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<h2>Robert Buels</h2>
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<h2>NESCent, Durham, NC</h2>
<h3>March 5-7, 2011</h3>
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<h1>What is DBIx::Class?</h1>
<li>Object-relational mapping framework for Perl 5</li>
<li>is now the de-facto standard</li>
<li>very powerful query builder</li>
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<h1>What is DBIx::Class?</h1>
<li>query building &#40;the magic of chainable ResultSets&#41;</li>
<li>cross-database deployment &#40;using <tt>SQL::Translator</tt> in the backend&#41;</li>
<li>lots and lots of plugins availabe &#40;dates, testing, ...&#41;</li>
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<h1>Data Model</h1>
<li>a set of classes</li>
<li>encapsulate the underlying storage</li>
<li>providing a nicer, maintainable API for working with the data</li>
This isn&#39;t really middleware, it&#39;s a code library.
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<h1>And therefore, Bio::Chado::Schema</h1>
<h2>As of 0.08: 205 Perl 5 classes</h2>
<li>every table and view, every module</li>
<li>Chado docs mirrored in the POD</li>
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<h1>And therefore, Bio::Chado::Schema</h1>
<h2>As of 0.08: 205 Perl 5 classes</h2>
<li>every table and view, every module</li>
<li>Chado docs mirrored in the POD</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">&#40; So why do we need this? &#41;
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<h1>Chado needs encapsulation</h1>
<h2>Chado's design makes for:</h2>
<li>complex queries</li>
<li>steep learning curve</li>
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<h1>Chado needs encapsulation</h1>
<h2>complex queries</h2>
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<h1>Chado needs encapsulation</h1>
<h2>steep learning curve</h2>
<li>codifying best practices</li>
<li>unified, high-level documentation</li>
<li>can help with database administration</li>
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<h1>BCS Usage</h1>
<li>open the schema. &#40; actual DB connection is deferred &#41;</li>
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<h1>BCS Usage</h1>
<li>open the schema. &#40; actual DB connection is deferred &#41;</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">my $chado = Bio::Chado::Schema-&gt;connect&#40; &#39;dbi:Pg:...&#39;, $user, $pass &#41;;
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<h1>BCS Usage</h1>
<li>open the schema. &#40; actual DB connection is deferred &#41;</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">my $chado = Bio::Chado::Schema-&gt;connect&#40; &#39;dbi:Pg:...&#39;, $user, $pass &#41;;
<li>get a ResultSet object representing a set of Rows</li>
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<h1>BCS Usage</h1>
<li>open the schema. &#40; actual DB connection is deferred &#41;</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">my $chado = Bio::Chado::Schema-&gt;connect&#40; &#39;dbi:Pg:...&#39;, $user, $pass &#41;;
<li>get a ResultSet object representing a set of Rows</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">$chado-&gt;resultset&#40;&#39;Sequence::Feature&#39;&#41;;
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<div class="slide">
<h1>BCS Usage</h1>
<li>open the schema. &#40; actual DB connection is deferred &#41;</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">my $chado = Bio::Chado::Schema-&gt;connect&#40; &#39;dbi:Pg:...&#39;, $user, $pass &#41;;
<li>get a ResultSet object representing a set of Rows</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">$chado-&gt;resultset&#40;&#39;Sequence::Feature&#39;&#41;;
-&gt;search&#40;{ name =&gt; &#39;something&#39; }&#41;;
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<h1>BCS Usage</h1>
<li>open the schema. &#40; actual DB connection is deferred &#41;</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">my $chado = Bio::Chado::Schema-&gt;connect&#40; &#39;dbi:Pg:...&#39;, $user, $pass &#41;;
<li>get a ResultSet object representing a set of Rows</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">$chado-&gt;resultset&#40;&#39;Sequence::Feature&#39;&#41;;
-&gt;search&#40;{ name =&gt; &#39;something&#39; }&#41;;
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<div class="slide">
<h1>BCS Usage</h1>
<li>open the schema. &#40; actual DB connection is deferred &#41;</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">my $chado = Bio::Chado::Schema-&gt;connect&#40; &#39;dbi:Pg:...&#39;, $user, $pass &#41;;
<li>get a ResultSet object representing a set of Rows</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">$chado-&gt;resultset&#40;&#39;Sequence::Feature&#39;&#41;;
-&gt;search&#40;{ name =&gt; &#39;something&#39; }&#41;;
<li>get an actual data object</li>
