1 pod2hlb
pod2hlb - pod library to VMS help library converter.
edit pod2hlb. perl pod2hlb
This is an extremely simple program that merely converts the
PERL_ROOT:[lib.pod]*.pod files into *.hlp files using the
Pod::Hlp module. It then adds all the resultant .hlp files to a
PERL.HLB library in the DEFAULT directory. You are strongly
encouraged to modify the code to suit your personal preferences
and/or local pod locations.
Since this program invokes the LIBRARIAN it is unlikely to work
on non-VMS systems. For that reason is uses RMS style file
specifications internally.
Copyright (c) 1999 Peter Prymmer. This program may be used under
the same terms as Perl. Peter Prymmer pvhp@best.com 1-MAY-1999.
First released with Pod2Hlp1.00 Aug 19 1996.