# Tests for OS390::Stdio
use strict;
import OS390::Stdio qw(&dynalloc &dynfree &flush &forward &getname &get_dcb
&mvsopen &mvswrite &pds_mem &remove &resetpos &rewind
&smf_record &sysdsnr &svc99 &tmpnam
my $DIAG = $ENV{'OS390_STDIO_DIAG'};
my $GORY = $ENV{'OS390_STDIO_GORY'};
print "1..161\n";
my $t = 1;
print "# OK how did the import go?\n" if $DIAG;
print +(defined(&dynalloc) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(defined(&dynfree) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(defined(&flush) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(defined(&forward) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(defined(&getname) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(defined(&get_dcb) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(defined(&mvsopen) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(defined(&mvswrite) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(defined(&pds_mem) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(defined(&remove) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(defined(&resetpos) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(defined(&rewind) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(defined(&smf_record) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(defined(&sysdsnr) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(defined(&svc99) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(defined(&tmpnam) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "# we didn't yet ask for the unimplemented subs:\n" if $DIAG;
print +(!defined(&dsname_level) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(!defined(&vol_ser) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(!defined(&vsamdelrec) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(!defined(&vsamlocate) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print +(!defined(&vsamupdate) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
# Constants exported or not
print "# and what became of those EXPORTed constants?\n" if $DIAG;
my $junk = undef;
$junk = &KEY_FIRST;
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = &KEY_LAST;
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = &KEY_EQ;
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = &KEY_EQ_BWD;
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = &KEY_GE;
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = &RBA_EQ;
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = &RBA_EQ_BWD;
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
# The non exported constants are a bit different:
print "# and what became of those non exported constants?\n" if $DIAG;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('ALCUNIT_CYL');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('ALCUNIT_TRK');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "# DISP_CONSTANTS\n" if $GORY;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DISP_OLD');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DISP_MOD');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DISP_NEW');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DISP_SHR');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DISP_UNCATLG');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DISP_CATLG');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DISP_DELETE');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DISP_KEEP');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "# DSORG_CONSTANTS\n" if $GORY;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DSORG_unknown');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DSORG_VSAM');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DSORG_GS');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DSORG_PO');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DSORG_POU');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DSORG_DA');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DSORG_DAU');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DSORG_PS');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DSORG_PSU');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DSORG_IS');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DSORG_ISU');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "# RECFM_CONSTANTS\n" if $GORY;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('RECFM_M');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('RECFM_A');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('RECFM_S');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('RECFM_B');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('RECFM_D');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('RECFM_V');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('RECFM_F');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('RECFM_U');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('RECFM_FB');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('RECFM_VB');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('RECFM_FBS');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('RECFM_VBS');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "# MISCFL_CONSTANTS\n" if $GORY;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('MISCFL_CLOSE');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('MISCFL_RELEASE');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('MISCFL_PERM');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('MISCFL_CONTIG');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('MISCFL_ROUND');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('MISCFL_TERM');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('MISCFL_DUMMY_DSN');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('MISCFL_HOLDQ');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "# VSAM_CONSTANTS\n" if $GORY;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('VSAM_KS');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('VSAM_ES');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('VSAM_RR');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('VSAM_LS');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "# DSNT_CONSTANTS\n" if $GORY;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DSNT_HFS');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DSNT_PIPE');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DSNT_PDS');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('DSNT_LIBRARY');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "# PATH_CONSTANTS\n" if $GORY;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('PATH_OCREAT');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('PATH_OEXCL');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('PATH_ONOCTTY');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('PATH_OTRUNC');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('PATH_OAPPEND');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('PATH_ONONBLOCK');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('PATH_ORDWR');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('PATH_ORDONLY');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('PATH_OWRONLY');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('PATH_SISUID');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant('PATH_SISGID');
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
for (qw(
)) {
$junk = undef;
$junk = OS390::Stdio::constant($_);
print +(defined($junk) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
# We formulate a temporary name from our PID, e.g. //TEST3355.TEST3355.
# We use this name in several subsequent tests (with an independent
# check of the functionality of tmpnam()) hence it must not exist
# prior to running these tests.
my $name = "//" . substr("TEST$$",0,8) . '.' . substr("TEST$$",0,8);
if (sysdsnr($name)) {
die "name $name already exists, tests cannot proceed";
print "#$t filehandle returns from mvsopen for name=>$name<=\n" if $DIAG;
my $fh = mvsopen("$name","wt+");
print +($fh ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#$t tries to flush the \$fh\n" if $DIAG;
print +(flush($fh) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#$t attempts to ->autoflush (from IO::File)\n" if $DIAG;
$fh->autoflush; # Can we autoload autoflush from IO::File? Do or die.
