# Inter-operation with Variable::Magic, V::M loaded <<< vary!!loadwhen!!before,after >>> Errno::AnyString
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib 't';
use NormalErrnoOperation;
our @norm;
BEGIN { @norm = NormalErrnoOperation->new }
<<< IF loadwhen == 'after' ->>>
use Errno::AnyString qw/custom_errstr register_errstr/;
<<< END ->>>
use Test::More;
eval 'use Variable::Magic qw/wizard cast/';
plan skip_all => 'Variable::Magic required' if $@;
plan tests => 3 + 2*@norm + <<< vary!!taint ? 2 : 1 >>>;
use Test::NoWarnings;
use Scalar::Util qw/dualvar/;
# On some Perl versions, 'local $!' copies the magic from one scalar to
# another with the side effect of reversing the order of the list of
# magics. If that's true here, I can arrange for V::M's get handler to
# run after the native $! magic. So I'll check.
our $local_reverses_magic;
our $setlog;
my $wiz = wizard
set => sub { $setlog .= "set to ".(0+${$_[0]}).";"; ${$_[0]} },
get => sub { ${$_[0]} = dualvar ${$_[0]}, "Dude, ${$_[0]}!"; };
cast $!, $wiz;
local $!;
$! = 1;
if ("$!" =~ /^Dude, /) {
$local_reverses_magic = 1;
} else {
$local_reverses_magic = 0;
<<< IF loadwhen == 'before' ->>>
use Errno::AnyString qw/custom_errstr register_errstr/;
<<< END ->>>
local $!;
$setlog = '';
$! = 15;
$! = 0;
is $setlog, "set to 15;set to 0;", "V::M set hook working";
<<< IF loadwhen == 'before' ->>>
$! = custom_errstr "it's on fire";
is "$!", "it's on fire", "custom overrides V::M get hook";
register_errstr "out of fruit", 999999;
$! = 999999;
is "$!", "out of fruit", "register overrides V::M get hook";
skip "local does not reverse magic list", 2*@norm unless $local_reverses_magic;
<<< ELSE ->>>
skip "local does not reverse magic list", 2*@norm+2 unless $local_reverses_magic;
$! = custom_errstr "it's on fire";
is "$!", "Dude, it's on fire!", "custom cooperates with V::M get hook";
register_errstr "out of fruit", 999999;
$! = 999999;
is "$!", "Dude, out of fruit!", "register cooperates with V::M get hook";
<<< END ->>>
foreach my $n (@norm) {
my $errno = $n->errno;
my $errstr = $n->errstr;
is 0+$!, $n->errno, "errno ok $errno";
is "$!", "Dude, $errstr!", "V::M errstr ok $errno";