#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Module::Husbandry qw( newpm parse_cli );
newpm parse_cli \@ARGV, {
param_count => "1..",
examples => <<'END_EXAMPLES',
%p Foo::Bar ## Create lib/Foo/Bar.pm and t/Foo-Bar.t
%p lib/Foo/Bar.pm ## Create lib/Foo/Bar.pm and t/Foo-Bar.t
%p lib/Foo/Bar.pod ## Create lib/Foo/Bar.pod only
%p Foo::Bar Foo::Bar ## as above, but for multiple modules
description => <<'END_DESCRIPTION',
Creates .pm, .pod and .t files from templates and rebuilds the
Makefile. Does not (yet) update MANIFEST, do that manually.