print "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#$t trys get_dcb(dsh)\n" if $DIAG;
my %dcb = get_dcb($fh);
# e.g.
print +(defined(%dcb) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
# hash %dcb ought to be there
print +(($dcb{'blksize'} > 0) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
#blksize = 6144
print +(($dcb{'device'} eq "DISK") ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
#device = DISK
print +(defined($dcb{'dsname'}) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
#dsname = PVHP.TEST3858.TEST3858
print +(($dcb{'dsorg'} eq "PS") ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
#dsorg = PS
print +(($dcb{'filename'} eq "'$dcb{'dsname'}'") ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
#filename = 'PVHP.TEST3858.TEST3858'
# add single quotation marks
print +(($dcb{'maxreclen'} > 0) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
#maxreclen = 1024
print +(($dcb{'modeflag'} eq "UPDATEWRITE") ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
#modeflag = UPDATEWRITE
print +(($dcb{'openmode'} eq "TEXT") ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
#openmode = TEXT
print +(($dcb{'recfm'} eq "Blk") ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
#recfm = Blk
print +(($dcb{'vsamkeylen'}==0) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
#vsamkeylen = 0
print +(($dcb{'vsamtype'} eq "NOTVSAM") ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
#vsamtype = NOTVSAM
print +(($dcb{'vsamRKP'}==0) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
#vsamRKP = 0
if ($DIAG) { print "# dcb was:\n"; for(sort(keys(%dcb))) { print "## $_ = $dcb{$_}\n"; } }
print "#$t attempts to rewind\n" if $DIAG;
print +(rewind($fh) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
# Grab a scalar version of the system time for use as a string
my $date_str = scalar(localtime(time()));
print "#$t attempts to mvswrite $date_str\n" if $DIAG;
# let's pretend the extra character is C's '\0':
my $numwritten = mvswrite( $fh, $date_str, length($date_str)+1);
print +(($numwritten == (length($date_str)+1)) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#$t numwritten=>$numwritten<=\n" if $DIAG;
print "#$t tries to flush the \$fh\n" if $DIAG;
print +(flush($fh) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#$t attempts to rewind\n" if $DIAG;
print +(rewind($fh) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
my $line;
chop($line = <$fh>);
if ($DIAG) {
print "#$t attempts to compare the line read to =>$date_str<=\n";
if ($GORY) {
print <<"EOGORY0"
#$t attempts to compare the line read
print +($line eq $date_str ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
my $gotname = getname($fh); # e.g. 'PVHP.TEST3355.TEST3355'
my $gotname_name = getname($name); # e.g. 'PVHP.TEST3355.TEST3355'
print "#$t gotname=>$gotname<= and gotname_name '=>'$gotname_name'<=\n" if $DIAG;
print +($gotname eq $gotname_name ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
my $sans_slash = $name; # e.g. //TEST3355.TEST3355
$sans_slash =~ s#\Q//\E##; # e.g. TEST3355.TEST3355
my $hlq = (getpwuid($<))[0]; # e.g. PVHP
print "#$t gotname=>$gotname<= and 'hlq.sans_slash'=>'$hlq.$sans_slash'<=\n" if $DIAG;
print +($gotname eq "'$hlq.$sans_slash'" ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
my $slash_name = '//' . getname($fh); # e.g. //'PVHP.TEST3355.TEST3355'
$slash_name =~ s/$hlq\.//; # e.g. //'TEST3355.TEST3355'
$slash_name =~ s/\'//g; # e.g. //TEST3355.TEST3355
print "#$t slash_name=>$slash_name<= and name=>$name<=\n" if $DIAG;
print +($slash_name eq "$name" ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#$t attempts to close the ds handle\n" if $DIAG;
print +(defined(close($fh)) ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
