use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
our $VERSION = '0.04';
sub register {
my ($self,$app,$rh_conf) = @_;
$app->helper(geocode => sub {
my ($self,$rh_args) = @_;
return { } unless($rh_args->{location});
my $geocoder = Geo::Coder::Google->new(
apiver => 3,
( $rh_args->{country_code} || $rh_conf->{country_code} ?
(gl => $rh_args->{country_code} || $rh_conf->{country_code}) : ()),
language => $rh_args->{language_code} || $rh_conf->{language_code} || 'en',
my $rh_response = $geocoder->geocode(location=> $rh_args->{location});
return $rh_response if($rh_conf->{raw_response} || $rh_conf->{raw_response});
return {
address => $rh_response->{formatted_address},
lat => $rh_response->{geometry}{location}{lat},
lng => $rh_response->{geometry}{location}{lng},
$app->helper(reverse_geocode=> sub {
my ($self,$rh_args) =@_;
return { } unless($rh_args->{latlng});
my $geocoder = Geo::Coder::Google->new(
apiver => 3,
( $rh_args->{country_code} || $rh_conf->{country_code} ?
(gl => $rh_args->{country_code} || $rh_conf->{country_code}) : ()),
language => $rh_args->{language_code} || $rh_conf->{language_code} || 'en',
my $rh_response = $geocoder->reverse_geocode(latlng => $rh_args->{latlng});
return $rh_response if($rh_conf->{raw_response} || $rh_conf->{raw_response});
return {
address => $rh_response->{formatted_address},
lat => $rh_response->{geometry}{location}{lat},
lng => $rh_response->{geometry}{location}{lng},
=head1 GeoCoder
Mojolicious::Plugin::GeoCoder - Plugin for geocoding and reverse geocoding features!
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.04
#Mojolicious lite
plugin 'GeoCoder' => { language_code=> 'es' }; #by default language code 'en'
#or you could do
my $rh_conf = {
language_code => 'en',
encoding => 'latin1' #by default its utf-8
plugin 'GeoCoder' => $rh_conf;
#in controller
my $rh_location = $self->geocode({location=> 'London'});
my $rh_location = $self->reverse_geocode({latlng=> '18.234686,73.446444'});
#to get raw response from geocoder
my $rh_location = $self->geocode({location=> 'London',raw_response => 1 });
#To change language to fr and country to canada only for one request
#Now following will return London from Canada instead of real London from UK
my $rh_location = $self->geocode({location=> 'London',language_code=>'fr',country_code => 'ca' });
#default response
'lat' => '51.5073509',
'address' => 'London, UK',
'lng' => '-0.1277583'
=head1 AUTHOR
Rohit Deshmukh, C<< <raigad1630 at> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Mojolicious::Plugin::GeoCoder
Copyright 2014 Rohit Deshmukh.
1; # End of Mojolicious::Plugin::GeoCoder