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<div class="slide">
<h1>BCS Usage</h1>
<li>open the schema. &#40; actual DB connection is deferred &#41;</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">my $chado = Bio::Chado::Schema-&gt;connect&#40; &#39;dbi:Pg:...&#39;, $user, $pass &#41;;
<li>get a ResultSet object representing a set of Rows</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">$chado-&gt;resultset&#40;&#39;Sequence::Feature&#39;&#41;;
-&gt;search&#40;{ name =&gt; &#39;something&#39; }&#41;;
<li>get an actual data object</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">$chado-&gt;resultset&#40;&#39;Sequence::Feature&#39;&#41;
-&gt;find&#40; 232432 &#41;;
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<h1>BCS Usage</h1>
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<h1>BCS Usage</h1>
<li>iterate over the actual data in a set</li>
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<h1>BCS Usage</h1>
<li>iterate over the actual data in a set</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">my $stuff = $chado-&gt;blahblahblah;
while&#40; my $row = $stuff-&gt;next &#41; {
# do something
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<div class="slide">
<h1>BCS Usage</h1>
<li>iterate over the actual data in a set</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">my $stuff = $chado-&gt;blahblahblah;
while&#40; my $row = $stuff-&gt;next &#41; {
# do something
<li>traverse relationships</li>
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<div class="slide">
<h1>BCS Usage</h1>
<li>iterate over the actual data in a set</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">my $stuff = $chado-&gt;blahblahblah;
while&#40; my $row = $stuff-&gt;next &#41; {
# do something
<li>traverse relationships</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">say $some_feature-&gt;type-&gt;name;
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<h1>BCS Usage: Joined Select</h1>
<pre class="formatter_pre"># get features via the potato organism, also joining in the cvterms table
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<h1>BCS Usage: Joined Select</h1>
<pre class="formatter_pre"># get features via the potato organism, also joining in the cvterms table
my $potato_bacs =
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<h1>BCS Usage: Joined Select</h1>
<pre class="formatter_pre"># get features via the potato organism, also joining in the cvterms table
my $potato_bacs =
-&gt;search&#40;{ species =&gt; &#39;Solanum tuberosum&#39; }&#41;
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<h1>BCS Usage: Joined Select</h1>
<pre class="formatter_pre"># get features via the potato organism, also joining in the cvterms table
my $potato_bacs =
-&gt;search&#40;{ species =&gt; &#39;Solanum tuberosum&#39; }&#41;
-&gt;search_related&#40; &#39;features&#39;,
{ &#39;type.name&#39; =&gt; &#39;BAC_clone&#39;},
{ &#39;join&#39; =&gt; &#39;type&#39; },
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<h1>BCS Usage: Joined Select</h1>
<pre class="formatter_pre"># the equivalent bare SQL
my $potato_bacs = $dbh-&gt;selectall_arrayref&#40; &lt;&lt;EOS, undef, &#39;Solanum tuberosum&#39;, &#39;BAC_clone&#39;&#41;;
SELECT features.feature_id
, features.dbxref_id
, features.organism_id
, features.name
, features.uniquename
, features.residues
, features.seqlen
, features.md5checksum
, features.type_id
, features.is_analysis
, features.is_obsolete
, features.timeaccessioned
, features.timelastmodified
FROM organism me
LEFT JOIN feature features
ON features.organism_id = me.organism_id
JOIN cvterm type
ON type.cvterm_id = features.type_id
WHERE type.name = &#39;BAC_clone&#39; AND species = &#39;Solanum tuberosum&#39;
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<h1>BCS Usage: Loading</h1>
<pre class="formatter_pre">$chado-&gt;resultset&#40; &#39;Cv::Cv&#39; &#41;
-&gt;find_or_create&#40;{ name =&gt; &#39;My Fake Ontology&#39; }&#41;
-&gt;create_related&#40; &#39;cvterm&#39;,
{ name =&gt; &#39;MyFakeTerm&#39; }&#41;;
makes the SQL:
<pre class="formatter_pre">SELECT me.cv_id
, me.name
, me.definition
FROM cv me
WHERE &#40; me.name = &#39;my fake ontology&#39; &#41;
INSERT INTO cv &#40; name &#41;
VALUES &#40; ? &#41;
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<h1>BCS Usage: Transactions</h1>
<pre class="formatter_pre">$chado-&gt;txn_do&#40;sub {
-&gt;find_or_create&#40;{ name =&gt; &#39;My Fake Ontology&#39; }&#41;
-&gt;create_related&#40; &#39;cvterm&#39;, { name =&gt; &#39;MyFakeTerm&#39; } &#41;;
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<h1>The Real Advantages of DBIC</h1>
<li>easier to manipulate and assemble queries</li>
<li>Don&#39;t Repeat Yourself</li>
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<h1>The Real Advantages of DBIC</h1>