# unlike other C RTLs we do not have an open() that can be used to access
# data sets hence wrappered to provide a 'mvssysopen'. So we just use the
# regular mvsopen, that is, our wrapper around fopen() (and we don't
# bother with a wrapper for freopen()).
print "#$t attempts to reopen $name for reading\n" if $DIAG;
my $mode = "r";
my $sfh = OS390::Stdio::mvsopen($name, $mode);
print +($sfh ? '' : 'not ($!) '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
$line = '';
read($sfh,$line,24); # e.g. Fri Sep 11 14:35:14 1998
if ($DIAG) {
print "#$t attempts to compare the line read to =>$date_str<=\n";
if ($GORY) {
print <<"EOGORY1"
#$t attempts to compare the line read
print +($line eq $date_str ? '' : 'not '), "ok $t\n"; $t++;
undef $sfh;
print "# alas we can't stat a ds but should be able to sysdsnr it:\n" if $DIAG;
print "#$t sysdsnr(\"$name\") =>",sysdsnr("$name"),"<=\n" if $DIAG;
print +(sysdsnr("$name") ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#$t attempts to remove the data set used for testing\n" if $DIAG;
print +(remove("$name") ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#$t attempts to generate an HFS tmpnam\n" if $DIAG;
my $tmpnam = &OS390::Stdio::tmpnam();
print +($tmpnam ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n";
print "#$t tempnam=>$tmpnam<=\n" if $DIAG; $t++;
my $tmp_name = '//&&TST' . substr($$,0,3);
print "#$t attempts to open a temporary dataset: $tmp_name\n" if $DIAG;
my $tmp_dsh = mvsopen($tmp_name, "w+");
print +($tmp_dsh ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n";
print "#$t tmp_name=>$tmp_name<=\n" if $DIAG; $t++;
print "#$t finds name of temporary dataset\n" if $DIAG;
my $alloc_name = getname($tmp_dsh);
my $tmp_getname = "'$tmp_name'"; $tmp_getname =~ s#\Q//##;
print +(($alloc_name eq $tmp_getname) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n";
print "#$t alloc_name=>$alloc_name<=\n" if $DIAG; $t++;
print "#$t mvswrite 3 records there\n" if $DIAG;
$numwritten = mvswrite($tmp_dsh,
print +(($numwritten == (3*(length($date_str)+1))) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n";
print "#$t numwritten=>$numwritten<=\n" if $DIAG; $t++;
print "#$t flush write\n" if $DIAG;
print +(flush($tmp_dsh) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#$t rewind\n" if $DIAG;
print +(rewind($tmp_dsh) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#$t read\n" if $DIAG;
chomp($line = <$tmp_dsh>);
print +($line eq $date_str ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n";
print "#$t line=>$line<=\n" if $GORY; $t++;
print "#$t checking list context: date_str . linefeed x 2\n" if $DIAG;
my @lines = <$tmp_dsh>;
print +(join('',@lines) eq "$date_str\n" x 2 ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#lines=>\n",map{ "## $_"} @lines,"<=\n" if $DIAG;
print "#$t rewind\n" if $DIAG;
print +(rewind($tmp_dsh) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
chomp($line = <$tmp_dsh>);
print +($line eq $date_str ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n";
print "#$t line=>$line<=\n" if $GORY; $t++;
print "#$t resetpos\n" if $DIAG;
print +(resetpos($tmp_dsh) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
# Grab a new scalar version of the system time for use as a string
# to write in/out of data sets.
my $new_date_str = scalar(localtime(time()));
if ($new_date_str eq $date_str) {
$new_date_str = reverse($new_date_str);
print "#$t mvswrite one record there\n" if $DIAG;
$numwritten = mvswrite($tmp_dsh,$new_date_str,length($new_date_str));
print +(($numwritten == length($new_date_str) ) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n";
print "#$t numwritten=>$numwritten<=\n" if $DIAG; $t++;
print "#$t flush write\n" if $DIAG;
print +(flush($tmp_dsh) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
# we've read a line, resetpos'ed then mvswrote over 2nd line hence
# there should be two lines on a read:
@lines = ();
@lines = <$tmp_dsh>;
print "#$t number of lines -1 in dataset from here =>$#lines<=\n" if $DIAG;
print +(($#lines == 1 ) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#$t rewind\n" if $DIAG;
print +(rewind($tmp_dsh) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#$t forward\n" if $DIAG;
print +(forward($tmp_dsh) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#$t mvswrite one record there\n" if $DIAG;
$numwritten = mvswrite($tmp_dsh,$new_date_str,length($new_date_str));
print +(($numwritten == length($new_date_str) ) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n";
print "#$t numwritten=>$numwritten<=\n" if $DIAG; $t++;
print "#$t flush write\n" if $DIAG;
print +(flush($tmp_dsh) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#$t rewind\n" if $DIAG;
