use Test::More tests => 2;
#* cgiapp w/ html-template
# * same as before, but check scoping:
# - in 2nd request, scope info message for non-existent runmode
# - in 3rd request, check for ! message
#FILES: 03-scope.t,, output.TMPL
use lib './t';
use strict;
use CGI;
my $testapp = TestAppScope->new(QUERY=>CGI->new());
my $output = $testapp->run();
# $output should have the session setup w/ a cookie
# Get the ID # to establish the session in a second request
$output =~ /Set-Cookie: CGISESSID=(\w+);/;
my $session_id = $1;
$ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} = "CGISESSID=$session_id";
my $query = new CGI;
$query->param( -name => 'rm', -value => 'second' );
$testapp = TestAppScope->new( QUERY => $query );
$output = $testapp->run;
my $test_name = "got the expected output";
like( $output, qr/scoped message pushed/, $test_name );
$query->param( -name => 'rm', -value => 'third' );
$testapp = TestAppScope->new( QUERY => $query );
$output = $testapp->run;
$test_name = "message is not in the output";
unlike( $output, qr/this is a test/, $test_name );
# let's clean up
$query->param( -name => 'rm', -value => 'cleanup' );
$testapp = TestAppScope->new( QUERY => $query );
$output = $testapp->run;
undef $testapp;