<li>it&#39;s all objects. you can delegate to them, pass them around, etc.</li>
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<h1>The Real Advantages of DBIC</h1>
<li>it&#39;s all objects. you can delegate to them, pass them around, etc.</li>
<li>usually you don&#39;t want to subclass them</li>
<li>but, see <tt>DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook</tt></li>
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<h1>The Real Advantages of DBIC</h1>
<li>complex joined queries &#40;Chado queries&#41; are very easy and compact</li>
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<h1>The Real Advantages of DBIC</h1>
<li>SQL syntax errors are much more difficult to make</li>
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<h1>Using DBIC with your own tables</h1>
<li>use <tt>DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader</tt> to dump a whole set</li>
<li>make your own definitions</li>
<li>your table: other_thing, foreign key feature_id to Chado feature table</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">
package My::DBIC:::Layer::OtherThing;
use base &#39;DBIx::Class::Core&#39;;
&#39;other_thing_id&#39; =&gt; { ... },
&#39;name&#39; =&gt; { ... },
&#39;definition&#39; =&gt; { ... },
&#39;feature_id&#39; =&gt; { ... },
__PACKAGE__-&gt;add_unique_constraint&#40;&#39;ot_c1&#39;, [&#39;name&#39;]&#41;;
{ &#39;foreign.feature_id&#39; =&gt; &#39;self.feature_id&#39; },
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<h1>"Duct tape" your own schema onto BCS</h1>
<li>make an accessor &#39;other_things&#39; that ties your own DBIC class to BCS</li>
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<h1>"Duct tape" your own schema onto BCS</h1>
<li>make an accessor &#39;other_things&#39; that ties your own DBIC class to BCS</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">
{ &#39;foreign.feature_id&#39; =&gt; &#39;self.feature_id&#39; },
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<div class="slide">
<h1>"Duct tape" your own schema onto BCS</h1>
<li>make an accessor &#39;other_things&#39; that ties your own DBIC class to BCS</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">
{ &#39;foreign.feature_id&#39; =&gt; &#39;self.feature_id&#39; },
<li>add it to the BCS schema dynamically</li>
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<div class="slide">
<h1>"Duct tape" your own schema onto BCS</h1>
<li>make an accessor &#39;other_things&#39; that ties your own DBIC class to BCS</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">
{ &#39;foreign.feature_id&#39; =&gt; &#39;self.feature_id&#39; },
<li>add it to the BCS schema dynamically</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">Bio::Chado::Schema-&gt;register_source&#40;&#39;OtherThing&#39;, &#39;My::DBIC::Layer::OtherThing&#39;&#41;;
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<div class="slide">
<h1>"Duct tape" your own schema onto BCS</h1>
<li>make an accessor &#39;other_things&#39; that ties your own DBIC class to BCS</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">
{ &#39;foreign.feature_id&#39; =&gt; &#39;self.feature_id&#39; },
<li>add it to the BCS schema dynamically</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">Bio::Chado::Schema-&gt;register_source&#40;&#39;OtherThing&#39;, &#39;My::DBIC::Layer::OtherThing&#39;&#41;;
<li>use it with the rest</li>
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<h1>"Duct tape" your own schema onto BCS</h1>
<li>make an accessor &#39;other_things&#39; that ties your own DBIC class to BCS</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">
{ &#39;foreign.feature_id&#39; =&gt; &#39;self.feature_id&#39; },
<li>add it to the BCS schema dynamically</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">Bio::Chado::Schema-&gt;register_source&#40;&#39;OtherThing&#39;, &#39;My::DBIC::Layer::OtherThing&#39;&#41;;
<li>use it with the rest</li>
<pre class="formatter_pre">$chado-&gt;resultset&#40;&#39;Sequence::Feature&#39;&#41;-&gt;other_things;
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<h1>Making a composite schema</h1>
<pre class="formatter_pre">package My::Schema;
# load our own classes
result_namespace =&gt; &#39;+Bio::Chado::Schema::Result&#39;,
resultset_namespace =&gt; &#39;+Bio::Chado::Schema::ResultSet&#39;,
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<h1>Development Roadmap</h1>
<li>continue to fill in many_to_many rels as needed</li>
<li>continue to add more &#40;generic!&#41; convenience methods</li>
<li>automate more common querying and loading patterns</li>
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<li>Jonathan Leto &#40;SGN&#41;</li>
<li>Aure Bombarely &#40;SGN&#41;</li>
<li>Naama Menda &#40;SGN&#41;</li>
<li>Siddhartha Basu &#40;dictybase&#41;</li>
<li>Lukas Mueller &#40;SGN&#41;</li>
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