#* capms_config w/ parameter name overrides
# * cgiapp w/ parameter name configs
# * first request
# - establish session
# - call capms_config with parameter name overrides
# - push in some messages
# * second request
# - pass in session
# - load original template (output.TMPL) and check for no message
# * third request
# - pass in session
# - load in different template (output_params.TMPL) and check for message
#FILES: 09-capms_config_params.t, TestAppConfigParams.pm, output.TMPL, output_params.TMPL
sub setup {
my $self = shift;
$self->mode_param( 'rm' );
$self->run_modes( [ qw( start second third fourth cleanup ) ] );
$self->tmpl_path( './t' );
sub cgiapp_init {
my $self = shift;
CGI_SESSION_OPTIONS => [ "driver:File", $self->query, {Directory=>'t/'} ],
-path => '/',
-domain => 'mydomain.com',
-expires => '+3M',
sub start {
my $self = shift;
my $session = $self->session;
-message => 'this is a test',
-message => 'this is another test',
-classification => 'INFO',
-scope => 'invalid',
-message => 'bad password!',
-classification => 'ERROR',
-scope => 'start',
-message => 'there was a problem',
-classification => 'ERROR',
-scope => 'third',
-message => 'got your stuff updated',
-classification => 'INFO',
-scope => 'third',
-message => 'another info',
-classification => 'INFO',
-scope => 'third',
-message => 'some bad stuff',
-classification => 'ERROR',
-loop_param_name => 'MyOwnLoopName',
-message_param_name => 'MyOwnMessageName',
-classification_param_name => 'MyOwnClassificationName',
return "all set";
sub second {
my $self = shift;
my $session = $self->session();
my $template = $self->load_tmpl( 'output.TMPL', 'die_on_bad_params' => 0 );
sub third {
my $self = shift;
my $session = $self->session;
my $template = $self->load_tmpl( 'output_params.TMPL', 'die_on_bad_params' => 0 );
sub fourth {
my $self = shift;
my $session = $self->session;
my $messages = $self->messages();
my $expectation = [
{ 'MyOwnMessageName' => 'this is a test' },
{ 'MyOwnMessageName' => 'this is another test', 'MyOwnClassificationName' => 'INFO' },
{ -scope => 'invalid', 'MyOwnMessageName' => 'bad password!', 'MyOwnClassificationName' => 'ERROR' },
{ -scope => 'start', 'MyOwnMessageName' => 'there was a problem', 'MyOwnClassificationName' => 'ERROR' },
{ -scope => 'third', 'MyOwnMessageName' => 'got your stuff updated', 'MyOwnClassificationName' => 'INFO' },
{ -scope => 'third', 'MyOwnMessageName' => 'another info', 'MyOwnClassificationName' => 'INFO' },
{ -scope => 'third', 'MyOwnMessageName' => 'some bad stuff', 'MyOwnClassificationName' => 'ERROR' },
my $message = 'failed';
if ( is_deeply( $expectation, $messages, undef ) ) {
$message = 'succeeded';
return $message;
sub cleanup {
my $self = shift;
return "session deleted";