#!/usr/local/bin/thrperl -w
use Test;
my $threaded_perl;
$threaded_perl =
$] >= "5.008"
&& do {
require Config;
warn "Need a threaded perl to test threaded mode\n"
unless $threaded_perl;
require threads if $threaded_perl;
## Enable variable control over threading.
$XML::Essex::Constants::threading = 1;
# require threads;
# }
# else {
# if ( ! @ARGV && system( "thrperl -e1" ) == 0 ) {
# warn "Running thrperl to test threaded mode\n";
# ## If we're exec()ing, it doesn't matter that this won't see
# ## threads. If we don't end up exec()ing, it still doesn't
# ## matter, since we're not going with threads.
# require XML::Filter::Essex;
# my $libpath = $INC{"XML/Filter/Essex.pm"};
# if ( $libpath ) {
# $libpath =~ s{[\\/]+XML[\\/]+Filter.*[\\/]+Essex\.pm\z}{}i;
# ## NOTE: this is a hack specific to my system. If there
# ## are -I options being passed to the current perl, we
# ## miss them.
# exec "thrperl",
# "-I$libpath",
# }
# else {
# warn "No \%INC found for XML::Filter::Essex!\n";
# warn join ", ", sort keys %INC;
# }
# }
# warn "Need a threaded perl to test threaded mode\n";
# }
use XML::Essex::Constants qw( threaded_essex );
eval "use Test::Differences;1" || eval "sub eq_or_diff { goto &ok }";
@Foo::ISA = qw( XML::Filter::Essex );
sub Foo::main {
"Result Value";
use strict;
my ( $p, $h, $w );
my ( $out, $result );
threads::shared::share( $out ) if $threaded_perl;
sub t {
my @main;
@main = ( Main => shift ) if @_ && ref $_[0] eq "CODE";
my $doc;
$doc = pop if @_ && ref $_[-1] eq "SCALAR";
my %opts = @_;
$h = XML::Filter::Essex->new( @main, %opts );
$out = undef;
$h->set_handler( XML::SAX::Writer->new( Output => \$out ) )
unless $opts{Handler};
$result = undef;
if ( defined $doc ) {
$p = XML::SAX::PurePerl->new( Handler => $h );
$result = $p->parse_string( $$doc );
else {
$result = $h->execute;
return defined $out ? $out : $result;
my @tests = (
sub {
ok 1,
sub {
ok t( sub { 1 }, \"<foo/>" ), 1;
sub {
ok t(
sub {
# put() returns the result of end_doc(), which X::H::Essex
# returns to $p, which $p returns to t().
start_elt( "foo", { "a" => 1 } ),
end_elt( "foo" ),
), qr{\A<foo\s*a=['"]1['"]\s*/>\z};
sub { ok $result, \$out }, ## X:S:W returns the scalar ref
# Several basic get/put loops
sub {
ok t(
# put()'s return is ignored, as an EOD exception gets thrown
# and the end_document result is picked up from the
# :X:G:Essex by X:H:Essex.
sub {
put get while 1;
), qr{\A<foo\s*/>\z};
# Doesn't yet work under threading because X:Handler::E::_r_share()
# can't detect if something's already shared.
#sub { ok $result, \$out },
sub {
ok t(
sub {
put while get;
), qr{\A<foo\s*/>\z};
#sub { ok $result, \$out },
sub {
ok t(
sub {
put get until isa "end_doc";
), qr{\A<foo\s*/>\z};
#sub { ok $result, \$out },
sub {
ok t(
sub {
while (1) {
return put if isa "end_doc";
), qr{\A<foo\s*/>\z};
# put()
sub {
ok t(
sub {
put start_doc, [ foo => { a => "b" }, "bar" ], end_doc;
), qr{<foo a=["']b["']>bar</foo>};
# put()'s missing end_element insertion
sub {
ok t(
sub {
put start_doc, start_elt( "foo" ), end_elt, end_doc;
), qr{<foo\s*/>};
# path()
sub {
eq_or_diff t(
sub {
put start_doc, start_elt( "out" ), "\n";
while (1) {
put "$_", path, "\n" if isa "start_elt";
last if isa "end_doc";
put end_elt, "\n", end_doc;
#sub { ok $result, \$out },
plan tests => 2*@tests;
$XML::Essex::Constants::threading = 0;
$_->() for @tests;
$XML::Essex::Constants::threading = 1;
$_->() for @tests;