##gff-version 3
# test gff3 below is malformed, with two differently-typed lines with the same ID
XIII protein_coding gene 229734 230813 . - . ID=YML021C;Name=UNG1;Name=YML021C
XIII protein_coding mRNA 229734 230813 . - . ID=YML021C;Name=UNG1;Parent=YML021C
XIII protein_coding start_codon 230811 230813 . - 0 ID=start_codon:YML021C:1;Parent=YML021C
XIII protein_coding exon 229734 230813 . - . ID=exon:YML021C:1;Parent=YML021C
XIII protein_coding CDS 229734 230813 . - 0 ID=CDS:YML021C:1;Parent=YML021C
XIII protein_coding stop_codon 229734 229736 . - 0 ID=stop_codon:YML021C:1;Parent=YML021C