#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
#Copyright 1998-1999, Randall Maas. All rights reserved. This program is free
#software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as
#PERL itself.
=head1 NAME
CfgAliases -- a tool to help change you email F</etc/aliases> settings
This is a tool to help modify and keep your F</etc/aliases> file up to date.
=head1 Command Line Parameters
The parameters are a broken down into three categories:
=over 1
=item Specifying groups, users, and people
C<--user>, C<--group>
=item Adding, changing, removing, or retrieving entries
C<--add>, C<--delete>, C<--fetch>, C<--join>, C<--remove>, C<--rename>,
=head2 Specifying Groups, Users, People
=over 1
=item C<--user=>I<NAME>
=item C<--user >I<NAME>
This specifies the user name.
=item C<--group=>I<NAME>
=item C<--group >I<NAME>
This specifies the group name
=head2 Adding, Changing, Removing, or Retrieving Entries.
The following specify how the change various entries. Typically the can not be
intermized on the same command line. (Exceptions are noted).
=over 1
=item C<--add >I<ADDRESS>
=item C<--add=>I<ADDRESS>
This will add the I<ADDRESS> (user, group, etc.) to a mail group. The group
must be specified with the C<--group> option above.
=item C<--delete >I<NAME>
=item C<--delete=>I<NAME>
This will remove the mail alias(es) specified by I<NAME>. It will also remove
from any mail alias(es) (or groups) any member(s) that matches I<NAME>. I<NAME>
may be a regular expression. (Can be used with C<--remove> and C<--rename>).
=item C<--fetch >I<NAME>
=item C<--fetch=>I<NAME>
This will retrieve the list of recipients in the mail group I<NAME>. If I<NAME>
is a regular expression, information will retrieved for every group that matches
the pattern.
=item C<--join>
=item C<--join >I<GROUP>
=item C<--join=>I<GROUP>
=item C<--join >I<GROUP1>,I<GROUP2>,...
=item C<--join=>I<GROUP1>,I<GROUP2>,...
The current or effective user will be added to a mail group(s). If no groups
are specified with this option, it must be specified using the C<--group> option
above. Multiple C<--join>s may be used on a command line.
=item C<--remove >I<NAME>
=item C<--remove=>I<NAME>
Like C<delete> above, this will remove the mail group(s) specified by I<NAME>.
I<NAME> may be a regular expression. (Can be used with C<--delete> and
=item C<--rename> I<NAME-NEW>=I<NAME-OLD>
This will change all of the occurrences or references that match I<NAME-OLD> to
the newer form of I<NAME-NEW>. This may be a group name, and / or members of a
group. This may be a regular expression, similar to;
=item C<--set> I<NAME>=I<MEMBERS>
This will create a mail group called I<NAME> with a set of specified members
(Can be used with C<--delete> and C<--remove>).
=head1 Files
=head1 See Also
L<CfgTie::CfgArgs> for more information on the standard parameters
=head1 Notes
=head2 Author
Randall Maas (L<randym@acm.org>)
local %MyArgs;
my $Prg="CfgAliases";
sub is_tainted {not eval {my @r = join('',@_),kill 0; 1;};}
sub Help
print "CfgAliases allows you to change settings in your /etc/aliases file\n".
"\nUSAGE: CfgAliases [OPTIONS]\n";
print "\nSpecific operations:\n".
"\t --add\tWill add the specified mail addresses to the specified\n".
"\t\t\temail group.\n";
print CfgTie::CfgArgs::Help();
print "\nIn this context, the specified `group' refers to the email group.\n\n";
sub Warranty ()
print "No warranty.\n"
sub Copyright ()
print "$Prg\nCopyright 1998-1999, Randall Maas. All rights reserved. ".
"This program is free\nsoftware; you can redistribute it and/or modify ".
"it under the same terms as PERL itself.\n\n";
sub ParseArgs
my $X = shift;
if (!scalar keys %{$X})
print "Try '$Prg --help' for more information\n";
exit -1;
if (exists $X->{'help'}) {Help;}
if (exists $X->{'copyright'}) {Copyright;}
if (exists $X->{'warranty'}) {Warranty;}
if (exists $X->{'help'}) {exit -1;}
if (CfgTie::CfgArgs::Args_exclusive($X, "join","add","fetch",'rename'))
{exit -1;}
if (CfgTie::CfgArgs::Args_exclusive($X, "join","add","fetch",'remove'))
{exit -1;}
my %Aliases;
if (exists $MyArgs{'file'})
{tie %Aliases, CfgTie::TieAliases,$MyArgs{'file'};}
{tie %Aliases, CfgTie::TieAliases;}
my %Msgs;
my $Lang='english';
$Msgs{'english'} =
EXITING => "Exiting.\n",
GROUP_MISSING => "Group was not specified\n",
USER_NONAME => "Your user id does not have a name.",
USER_BAD_REAL => "Real user id is root. This is not allowed.",
USER_BAD_EFF => "Effective user id is root. This is not allowed, using the real user id.\n",
my $ErrMsgs = $Msgs{$Lang};
my $EAdd =exists $MyArgs{'add'};
my $EJoin=exists $MyArgs{'join'};
sub ScrubAddresses (@)
my @Ret;
foreach my $I (@_)
if ($I =~ /^([\d\w\\\/@!_\-.]+)$/) {$I=$1;}
print "$Prg: Item to add has invalid email address: \"$I\"\n";
if (&is_tainted($I)) {print "$I is tainted\n";}
push @Ret, $I;
# Validate the joining set-up
my (%Users, $Id,@Groups);
if ($EJoin)
$Id = $>;
#We do not intentionally allow a root user
if (!$Id)
print $ErrMsgs->{USER_BAD_EFF};
$Id = $<;
if (!$Id)
print "$Prg: ",$ErrMsgs->{USER_BAD_REAL}," ",
exit -1;
tie %Users, CfgTie::TieUser_id;
if (!exists $Users{$Id} || !exists $Users{$Id}->{'name'})
print "$Prg: ",$ErrMsgs->{USER_NONAME}," ",$ErrMsgs->{EXITING};
return -1;
# Determine the groups that are relevant
if (defined $MyArgs{'join'})
foreach my $I (@{$MyArgs{'join'}})
if (exists $MyArgs{'group'})
push @Groups,$MyArgs{'group'};
if (($EAdd||$EJoin) && (!defined @Groups || !scalar @Groups))
{print $ErrMsgs->{GROUP_MISSING}; exit -1;}
# Fetch anythine now...
if (exists $MyArgs{'fetch'})
foreach my $I (@{$MyArgs{'fetch'}})
if (exists $Aliases{$I})
{print "$I\t",join(", ", @{$Aliases{$I}}),"\n";}
{print "$I\n";}
#Add people to the groups
if ($EAdd || $EJoin)
my @NewMems;
if ($EAdd) {@NewMems =@{$MyArgs{'add'}};}
if ($EJoin)
my $Name = $Users{$Id}->{'name'};
push @NewMems, $Name;
foreach my $G (@Groups)
{(tied %Aliases)->APPEND($G,ScrubAddresses(@NewMems));}
if (exists $MyArgs{'remove'})
my ($N,%R)=(1);
foreach my $L (@{$MyArgs{'remove'}})
{if ($L=~/^([\d\w\-*?{}\[\]_@.]+)$/) {$R{$1}='';};$N++;}
(tied %Aliases)->RENAME(\%R);
if (exists $MyArgs{'rename'})
print "Renaming stuff\n";
(tied %Aliases)->RENAME($MyArgs{'rename'});