print +(rewind($tmp_dsh) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
@lines = ();
@lines = <$tmp_dsh>;
print "#$t check number of lines -1 in whole dataset =>$#lines<=\n" if $DIAG;
print +(($#lines == 3 ) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "# lines =>\n",map {"## $_"} @lines,"<=\n" if $DIAG;
print "#$t closes (and deallocates) temp dataset\n" if $DIAG;
print +($! ? '' : 'not ($1)'),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
# check to be sure it is gone
print "#$t after closing sysdsnr ing =>$alloc_name<=\n" if $DIAG;
print +(sysdsnr("$alloc_name") ? 'not ' : ''),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
## dynalloc, pds_mem, && dynfree tests
print "#$t attempts to dynalloc a temporary PDS: $gotname\n" if $DIAG;
my $tmp_dynhsh = {(
ddname => "MYDD", # //MYDD DD
dsname => "$gotname", # // DSN=$gotname,
status => 0x04, # // DISP=(NEW,
normdisp => 0x02, # // CATLG,
# normdisp => 0x04, # // DELETE,
# conddisp => 0x04, # // DELETE),
alcunit => '\x01', # // SPACE=(CYL,
primary => 1, # // 1,
dirblk => 1, # // 1),
misc_flags => (0x02|0x08), # // RLSE,CONTIG),
recfm => 0x80 + 0x10, # // RECFM=FB,
lrecl => 80, # // LRECL=80,
blksize => 6080 # // BLKSIZE=6080
print +(dynalloc($tmp_dynhsh) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
my $new_name = $gotname;
$new_name =~ s/'//g;
print "# attempt to write into \"//'$new_name(MEM1)'\"\n" if $DIAG;
my $tfh = OS390::Stdio::mvsopen("//'$new_name(MEM1)'", "w");
$numwritten = mvswrite($tfh,$new_date_str,length($new_date_str));
print "# $numwritten were written into MEM1\n" if $DIAG;
print "# attempt to write into \"//'$new_name(MEM2)'\"\n" if $DIAG;
my $ufh = OS390::Stdio::mvsopen("//'$new_name(MEM2)'","w");
my $numwritten2 = mvswrite($ufh,$new_date_str,length($new_date_str));
print "# $numwritten2 were written into MEM2\n" if $DIAG;
print +((($numwritten + $numwritten2) == 2 * length($new_date_str) ) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#$t attempts to list members with pds_mem(\"//$gotname\")\n" if $DIAG;
my @pds_mem = pds_mem("//$gotname");
my %my_pds = ();
my $pds_tot = 0;
for (sort(@pds_mem)) { $my_pds{$_}++; $pds_tot += $my_pds{$_}; }
print +(defined($my_pds{'MEM1'}) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "# members seen:\n", map {"## $_\n"} @pds_mem if $DIAG;
print "# members defined:\n", map {"## $_ = $my_pds{$_}\n"} sort(keys(%my_pds)) if $DIAG;
print "#$t makes sure list total: $pds_tot is equal to ",scalar(@pds_mem),"\n" if $DIAG;
print +((scalar(@pds_mem) == $pds_tot) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "# check that dsorg in DCB is 'POPDSdir' \n" if $DIAG;
print +(($dcb{'dsorg'} eq "POPDSdir") ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "# dsorg eq $dcb{'dsorg'}\n" if $DIAG;
print "#$t attempts to dynfree a temporary PDS: $gotname\n" if $DIAG;
print +(dynfree($tmp_dynhsh) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#$t verify removal of the data set used for pds_mem,dyn* testing\n" if $DIAG;
print +(sysdsnr("$gotname") ? 'not ' : ''),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
## end dynalloc, pds_mem, && dynfree tests
## svc99, vsam*? tests
print "#$t attempts to svc99 alloc a DS: $new_name\n" if $DIAG;
# Though unlikely this could wrap around at \xFF, but if it did
# that will only truncate the svc99 DSNAME. It's the same
# as pack("C*",$new_name).
my $length = chr(length($new_name));
my $svc99_hr = {(
S99RBLN => 20, # length of request block
S99VERB => 1, # verb for dsname allocation
S99FLAG1 => 16384, # do not use existing allocation
S99TXTPP => # "text" units array ref
[ (
"\0\x02\0\x01\0$length$new_name", # DSN=TEST3355.TEST3355
"\0\x05\0\x01\0\x01\x02", # DISP=(,CATLG)
"\0\x07\0\0", # SPACE=(TRK,...
"\0\x0A\0\x01\0\x03\0\0\x14", # primary=20
"\0\x0B\0\x01\0\x03\0\0\x01", # secondary=1)
"\0\x30\0\x01\0\x02\0\x50", # BLKSIZE=80
"\0\x3C\0\x01\0\x02\0\x40\0", # DSORG=PS
"\0\x42\0\x01\0\x02\0\x50", # LRECL=80
"\0\x49\0\x01\0\x01\x80" # RECFM=F
) ],
if ($GORY) {
for (keys(%$svc99_hr)) {
print "# $_ => $$svc99_hr{$_}\n";
if ($_ eq 'S99TXTPP') {
my @foo;
@foo = @{$svc99_hr->{$_}};
foreach my $bar (@foo) {
print "#\t";
my @buz = split(//,$bar);
foreach my $buz (@buz) {
print ord($buz), " ";
print "\n";
print +(svc99($svc99_hr) ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#$t attempts to remove the data set used for svc99 testing\n" if $DIAG;
print +(remove("//'$new_name'") ? '' : 'not '),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
print "#$t verify removal of the data set used for svc99 testing\n" if $DIAG;
print +(sysdsnr("//'$new_name'") ? 'not ' : ''),"ok $t\n"; $t++;
## end svc99, vsam* tests
print "#t at end =>$t<=\n" if $DIAG;