README for tv
New! Improved! As Seen On TV!!
tv is a command bundled with Test::Verbose that puts an easier, smarter
interface around the ExtUtils testing system.
Aside from easing debugging access (see below), the main use of tv is to
run test scripts in verbose mode, either by naming them or by naming a
source file, like, and letting tv find the appropriate test
scripts to run. This means you can run something like
:!tv %
from your vi flavored editor to test the file your currently editing,
whether it's a test script or a Perl module. (note: gvim, at least,
replaces the % with the path to the current buffer's filename).
It's been many years since I used emacs much, but
M-x eval-expression RET
(defun tv-buffer() (interactive "*") (shell-command (concat "tv " buffer-file-name)))RET
M-x global-set-key
C-x t tv-buffer RET
seems to map the Cx-t command to run the tv command appropriately.
Thanks to Walt Mankowski for helping me figure that out. John Fetkovich
contributes this snippet for .emacs files:
(defun save-and-tv-buffer ()
"Save buffer, then run the tv command on the saved file."
(shell-command (concat "tv " buffer-file-name))
(defun my-cperl-mode-hook ()
(local-set-key "\C-ct" 'save-and-tv-buffer)
(add-hook 'cperl-mode-hook 'my-cperl-mode-hook)
Similarly, you might want to macro-ize the vim solution and keymap it,
and you might want to have either of those solutions save the buffer
first. If you configure other editors to do this sort of thing, please
email a description like the above to .
When passed the name of a perl source module, tv will run it through
podchecker and perl -Ilib -cw $module_name before running the "make
test" for it. The former is to prevent POD errors, the latter gives you
immediate feedback because "make test" can take a while to build blib on
larger distributions. Yes, the -Ilib assumes that you keep all modules
under lib as I do (there are several reasons to do that, tv's just
adding one more :). tv can be patched in the future to make that more
Anyway, tv allows you to run test scripts explicitly:
$ tv t/foo.t # make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 TEST_FILES=t/foo.t
$ tv t/foo.t t/bar.t # make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 "TEST_FILES=t/foo.t t/bar.t"
$ tv t/* # Run all test scripts in t
or based on a module:
$ tv lib/ # Run all t/*.t test scripts for
$ tv lib # Test all modules in lib
When passed a name like *.pm or *.pl, tv looks at the "use" and
"require" lines in the test scripts to figure which to run. If this
scanning is insufficient, it also supports a POD directive in the source
file (, say):
=for test_scripts t/foo.t
and in the test scripts
=for file lib/ # in honk.t lets tv find honk.t
=for package Foo::Baz # in woof.t lets tv find woof.t
# if declares package Foo::Baz
So far there's no way to defeat the scan, either by disabling it or
partially cancelling it out, but that can be added if necessary.
To run things in the debugger:
$ tv -d t/foo.t # turn on the debugger in NonStop mode
$ tv -dd t/foo.t # turn on the debugger and stop (like perl -d)
(the -d is meant to be used in conjuction with $DB::single=1 or your
friendly neighborhood interrupt key, since you usually want to stop in
the code under test, not in the test suite).
If it can't find any tests,
$ tv --ext-utils # Don't use make, use ExtUtils::Command::MM directly
We now return you to your regularly scheduled broadcast.