Makefile.PL used to generate Makefile or descrip.mms file
MANIFEST This file, listing package contents
MANIFEST.SKIP Files to be skipped from distribution package
Pod/ Pod::Dsr module (uses Pod::Parser)
Pod/ Pod::Hlp module
README General instructions
README.runoff Pointers to documentation for RUNOFF and DSR
find.plx Test prototype for pod2hlb re-write && pod2mem
pod2hlp Utility driver script to run Pod::Hlp
pod2hlb Utility driver script to run Pod::Find and pod2hlp
pod2rno.PL Utility driver script to run Pod::Dsr
t/dsr.t Test Pod::Dsr && pod2rno
t/hlp.t Test Pod::Hlp && pod2hlp
t/testpod0.pod source pod file for pod torture test
t/testpod0.dsr dsr torture test reference
t/testpod0.ref hlp torture test reference
t/platin1.pod source pod file for punctuations and Latin-1 test
t/platin1.dsr dsr Latin 1 MCS reference
t/platin1.ref hlp Latin 1 MCS reference
t/finibusi.pod 1st book Cicero's De finibus bonorum et malorum
t/finibusi.dsr dsr De finibus reference
t/finibusi.ref hlp De finibus reference
t/pod2hlb.dsr dsr pod2hlb reference
t/pod2hlb.ref hlp pod2hlb reference
t/pod2hlp.dsr dsr pod2hlp reference
t/pod2hlp.ref hlp pod2hlp reference
t/pod2rno.dsr dsr pod2rno reference
t/pod2rno.ref hlp pod2rno reference