_errstr register_errstr CUSTOM_ERRSTR_ERRNO/;
<<< END ->>>
use Test::More;
eval 'use MockBDB';
plan skip_all => 'Inline::C missing or failed' if $@;
plan tests => 7 + 2*@norm + 1;
use Test::NoWarnings;
<<< IF loadwhen == 'before' ->>>
use Errno::AnyString qw/custom_errstr register_errstr CUSTOM_ERRSTR_ERRNO/;
<<< END ->>>
<<< IF vary!!local >>>local $!;<<< END >>>
# Errno::AnyString features
$! = custom_errstr "custom 1";
is "$!", "custom 1", "custom_errstr string";
is 0+$!, CUSTOM_ERRSTR_ERRNO, "custom_errstr number";
$! = register_errstr "register 1";
is "$!", "register 1", "register_errstr string";
register_errstr "register 2", 999999;
$! = 999999;
is "$!", "register 2", "register_errstr string numeric assign";
is 0+$!, 999999, "register_errstr number numeric assign";
# BDB features
$! = -30923;
is "$!", "Fake BDB error -30923", "BDB string";
is 0+$!, -30923, "BDB numeric";
# Normal operation
foreach my $n (@norm) {
my $errno = $n->errno;
my $errstr = $n->errstr;
is 0+$!, $n->errno, "normal errno ok $errno";
is "$!", $errstr, "normal errstr ok $errno";